proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB809

Title: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized.

Description: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 5, 2025

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2nd Amendment Action Day Rally News Coverage Around the State :: 05/18/2015

Annual gun rights rally draws hundreds to Pa. Capitol -HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A few hundred gun rights activists brought their message to what has become an annual event at the state Capitol, urging lawmakers on Tuesday to protect their right to keep and own firearms and to widen legal protections.

The crowd at the Second Amendment Action Day reacted strongly to warnings about threats to gun rights, as speakers peppered their remarks with references to northeastern states, President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"I feel that they're trying to Gun Rights Rallytake my gun rights away from us," said Harry Norton, a retired over-the-road trucker from New Brighton. "I'm here to kind of protect that."Rich Bishop, left, of Wilmington, Del., attends the 10th annual Second<br />Amendment Action Day rally on the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, in Harrisburg. (AP Photo/Marc Levy)

Kim Stolfer, with Firearm Owners Against Crime, called gun control an abridgment of freedom that makes people less safe. He said some local leaders need to be replaced.

"Some need to go to jail," Stolfer said. "The law is the law."

Rally participants fanned out across the Capitol to make the case directly to state lawmakers, several dozen of whom joined them during the hourlong rally.

Sen. Camera Bartolotta, R-Washington, described her own proposal to eliminate the states' instant background check for gun purchases, leaving only the federal check system.

"Sometimes the whole system crashes and we are left without the ability to exercise our Second Amendment right," Bartolotta said.

The Second Amendment is not in danger in Pennsylvania, argued Shira Goodman, executive director of CeaseFirePA, a group working to reduce gun violence.

"We are concerned that this drGun Rights Rallyaws such a crowd of people and so many representatives try and make an appearance, when really they could be spending this time working on things that actually make us safer," Goodman said in a phone interview.

CeaseFirePA wants to expand background checks for handgun purchases so they are also required for long guns and supports the reporting of lost and stolen guns.2nd Amendment Rally at the Capitol

Rep. Rick Saccone, R-Allegheny told the crowd it amounted to missionaries for freedom, in opposition to "minions" lurking the Capitol.

"They are there, living in darkness," Saccone said. "Shackled by their desire to disarm us. ... We'll never let them win."

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, referred to the May 3 shooting of two would-be terrorists at a conference center in suburban Dallas.

"Hey Islam, this is America, not France," Pratt said.

Connie Moniot, who came to the rally from her home in Butler, held up a sign that read: "OUR GUNS TODAY/OUR BIBLE NEXT."

 (The two pictures above demonstrate how the media

mischaracterizes gun owners by showing the most controversial firearm!

Ironically, the individual above with the Tavor rifle

is not even a resident of PA)

Beaver County Sportsmen's Conservation League Message to Sportsmen

We wish to extend a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that went Harrisburg, PA  and helped make a difference for the protection of our future freedoms for all by your actions to support the cause, we are all so passionate about.

Without your personal involvement these events would not be possible & they will never win, as long as we care enough to fight for the right!

Starting in 2010 Beaver County Sportsmen’s Conservation League sponsored its’ first bus to Harrisburg, PA. By 2013 with the help of a number of other clubs, the League organized three buses to the rally. And then in 2015 this similar group of clubs, the Beaver County Sportsmen’s Conservation League represents over 14 clubs and 11,000 Firearms owners in Beaver County not counting Firearm Owners Against Crime and all their membership.

(ed. note: The Beaver County Sportsmen's Conservation League is the MOST active Sportsmen's League in the state and has consistently provided a 'huge' number of participants to the 2nd Amendment Rally over the years this includes better participation than most statewide groups and 'all' the national groups.  We have 66 other Counties in PA wherein those County Sportsmen's Leagues should use the example of the BCSCL as to what can be done through dedication and hard work and FOAC salutes Tony Rich, Bob Oles, Craig Holdren and Sam Piccinini as well as all the other officers and gun owners who work tirelessly to defend the Right to Keep and Bear Arms!)


PA Gun Rights Rally

A few hundred gun rights activists brought their message to what has become an annual event at the Pennsylvania Capitol, urging lawmakers on Tuesday to protect their right to keep and own firearms and to widen legal protections.Annual gun rights rally draws hundreds to Pa. Capitol

The crowd at the Second Amendment Action Day reacted strongly to warnings about threats to gun rights, as speakers peppered their remarks with references to northeastern states, President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

rally 12.jpeg"I feel that they're trying to take my gun rights away from us," said Harry Norton, a retired over-the-road trucker from New Brighton. "I'm here to kind of protect that."

Kim Stolfer, with Firearm Owners Against Crime, called gun control an abridgment of freedom that makes people less safe. He said some local leaders need to be replaced.

"Some need to go to jail," Stolfer said. "The law is the law."

Rally participants fanned out across the Capitol to make the case directly to state lawmakers, several dozen of whom joined them during the hourlong rally.

Sen. Camera Bartolotta, R-Washington, described her own proposal to eliminate the states' instant background check for gun purchases, leaving only the federal check system.

"Sometimes the whole system crashes and we are left without the ability to exercise our Second Amendment right," Bartolotta said.

The Second Amendment is not in danger in Pennsylvania, argued Shira Goodman, executive director of CeaseFirePA, a group working to reduce gun violence.

"We are concerned that this draws such a crowd of people and so many representatives try and make an appearance, when really they could be spending this time working on things that actually make us safer," Goodman said in a phone interview.

CeaseFirePA wants to expand background checks for handgun purchases so they are also required for long guns and supports the reporting of lost and stolen guns.

Rep. Rick Saccone, R-Allegheny told the crowd it amounted to missionaries for freedom, in opposition to "minions" lurking the Capitol.

"They are there, living in darkness," Saccone said. "Shackled by their desire to disarm us. ... We'll never let them win."

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, referred to the May 3 shooting of two would-be terrorists at a conference center in suburban Dallas.

"Hey Islam, this is America, not France," Pratt said.

Connie Moniot, who came to the rally from her home in Butler, held up a sign that read: "OUR GUNS TODAY/OUR BIBLE NEXT." Gun Rights Rally Draws Hundreds to Pennsylvania Capitol

Pennsylvania lawmakers are hearing from hundreds of gun rights activists in what's become an annual Harrisburg event.

Speakers at the Second Amendment Action Day outside the state Capitol on Tuesday exhorted attendees to fight for their right to own and keep firearms.

The rally participants are fanning out across the building to make the case directly to state lawmakers. Several dozen state representatives and senators joined them on the front steps.

This is the 10th year for the event, which is organized by Rep. Daryl Metcalfe. The Butler County Republican is among the Legislature's most ardent advocates for the rights of gun owners.

A spokeswoman for the anti-gun violence group CeaseFirePA says they'd rather the attendees and lawmakers were working on things the group feels would actually improve public safety.


'We'll never let them win!': 2nd Amendment advocates rally at Capitol

Hundreds turned out for the 10th Annual Second Amendment Rally was held at the Capitol in downtown Harrisburg on Tuesday.

Lawmakers, gun rights advocates and community leaders more spoke to a crowd on the Capitol steps. Those that attended the rally waved American flags, openly carried their guns and made signs for the event.

SEE: 'Our guns today, our Bible next' and more signs at 2nd Amendment Rally'

READ: Armed and peaceful: Hundreds rally in Harrisburg to support Second Amendment rights

The above video shows portions of the rally mixed with speeches by Kim Stolfer, with Firearm Owners Against Crime, and Rep. Rick Saccone, R-Allegheny. 

More updates on the rally will be posted soon. Keep checking Pennlive's Politics Page for more information.

Annual gun rights rally draws hundreds to Pa. Capitol

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A few hundred gun rights activists brought their message to what has become an annual event at the state Capitol, urging lawmakers on Tuesday to protect their right to keep and own firearms and to widen legal protections.

The crowd at the Second Amendment Action Day reacted strongly to warnings about threats to gun rights, as speakers peppered their remarks with references to northeastern states, President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"I feel that they're trying to take my gun rights away from us," said Harry Norton, a retired over-the-road trucker from New Brighton. "I'm here to kind of protect that."

Kim Stolfer, with Firearm Owners Against Crime, called gun control an abridgment of freedom that makes people less safe. He said some local leaders need to be replaced.

"Some need to go to jail," Stolfer said. "The law is the law."

Rally participants fanned out across the Capitol to make the case directly to state lawmakers, several dozen of whom joined them during the hourlong rally.

Sen. Camera Bartolotta, R-Washington, described her own proposal to eliminate the states' instant background check for gun purchases, leaving only the federal check system.

"Sometimes the whole system crashes and we are left without the ability to exercise our Second Amendment right," Bartolotta said.

The Second Amendment is not in danger in Pennsylvania, argued Shira Goodman, executive director of CeaseFirePA, a group working to reduce gun violence.

"We are concerned that this draws such a crowd of people and so many representatives try and make an appearance, when really they could be spending this time working on things that actually make us safer," Goodman said in a phone interview.

CeaseFirePA wants to expand background checks for handgun purchases so they are also required for long guns and supports the reporting of lost and stolen guns.

Rep. Rick Saccone, R-Allegheny told the crowd it amounted to missionaries for freedom, in opposition to "minions" lurking the Capitol.

"They are there, living in darkness," Saccone said. "Shackled by their desire to disarm us. ... We'll never let them win."

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, referred to the May 3 shooting of two would-be terrorists at a conference center in suburban Dallas.

"Hey Islam, this is America, not France," Pratt said.

Connie Moniot, who came to the rally from her home in Butler, held up a sign that read: "OUR GUNS TODAY/OUR BIBLE NEXT."