proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB319

Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.

Description: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions. ...

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Last Action Date: Jan 24, 2025

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And This Is Why We'll Continue Shooting Violent Criminals Like Trayvon Martin :: 02/27/2015

If you want to quickly understand why we seem to be seeing more young criminals shot by citizens and police in recent years, you need look no further than those in positions of influence who celebrate and lionize criminality, instead of condemning it.

Indeed, cottage thought industries have group up around the practice of creating fantasy worlds—alternate realities—in which violent criminals are remade into innocent victims to be exploited for political influence and monetary gain.

Among the violent offenders these exploiters have attempted to martyr is drug-abusing, gun-dealing, street-fighting attempted murderer Trayvon Martin.

According to Rachel Jeantel, the last person to speak to Trayvon Martin before his attack, Martin thought that the short, doughy Zimmerman might be a gay man attempting to hustle up a date. If this is correct, Trayvon Martin’s attack on George Zimmerman was an attempted gay bashing. If Martin attacked Zimmerman for merely following him, not recognizing him in the neighborhood that had experienced a rash of robberies, that is no more excusable.

The facts are that Zimmerman lost sight of Trayvon Martin, and stopped trying to find him after the dispatcher told him “we don’t need yo to do that.”

4 1/2 minutes later, as Zimmerman was walking back to his truck, Trayvon Martin emerged from his hiding place when he had been watching Zimmerman, came up behind him, and initiated the confrontation by saying, “What you followin’ me fo?”

He then attempted to beat George Zimmerman to death.

That criminal action, which put a man’s life in immediate mortal danger, clearly warranted a deadly force response.

But instead of attempting to explain why George Zimmerman was clearly right to defend his life under basic self-defense laws, we hear raging idiocy like this.

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry said during an address at Cornell University this week that she hopes 17-year-old Trayvon Martin “whooped the s–t” out of gunman George Zimmerman during their fatal encounter in 2012.

Harris-Perry’s speech, titled “We Can’t Breathe: The Continuing Consequences of Inequality,” was delivered during the university’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Lecture.

She said the following of Martin’s death: “I hope [Martin] tried to stay alive. I hope he knew that he lived in a state with a ‘Stand Your Ground’ law.’”

Harris-Perry claims to be an academic, but instead of logic and reason she spreads conspiracy theories, racial hatred, and legal ignorance.

We could do a thorough legal fisking of her wayward legal analysis, but it would serve little to no point. She simply doesn’t care that you don’t have a legal right to attack another human being for following you in public. Legality matters little to her, or those like her. She’s only interested in creating and promulgating the victimhood fantasy that gives her power and influence, by selling convenient fictions to a culture that doesn’t want to address the very real problem of criminal violence in minority culture in movies, music, and on the street.

It’s a heck of a lot easier to sell a false victim narrative than it is to take responsibility for failed families, failed political ideologies, and rampant criminal behavior.

It’s a lot easier to manufacture a “white Hispanic” police wannabe out of a tri-racial neighborhood watch volunteer, than it is to admit that the community had to form a neighborhood watch in the first place because of the rash of crimes committed by other young criminals like Trayvon Martin.

It’s so, so much easier to cast blame, than it is to accept responsibility. And so this is what Melissa Harris-Perry does, instead of helping change a violent subculture that disproportionately victimizes other minorities.

This sort of celebration of criminal behavior by Harris-Perry and others like her will only inspire and reinforce the beliefs of other feral youths that their violent behavior is not just acceptable, but laudable.

Sadly, law enforcement officers and regular citizens alike will be forced to react to that increasingly brazen and mindless violence.

Sadly, that will mean more violent youths are justifiably killed in self-defense.

The exploiters and enablers will then attempt to rehabilitate that next violent offender into a “victim,” as they line their pockets.

And the cycle will continue.