proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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Another day, another assault on liberty :: 01/01/2016

The gun grabber faction of Congress has embarked on yet another assault on liberty and the 2nd Amendment, filing a bill called the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015” (H.R. 4269) in the House. It was initiated by Rep. David Cicilline (Communist-R.I.) with some 126 listed co-conspirators, all communists listed as Democrats.


The bill does not even hide the fact that it is a direct assault on the 2nd Amendment. The first line of the bill reads, “To regulate assault weapons, to ensure the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and other purposes (emphasis added).” The “other purposes” are to begin an overt assault on lawful gun owners as a first step to remove from them their right to possess any and all weapons for self-defense and sporting purposes.

The bill lists more than 160 rifles, shotguns and pistols that are banned under the bill. The common denominator in them is that the guns look scary to some people, are semi-automatic, may have features that make them easier to handle and have the ability to accept what the cabal has decided are “large capacity magazines,” which equates to anything more than 10. The banned weapons are less powerful than many weapons listed specifically in the bill as not banned.

The term “assault weapon” is a nebulous and meaningless term in reality. It’s a code word applied to a class of weapons that simply look and function a certain way. They are not used to “assault” people any more than other weapons, and are in fact used to commit murder less often than less expensive weapons and even hands and feet, knives and blunt objects.

According to the FBI, rifles of all types were used to commit only 285 murders in 2013 (down from 351 in 2009), and so-called “assault weapons” are just a small subset of rifles generally.

The previous assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004, had no effect on crime. From the 1997 study on the assault weapons ban by the National Institute of Justice:

Using a variety of national and local data sources, we found no statistical evidence of post-ban decreases in either the number of victims per gun homicide incident, the number of gunshot wounds per victim, or the proportion of gunshot victims with multiple wounds. Nor did we find assault weapons to be overrepresented in a sample of mass murders involving guns.

In 2004, the NIJ revisited the gun ban. It concluded:

Should it be renewed, the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement. AWs were rarely used in gun crimes even before the ban. [i]

Under normal circumstances one could assume that a Republican-controlled House and Senate would relegate a gun ban bill of any type to file 13, where it belongs –especially one as overreaching as this.

But given Speaker Paul Ryan’s (Fascist-Wis.) and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (Fascist-Ky.) penchant for supporting President Barack Obama’s liberty-stealing, big-government, progressive legislation, nothing can be ruled out until the bill is dead, dead, dead. Meanwhile, the undocumented usurper currently despoiling the People’s House has promised to embark on another gun grab of his own, attempting to write new 2nd Amendment-infringing legislation with his executive pen in what would be yet another unconstitutional power grab.

But if the confiscators are somehow able to get a new weapons ban passed, a revolution is likely to ensue. And it would not be bloodless. Rest assured that being a confiscator would be an especially dangerous and short-lived occupation.

Americans are buying weapons and ammunition in record numbers (Obama will go down as the greatest weapons salesman of all time — both to Americans and Islamists). And polls show 54 percent of Americans oppose a ban, especially while the regime is arming ISIS terrorists and inviting them into America through the front door it has propped open.

And here are a few numbers for you to chew on. There were 8,454 people killed with firearms in 2013 (the last year for which figures are available). Assuming one murderer per murder committed, this legislation is designed to apply to 0.0026 percent of the population (or 8,454 people out of a country of 321.7 million). Breaking that down even further, assuming one murderer for each murder committed with a rifle, and that only rifles falling under the proposed gun ban were used in those murders, the legislation is designed to apply to only 0.00008 percent of the population. Or in other words, more than 321,738,000 Americans did not commit murder with a weapon on the ban list, had no intention of doing so and never will.

The regime’s intent is total disarmament of the citizens. A disarmed citizenry is a dependent one. A dependent citizenry is a frightened one. A frightened citizenry is easier to control.

“Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns,” by Glenn Beck, page 44.