PA Bill Number: SB443
Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.
Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

Blast away with both barrels, because everybody knows a 12 gauge shotgun is easier to handle than an AR platform rifle! :: 02/21/2013
Joe Biden--home defense expert? (From GunsAmerica blog)
The word on the street lately is, "don't worry they won't be able to pass anything." But yet, if you watch this video of VP Joe Biden, which is dated February 19th, only a couple days ago, he is still out there hard charging against AR-15s. This time he is giving us all advice for home defense, that we should arm our wives with a double barrel 12 gauge shotgun, "in case there is a problem," and that said wife should shoot both barrels out the back door as a precautionary warning measure, just in case. It is a good thing his wife has never been stalked by someone sitting in his back yard with an AR-15, because after she disarmed herself and endangered her neighbors by foolishly taking Joe's advice, she would have been a sitting duck.
What a nut job this guy is, but he is clearly trying to pander to the "mommy" voters, who, since the Sandy Hook crisis began, have for the most part being walking in lock step behind the anti-gunners. .
Now, I'm quite sure that Joe already had a private security detail long before the taxpayer funded Secret Service protection he now bilks us for, so the story is most likely a complete fabrication. The argument over shotgun vs. AR-15 is semantics, but it does show that the anti-gunners are going to attack this issue from every angle that they can, even trying to convince a Prozac infused America that they are in fact on the side of the people, with proper instructions as to how to protect your home. Here on GunsAmerica we are preaching to the choir, including a lot of you mommys out there who are proud American 2nd Amendment defenders, but every single one of you has a misguided friend that you could talk to, and now is the time to talk to them.
The takeaway for us is that the Obama administration is not giving up this fight, and neither should we. Mayor Bloomberg has given Uncle Joe and his friends at the Brady organization a blank check and a bottomless well of funds, and we all know what politicians do with that. They try to find the bottom of the well. But this time, instead of going after cigarettes or how fast you can drive your car or what your kids are allowed to bring in their lunch to school, these well funded political fools are going after our fundamental, God given right to protect ourselves, canonized in the United States Constitution Bill of Rights as the 2nd Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms.
Joe also manages to try to convince us, and his host, that readers of Parents magazine would never ask about defending their homes. He is of course suggesting that any proper thinking parent would at this point, after 20 white kids got killed in a white school, not have any questions about how to protect their families from harm with a firearm. Prior to Sandy Hook, when golf was mostly what he talked about, it doesn't seem to have been an issue for Joe. Uncle Joe Biden just gave the old wifey his grandpappy's 12 gauge to protect herself with, and that was that. Before the white kids got killed there was no national emergency. VP Joe, and of course President Obama himself completely ignored that black and Hispanic readers of Parents magazine in inner city neighborhoods have been losing children to murderers using already illegally owned firearms by the thousands every year. New Orleans, Louisiana is ranked 21st, worldwide in murders per capita . Detroit, Michigan, is 30th, and St. Louis and Baltimore are 43rd and 48th respectively.
Hey Mr. Vice President! Less than 2% of all murders committed with illegal guns in America are committed with a rifle. A fraction of that with what you call (incorrectly) "assault weapons." It is also amazing that places like Florida and Georgia, where the good guys are allowed to also have guns, aren't on that top 50 list. Do you really think the readers of Parents magazine are that stupid?
As we have noted several times since November, women were the deciding vote in the 2012 elections. The margin was 20% in the difference from male voters in supporting President Obama , and it signaled a change in the power structure of America. Women are now the only swing vote that matters. Now that Obama can't run for another term, the Democrat political machine is going to try to coddle women voters as much as they can, so that they retain that 20% margin in the mid-terms and in the 2016 Presidential race. "Arm the victims" is not going to be allowed to come in the gun discussion, and neither is the subject of shipping all of those inner city jobs to China and Mexico. No discussion on inner city violence should even begin without addressing both of those issues of course, yet neither party is interested in "change we can believe in." They know that for some sick reason they have that inner city vote, and they are counting on retaining the mommy vote by wringing their hands and yelling "we have to do something." The question is, mommies, are you really going to buy this? Really?
Nobody, not even the NRA, thinks that we have a chance of waking up inner city minorities to the fact that they are being sold out by their own leaders. Inner city church and community leaders in the black and Hispanic communities should be ashamed of themselves for supporting the recent wave of gun turn in programs. Most of these guns are legally owned by law abiding Americans who have the right to protect themselves, but have been completely removed from their 2nd Amendment rights. It makes no sense, and sends the wrong message to both the community and the politicians. America is about freedom and opportunity. Freedom, from the fear of crime and senseless murders of inner city kids, will only come by putting affordable guns in the hands of the law abiding readers of Parents magazine. In fact, Chicago, Detroit, Flint, St. Louis, New Orleans, Baltimore, and every other inner city where it is difficult for a law abiding citizen to own a gun should instantly issue Concealed Carry licenses to every current subscriber to Parents, and buy them a Kel-Tec or Ruger LCP.
Now THAT is real change we can believe in!
Politics is politics to some degree, but mommies, if you look back in history, the singular most dangerous thing a society can do to the safety of their families is to disarm them. If you love your children, stop wringing your hands with Uncle Joe and do some homework. Government has slaughtered more innocents than all the criminals combined, and not just those convenient Jew killing Nazis. A very well meaning group of "socialists" in Russia who thought they could build a peaceful utopia turned into the most murderous regime in the history of man , killing nearly as many families as died in the Holocaust in the Ukraine alone, by starvation. This was less than 100 years ago, and Stalin did it solely because he could, because his population had been disarmed for the communist utopia. When you think of those kids in Sandy Hook, try thinking about the millions of kids who died under Stalin from a long and slow intentional government engineered starvation.
Hand wringing isn't going to protect your children. Guns, in your hands, not just the government's, will protect your children, and your children's children. As a parent, you should be fighting to take "gun control," and legal ownership of guns by law abiding Americans off the table as a political football, for good. Call your legislators today, and not just at their Washington offices. Call the local numbers. Don't settle for being a checkmark on a list. Tell the politicians that guns are not on the table, and ask your friends if they really believe what the government is trying to sell them. You can influence them, and if you truly love your family and wish a bright future for them, it is your personal responsibility. If we don't, or if we think it is someone else's job, all it will take is the next Sandy Hook or Columbine to pass legislation overnight that is far more severe than what they are unable to pass today. You doubt it? A Seattle legislator tried to get the Washington State "assault weapons" ban passed with a proviso that the police visit existing gun owner homes once a year , just like Nazi brown shirts. He meant it as a "guiding light of where we need to go." Really mommys? Is that the guiding light that you envision for the future of your children?