proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB443

Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.

Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

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Bus Transportation to Harrisburg for the 23rd April Rally :: 04/03/2013

Please forward this to friends, gun boards and membership of your gun club.

8th annual 2nd Amendment Action Day in Harrisburg

Tuesday, April 23, 2013-------------10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

For detailed information GO TO this location Read more for bus info

(MEET: inside capital building at the marble stairs under the rotunda)

This is the day when sportsmen and other gun owners will meet in Harrisburg while the legislature is in session to make a clear statement that we will not be scapegoats.

Bloomberg and Soros have invaded Pennsylvania a 100% hostile Pennsylvania Attorney General. They are now targeting the Pennsylvania Legislature and want to make Pennsylvania laws more like those of New Jersey, New York, Maryland and other states were gun owners are demonized. They have developed effective covert techniques where they claim to support the 2nd Amendment while they seek to destroy it. They claim that they want only common sense laws but in their warped view only total restrictions are common sense and they plan on getting their one step at a time.

We don't have their money to counter their slick TV commercials, but we do have large numbers of law abiding Pennsylvania gun owners who can determine the outcome of elections if and only if they stay active.

After meeting in the rotunda at 10:00 for speeches, we'll break up into smaller groups, each with a team leader. We'll show you proven techniques on how to effectively lobby legislators and persuade them with accurate facts and figures. We need your help, to reinforce the understanding of our commitment to individual freedoms. You can make a personal difference by helping to get these proposed bills moving.

For detailed information GO TO this location


ALLEGHENY COUNTY: Please contact Edgar Stephan at (724) 289-8209 or ed&

BEAVER COUNTY: Bob Oles 724-495-1334 or Dick Ward 724-643-4553 detail info of bus transportation here

BUTLER COUNTY: Please contact Larry A. Thompson Cell: 412-629-3677 latdlt480&

CHESTER COUNTY Sportsmen & Farmers Association

More info

details here


CLARION, JEFFERSON & CENTER (3 pick-up locations for this bus) Please Contact : pgoa.membership&

U S Mail: PGOA, Box 187, Clarion PA 16214

INDIANA COUNTY: - Julie Anderson


SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Federation

Details at:

WASHINGTON COUNTY: Washington County (FOAC) - - Contact : Roger by email only brk357&

detail info of bus transportation here

More detail info of bus transportation here

Got rumors of buses from several other counties trying to get gun owners to HBG on April 23.

IF you know of any other efforts please forward