PA Bill Number: HB837
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

Chicago pol paves way for Surgeon General Murthy to break phony pledge on guns :: 01/28/2015
“[T]he gun lobby’s campaign against Murthy isn’t really about his record, or him at all,” Zoë Carpenter of The Nation told her “progressive” readers last March, meaning Opposite Day warnings should have been in full effect. She was passing along citizen disarmament lobby talking points about why Obama’s nominee for Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, was being opposed by the mean old National Rifle Association.
“[T]he campaign against Murthy is the continuation of a longstanding effort to make discussion of gun violence taboo,” Carpenter offered as the motive, purposely keeping mum about the real reason – to stop using tax plunder to gin up fake “studies” with predetermined conclusions for the express purpose of giving “progressive” politicians phony “health data” to exploit and defraud Americans out of their rights.
But don’t take my word for it – ask Mark Rosenberg of the CDC, who said he wanted to see guns “dirty, deadly and banned,” or Harvard School of Public Health’s Deborah Prothrow-Stith, who opined "My own view on gun control is simple. I hate guns – and cannot imagine why anybody would want to own one. If I had my way, guns for sport would be registered, and all other guns would be banned."
“His positions on guns are hardly radical or even activist,” Carpenter argued, no doubt because she's disappointed they don’t overtly go anywhere near as far as Rosenberg and Stith would take us, and because she’s evidently at least marginally mature enough to know whining “When are we gonna be there?” won’t make an incremental journey to the end goal any shorter. “He has ... expressed support for limited gun safety measures like a ban on assault weapons, mandatory safety training and limits on ammunition.”
You know, “reasonable” stuff. What happens when millions of gun owners reply “Hell no” and salivating citizen disarmament zealots let slip the dogs of war to bend us "ammosexual gun-humpers" to their will is left unstated, but the results would no doubt represent the pinnacle of “progressive common sense,” not to mention be a “progressive public health model” triumph – keeping that Opposite Day truism in mind, of course.
Besides, what’s to worry about? Didn’t Murthy assure the Senate in his confirmation hearing that he wasn’t coming with an agenda – or recalling one of his illustrious “progressive” predecessors, perhaps I should have used the word “arriving.”
“Murthy told the panel that his views on the issue [of ‘gun control’] will not come into play if he is confirmed,” The Washington Post reported. “’I do not intend to use my office as surgeon general as a bully pulpit on gun control,’ he said, adding that his position is based on experience treating victims of gun violence.”
To paraphrase another great Democrat, it depends on what the meaning of the word “intend” is. Because who actually believed that for a second?
Certainly not Chicago Congresswoman Robin Kelly, helped into office by millions of dollars of “gun control” advertising, courtesy of Everytown’s favorite mayor, plutocrat Michael Bloomberg, who is getting to be an old hand at buying political thrones in Everystate.
Earlier this month, Kelly introduced “H.R.224 - To require the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service to submit to Congress an annual report on the effects of gun violence on public health.” That’s’ obviously a way to try and get around Congress specifically withholding funds for anti-gun political screeds masked as research, something Barack Obama has already skirted via Executive action.
But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there’s more.
“The bill is taken almost word for word from The Kelly Report, a multi-authored, gun control perpetual wish list released last year from Kelly’s office,” Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership reported Tuesday. “Authors of the Kelly Report include such veteran gun control advocates as Harvard’s David Hemenway, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly known as Handgun Control, Inc.), and National Urban League President and former New Orleans mayor Marc Morial.
“Nothing on their agenda—mandatory ‘universal’ background checks, mandatory ‘smart’ guns, regulating guns as consumer products, to name a few—is new except the recruitment of fervently anti-gun rights Surgeon General Murthy to carry the banner,” DRGO elaborated.
No, nothing on the agenda is ever new. It’s all the same old lies used to defraud the American people into surrendering what monopoly of violence adherents know they cannot (yet) safely take by force. By hook or by crook, they’re determined to continue taking what they can and then pressing on for more, and that more than anything ought to demonstrate to anyone rational why “compromise” with such as these is a suicidal illusion, and an historically-demonstrable losing “strategy” to boot.
The only option those who will not comply and will not disarm have is to organize and fight to win.
Suggested Links
- Halvorson defeat less about guns than race-based voting
- NRA opposition to Surgeon General nominee lacks credible deterrent
- Incomplete Nature gun article correction puts agenda over truth
- Agenda-driven research and reporting serve power elites, not public interest
- Anti-gun ‘study’ implies racist outcomes from gun ownership