proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB837

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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Citizens have become prohibited persons for less than what Hillary allegedly did :: 04/08/2015

A new book about life inside the Clinton White House notes reported incidents of violent physical assaults using a lamp and/or other objects as weapons by the former First Lady and presumptive Democrat presidential contender against then-President Bill Clinton, The Washington Times reported Monday. One reported row, over the Monica Lewisnky affair required stitches to the former president’s head, and left blood all over the bed.

Noting the allegations were provided by multiple White House staffers and are based on claimed witnessed accounts, whether the object thrown was a lamp or heavy books including the Bible is irrelevant. What is relevant is, per the Lautenberg Amendment, which Bill Clinton signed into law, such assaults are cause to rule those found guilty of misdemeanor domestic violence to be “prohibited persons,” forever barred by law from possessing a gun. And to be found guilty, you don’t need to draw blood or send your victim to the ER.

“A wife tears her husband's pocket during an argument. A daughter throws keys at her mom - and misses. Both `assailants' are arrested, fingerprinted and booked,” Gun Owners of America informed members in a 1998 alert, citing The Washington Post Magazine as a source. “Page after page of examples showed how innocent men, women and children are becoming victims of the latest war against domestic violence ... how easy it is for honest citizens to lose their Second Amendment rights as a result of the Lautenberg domestic gun ban [which] imposes a lifetime gun ban on those who have committed minor infractions in the home – ‘offenses’ as slight as shoving a spouse or spanking a child.”

Hillary Clinton, of course, is perceived as a big champion of “common sense gun safety laws,” if by that you mean edicts to eviscerate the Second Amendment, and urges “It’s time to get tough on violence against women.”

Presumably, violence against men is OK, but lest charges of sexism be unfairly leveled, Ms. Rodham is not completely one-sided. As long as the guy administering the beat-down is her hubby and the target of his abuse is someone who can be dismissed as just another in a long line of bimbo eruptions, Hillary doesn't have all that much to say on the subject.

Which is too bad. Because if any “real reporter/legitimate media” member pressed Hillary for a “yes” or “no” answer to the question “Is Juanita Broaddrick a liar?” we’d also get the answer by default to “Would she have been justified in shooting the ‘dysfunctional’ [her words] accused rapist?”

Seeing as how people have been killed with blunt and thrown objects, would Hillary feel justified having her armed Secret Service detail use all force necessary to protect her from someone coming at her with a lamp?

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