PA Bill Number: SB67
Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...
Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

Citizens Stand Up For Disarmed Military- Part 2 :: 07/25/2015
I know you’ve heard about the tragic shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee. A Muslim murdered 5 of our military men and wounded another two servicemen. Did you hear what happened next? These sailors and marines were disarmed by their superiors. Since these service men are serving us and they could not carry weapons.. we did it for them. Ordinary citizens stood guard in front of recruiting centers.
Not just one or two, but at locations across this country. We saw it in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.
Some of the volunteers had family in the military. Some of the volunteers were off duty law enforcement. All the volunteers saw a need and filled it.
You did that.
You acted without asking for permission.. or recognition.
Thank you.
Some politicians even got the message to defend our military from Muslim terrorists. Governors in Arkansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas told their national guard to go armed.
Five US senators sponsored a bill to eliminate bans on military personnel carrying firearms on military recruitment facilities and bases.
The US House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act and included language authorizing military base commanders to allow concealed carry of firearms on military installations.
That is a good start, but it misses the mark and falls short. We would bring criminal charges against a business owners who let their employees get killed on the job. Why is a soldiers death on US soil different? It should end a military officer’s career if he fails to provide physical security for the men under his command. Some generals need to lose their job. Unfortunately, that won’t happen.
Not everyone understands that responsibility. The governor of Florida said recruiters should close their offices and retreat to their armories. The Obama administration said our military should remain disarmed in the US. Obama said recruiters should protect themselves by not wearing their military uniforms.. and by pulling the blinds across their windows.
Obama refuses to use the words Islamic terrorism. The liberal media wonders if this is more workplace violence. Snort.
As one pundit put it, President Obama trusts Iranians with nuclear weapons, but Obama doesn’t trust Marines with handguns.
This is the 21st attack in the United States by an avowed Muslim.