PA Bill Number: SB67
Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...
Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

Deadly Aesthetics and Anti-gun Addicts :: 06/29/2015
A South Carolina pastor disarmed the honest men and women in his congregation. The pastor was also a state legislator. His votes for gun prohibition helped create an entire state full of disarmed victims in every church, every mosque and every temple. Those laws guaranteed that a crazy person would be unopposed when, someday, a crazy person brought a gun into church.
That sobering situation came true in Charleston, South Carolina last week. Innocent people died. I want all of us to learn from this tragedy so it never happens again. This is not a fair and balanced discussion of civilian disarmament. The gun grabbers want to disarm everyone while I want to empower good men and women. The gun prohibitionist thinks men and women can’t be trusted with a gun. I believe that the world is a better place when honorable men and women are armed.
The gun-grabbing ideologues think I’m crazy. They want a world where guns don’t exist. I think they’re crazy. Now I want to explain how their craziness spreads.
First, gun control is more accurately described as people control. I mean that in the most literal sense. The gun prohibitionist doesn’t have to like or accept men and women as they are. The gun control advocate wants to trade-in the flawed human beings we have today for the new and morally improved people he imagines. He will use force if necessary.
Evil men and women don’t exist in the gun control utopia. The anti-rights fantasy world is a place where evil has been disarmed and somehow made impotent. The gun-control ideology is spiritually superior to human freedom. Freedom is messy and flawed. The gun control utopia with its perfect humanity is simple and complete.
The anti-rights ideologue lives in a perfect world where even evil men obey the law. That is a place I’ve never seen.
These anti-rights ideologues are driven with the passion of the alcohol prohibitionists campaigning to change the human spirit. Theirs is an existential plane where good intentions are enough to stop evil men.. a fantasy paradise where victims don’t bleed out in minutes. The anti-gun ideologue is closer to a religious zealot than a seeker of truth.
Their anti-rights utopia is an attractive fairy land. It is a world without force and violence. Our world’s best artists can’t invent something as beautiful as that fantastic existence. Their utopia offers the appeal of living in Disneyland.. without the long lines and frightening prices. All the ideologue has to do is believe in magic.. and climb over the wounded.
It is hard for reality to compete with that beautiful fantasy, especially if we don’t look too closely or think too deeply. When considered as a fantasy, the question is not why so many of us are attracted by the gun-free illusion. The real question is why more people are not attracted to their utopia.
It should be the easiest sale imaginable. Isn’t a theoretical world without guns better than this world? Why wouldn’t someone join their cause! Don’t be too surprised by our gullibility. Modern advertisers sell us a fantasy at the top and bottom of every hour.. and we buy it.
The anti-rights ideologue is not alone in his love of gun control. Politicians love the fantasy ideology as well. Gun control offers the politician another activity to tax. Government bureaucrats get another activity to regulate. Best of all, the politician gets to stand in front of the news media and promise everything while delivering nothing but more words. It is another easy sell.
But wait, there is more! Politics also provides a payoff for the gun grabbing elite. Some of the anti-rights ideologues want to sit on the edge of power, and politics lets them scratch that totalitarian itch. That is easy enough to understand.
Real self-defense is hard work. Ask anyone who has done it. They tell us that carrying a firearm is inconvenient. Wouldn’t we rather have the state make everyone safe for free? That is better than having to both provide our own defense and pay for it as well. The myth of gun control says the state will keep us safe.
“We will take care of you.” is a well worn political speech. Politicians and bureaucrats said the same thing during Hurricane Katrina and the Baltimore riots. Politicians did not pay the cost of their broken promises. We did. We paid for it back then and we paid again in a church in Charleston.
The fantasy ideology of gun control helps us indulge in the oldest of sins. The gun grabber feels socially superior to others. We don’t want THEM to have guns, now do we? The undefined “THEM” can be criminals or the poor. Anti-right bigots used gun prohibition laws to disarm black, browns, yellows, whites, immigrants and the handicapped. Ideologues think guns are only for the pretty and politically connected people.. and of course for their hired bodyguards.
The anti-rights ideologue always has more work to do. There is always another step to take towards disarming honest citizens. Guns can’t be too big or too small, too loud or too quiet. Guns can’t be too cheap or too effective either. Firearms can’t be too black or to brightly colored. Today we have limits on firearms imports, ammunition, magazine capacity, and a mountain of useless regulations imposed on manufacturers. Honest gun owners are subject to training requirements, licensing and registration.
It doesn’t matter that violent criminals ignore our laws. Controlling criminals was never the real goal. The utopian fantasy is the goal and honest gun owners simply stand in the way of achieving that ideological fantasy. The good guys are the target and the bad guys are simply a convenient rationale.
The gun-control fantasy never fails. The failed ideology of civilian disarmament can rack up a mountain of innocent victims while the ideologue simply claims the results would have been even worse without his fantasy. I’ve argued with them and listed their dead. They reply that they might have saved one uncountable life somewhere at some time. Their statistics come from well paid academics and the Land of Oz. Their utopian fantasy is an un-testable theory and immune from criticism.
They cling to the fantasy while the strong dominate the old and the weak, while the many dominate the few. The anti-gun ideologue clings to the attractive fantasy of a world where evil people don’t use weapons to hurt others. Facts don’t matter to the person addicted to this blood soaked fantasy.
The anti-rights bigots are never satisfied. Theirs is the unending quest to perfect man by removing temptation after temptation. The day they succeed in outlawing guns is the day they will condemn knives.. and clubs.. and cars. The world is never “safe” enough. The ideologue continually seeks more control over his fellow man. Firearms are the expedient excuse of the day.
Their failures are painful. With vanishing few exceptions, groups of people are murdered in gun free zones. The true believer in disarmament claims that the fault is ours rather than his. He says his fantasy would work if we only tried harder. With our 23 thousand gun laws, we have not followed his formula for perfection closely enough.
He shrieks the loudest after his most glaring failures. Each dead body only confirms the need to disarm more honest people.
The ideologue ignores his failures and only sees his perfect fantasy. He conveniently ignores the growing army of men with guns who must stand over honest citizens to impose that perfect order. We are the ultimate objects to be controlled, not the firearm.
A stack of dead and disarmed innocents only tells the ideologue to work the dream, to market the dream, to sell the dream, and to pray the dream. He can’t resist the allure of his shiny fantasy. He can’t give up the dream.. as time and again we shed more innocent blood.
The ideologue basks in the euphoria of his perfect fantasy world. The gun control fantasy allows him to feel he has a special place in the universe. Like the gambling addict, the gun control ideologue thinks his fantasy will work for him even though it has failed for everyone else. Like the loosing gambler, each innocent victim only spurs the ideologue to try again, to count on luck and his feelings.
Gun control is the femme-fatal of fantasies. The ideologue might dimly suspect his fatal fantasy will hurt him or someone else. Like ideologues throughout history, our contemporary anti-rights ideologue excuses his ongoing failures. He only sees the exotic beauty of his fantasy. It is a dangerous addiction.
Like the drug addict, the anti-gun believer will sacrifice anything, and anyone, to live in his fantasy world for a few moments. The ideologue promises us peace, and there is no peace. Not for long.
There. I said it. These anti-rights ideologues are crazy. Anti-rights advocates offer an emotional appeal to an idealized pre-rational fantasy they call gun control. The ideology of disarmament has many aspects that make it an easily marketable idea. It offers a vision of moral superiority and is easily sold.
It is time to stop talking about logic and facts with crazy people. The ideologues believe that weapons and violence are not the answer, but they have no answers to the real evils in this world. That leaves those of us who live in this world with a few unanswered questions.
We must direct our arguments and our questions to the undecided listener who still lives in the real world. That listener is our audience. He is our potential ally. The first thing for us to do is to pull back the curtains and expose the dream-like fantasy to the bright light of day. Then we must tell our story.