PA Bill Number: SB67
Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...
Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

Enemies of liberty tip their hand :: 06/23/2015
Conservatives, libertarians, and gun rights activists have long suspected that many elected representatives, political consultants, and even some religious leaders secretly push a nefarious agenda that directly attacks the liberties and rights of ordinary citizens. Today at least two of these persons tipped their hand, making comments that raised the eyebrows of even the most seasoned journalists.
Karl Rove, appearing on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, stated in no uncertain terms that the only way to stop gun violence is to remove the Second Amendment rights of citizens. Another journalist referred to Rove as a longtime advocate of gun control.
In addition, Pope Francis stated today that gun manufacturers cannot consider themselves to be Christian. Perhaps the Pope should go ahead and get it all out at once. What does he think of ordinary citizens who own guns? Can they be Christians? If gun manufacturers cannot be Christians, then what about those who purchase their products?
Pope Francis has in many ways created a firestorm of controversy this week in making some of the most outlandish statements ever made by a Pope. First, he threw the weight of his support behind the sham of the "global warming" crowd, and even ousted scientists who expressed doubt that the hard science actually supports the theory, which has already been debunked many times. Then he follows up with a declaration that guns automatically disqualify a person from being a Christian, which of course, means that they cannot go to heaven. Has the Pope, thus, consigned us all to hell?
As for Rove, despite his great success in getting George W. Bush elected twice, conservatives have long been wary of the man who has become known as "the architect." Today, Rove told us exactly why we have been wary of him. He has attempted to hide certain parts of his political ideology in the name of getting certain persons elected to the presidency and to Congress. But conservatives can smell a rat miles away.
It is no big surprise that the suggestion that the Second Amendment must be scrapped and all guns confiscated and removed from society did not come from Barack Obama, or Nancy Pelosi, or any of the other usual suspects among the enemies of liberty. The suggestion came from within Republican ranks. This does nothing but reinforce the notion that no longer can a voter correctly identify candidates by their Party. There are other Republicans who feel the same way as Rove, but they successfully hide it from most of the electorate.
To be sure, a true gun rights advocate cannot be found among the Democrats in Congress or the White House. And the only ones who are standing firm in support for the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms are Republicans. But the Republicans have allowed the enemy to gain entrance through the gate. In addition to Rove, there are such gun rights opponents as Lindsay Graham, John McCain, John Boehner, Chris Christie, and at least a dozen others.
On the other hand, the following Republicans have made very strong statements in support of gun rights: Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Jim Inhofe, Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, and many more. These stalwart guardians of our rights, the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution know that to remove guns from the hands of ordinary citizens leaves guns in the hands of criminals, who will never obey gun control laws. Without guns ordinary Americans are left defenseless against rapists, murderers, home invaders, and dozens of other types of criminals.
If it is so important for citizens to be deprived of their God given right to own and use firearms, then let the elected officials be the role models. Remove their security details, which are armed to the hilt. Take guns, rifles, and other heavy duty firepower from the Secret Service. Let the politicians begin to live in the manner they would dictate for the rest of us, and then and only then we may at least give their ideas a hearing.
Rove and Pope Francis have now cast their lot with those who blame the innocent citizens for what criminals do with guns. Such a viewpoint cannot be supported or justified logically or by the statistical information that is widely available. If all churches had members who are well trained as concealed firearms security personnel, then perpetrators of gun violence who prey on churches would be shot dead before getting off three rounds. And this is part of the answer, and not the harebrained notion that all guns should be outlawed and removed from ordinary citizens.