proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB809

Title: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized.

Description: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 5, 2025

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Fact Checker: Do more guns increase crime? :: 06/03/2015

The claim: More guns cause more crime.

The background: A recent Fact Checker column looked at whether more guns cause less crime. It found there isn't strong evidence to back this up.

In response, there were emails screaming "SECOND AMENDMENT!!!!" and others from the opposite position, such as one saying, "I cannot begin to express my thanks for writing such a well-researched, compelling argument for fewer civilians carrying guns."

These seem to be further examples of people reading into a story what they want to see. Even if more guns don't cause less crime, that doesn't mean they should be banned or that there should be less of them. It just means there's no good evidence more guns help.

Some readers seemed not to have read the whole column because they urged an examination of John Lott's book "More Guns, Less Crime." He was discussed in the article, and his work dismissed because the definitive arbiter, the National Research Council, found his conclusion that more guns cause less crime couldn't be backed up by his data.

Lott contacted Fact Checker to make his case. There are many statistics that seem to back him up.

Even as the number of guns in American society climb to ever higher levels — around 300 million currently — the violent crime rate is down 22 percent over the past decade while the murder rate has dropped in half over the past 20 years. According to, the rate of gun murder recently hit its lowest point since 1981: 3.6 per 100,000 people.

Bans on assault rifles are being urged yet rifles of any kind (assault or not) are involved in only three percent of homicides, according to FBI crime stats. Bare hands are used at twice the rate of rifles, and knives at more than four times the rate.

(A British medical group recently called for that country to ban knives because of their large role in killings.)

And neuroscientist and author Sam Harris points out that "With the exception of the attack on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every mass shooting since 1950 has taken place where civilians are forbidden to carry firearms." [UPDATE: Harris says he has now learned that the mall where Giffords was shot was also a gun-free zone.]

Even though in a long phone call Lott seemed like a nice guy who is articulate about his position, Fact Checker has decided not to get into Lott's research on guns and violence.

There's so much tit-for-tat on so many aspects of his research and writing from so many sources that a definitive conclusion was not in sight.

Still, it should be noted that a Skeptical Inquirer report called his mathematical models "junk science" and he admitted using a fake online scholarly identity to support his research and attack critics.

Regardless, that doesn't mean Lott's conclusions are wrong. Lott suggested talking to Carlisle Moody, an economics professor at the College of William & Mary in Virginia who has done research on the relationship between guns and crime.

Moody said, "It's not obvious now whether crimes go up or down when you pass one of these (right-to-carry) laws.

"We've been passing these laws for the past 20 years and crime keeps going down. Clearly it doesn't cause crime to go up in any obvious way. So now that I know crime is going down, the question is how much would've crime gone down if you hadn't passed the law.

"At this point, we're looking at tea leaves and using all kinds of sophisticated math things to determine the counterfactual: what would've happened if we hadn't passed the laws? There's room for disagreement here. It's an interesting puzzle but it doesn't have much to do with public policy anymore."

Moody said that the problem with gun-crime studies is that they're a lot like health studies that go back and forth, where one finds salt is good for you, another that it's bad, then another that it's good again and it's hard to get a definitive conclusion.

What you need is a meta study, he said, meaning a study that examines and combines the good results of many other studies.

Fact Checker mentioned that its verdict was based on the meta study done by the National Research Council in 2004.

"The NRC is as good as any," Moody said. "I disagree with them, but there's nothing wrong with using that as the best piece of evidence."

So, to be clear, Lott's hand-picked researcher agrees that Fact Checker was justified in using the National Research Council's conclusion that there's no good evidence to support the claim that more guns cause less crime.

As mentioned, Moody disagrees with that conclusion but he's unable to disprove it — yet. His current research, which may change, is leaning toward the finding that more guns may cause less crime, although only slightly.

Moody (and Lott) say the current research debate is whether more guns have no effect or whether they have some benefit by decreasing crime. The evidence that's not in dispute, Moody said, is whether more guns increase crime — the evidence shows they don't.

To Moody, this means the law should allow more citizens to carry guns.

"My feeling is that if you're allowing people to do something they want to do then that's a good thing unless it harms somebody else," he said. "And you'd have to demonstrate harm to make the case (right to carry) is a bad law and I don't think you can make a convincing case for that."

Research by Lott's archnemesis, Stanford law professor John Donohue, is slightly at odds with this.

He told Fact Checker that his latest paper from 2012 "essentially says I looked at every way I could think of but I could never find any evidence that these (right-to-carry) laws were helpful (in decreasing crime). The only thing with some consistency is that there are indications that aggravated assault rose when these laws were passed but even that is hard to make out because of fragility in the statistical models."

The verdict

There's no good evidence that more guns increase crime in American society.

That means if you believe government should restrict only behaviors that cause harm, then consistency would require that you support the freedom to possess and carry guns.

Keep in mind this verdict and its consequence doesn't mean that some gun restrictions — such as background checks for all purchases or meaningful training requirements — shouldn't be pursued. They may help, they may not.

Truthmeter: 2



• Anti-gun claim: On the same day as the Newtown school massacre where 20 children were shot to death, a man in China launched a knife attack, injuring 22 children and killing none. This shows the difference between guns and knives.

• Pro-gun response: In March 2010, a mass stabbing in China killed eight children and injured five in a single incident. Deranged people will find a way.

• Pro-gun claim: Concealed weapon permit holders commit less crime than the average citizen.

• Anti-gun response: According to the Violence Policy Center, 23 mass shootings have been committed by people legally allowed to carry a concealed gun. These include Omar Thornton in Connecticut in 2010, who happened to have two handguns in his lunch box because he was reportedly going to show his daughter how to use a gun. But at work, he was confronted with evidence of stealing and he pulled out a gun, killing eight and himself.

Truthmeter and contact info

Fact Checker columns by Mark Robison are rated on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being absolutely true with no gray area, 5 being down the middle with good points by both sides, 1 being false with no gray area and 0 being intentionally, maliciously or foolishly false.