proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB912

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses.

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses. ...

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Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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FOAC Member - Letter to the Editor - Corbett v. Wolf :: 07/14/2014

Bloomberg as next PA Governor??

Pennsylvanians have a choice in November between incumbent Tom Corbett and his democratic challenger Tom Wolf. Pennsylvanians will hopefully dig deep below the political ads and spin to determine who these men are, Tom Wolf in particular. Sportsmen, law abiding gun owners and those interested in civil liberties should be concerned with Tom Wolf. Mr. Wolf overtly supports 79% of the CeaseFirePA's positions. Ceasefire PA is an anti-gun group that is financially and morally supported by Michael Bloomberg. Mr. Bloomberg is the billionaire, former mayor of NYC who knows better than you on how you should live your life with his large soda ban in NYC and other such intrusive nanny state nonsense.

In Ceasefire PA's recent survey of candidates, Mr. Wolf responded on the following issues:

  • Enact an "assault weapons" ban in PA - supports
  • Renew the federal "assault weapons" ban - supports
  • Oppose giving ordinary citizens and groups standing to sue Municipalities over unlawful, anti-gun ordinances- supports
  • Surrendering/confiscating Firearms - supports
  • Allowing local authorities to enact their own laws regulating firearms - supports
  • Require background checks for private sale of rifles and shotguns - supports
  • Licensing of gun owners to buy ammunition - will consider how to address
  • Background checks for ammunition purchase - will consider how to address
  • Keeping the failing PICS system - supports
  • Requiring Use of locking devices at home with criminal penalties- supports

You can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps and aligns with. Tom Wolf is just too far left for Pennsylvania, and his views and out of sync with the law abiding, freedom loving Pennsylvania we grew up in and enjoy. A vote for Tom Wolf is a vote for Nanny Bloomberg and his agenda. Remember that hope and change thing we got promised in 2008. Same choice this November. Let's not get fooled again.

Name and hometown withheld by FOAC editor