proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB809

Title: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized.

Description: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 5, 2025

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Fresno (CA) women respond to Monday attacks :: 10/07/2015

Fresno Police are warning people to keep an eye out for man aggressively approaching women. Investigators say in two different incidents he tried to lure women into his van, grabbing one of the women. Investigators say the first woman was threatened near the Bank of America in the tower district at around 8:30 Monday morning. Fifteen minutes later another woman had to escape after the suspect put his hands on her a few blocks away at Olive and Clark.

Fresno Police are still searching for the man targeting women. In the meantime, self defense experts tonight say something as simple as a flashlight can help make you more aware of your surroundings and can be used to blind, or fight off an attacker.

Monday morning a man targeted two women in Fresno. The first happening in a Tower District parking lot at 8:30.

"She was on her cell phone and was actually on her way to work in the Tower. She said no, basically leave me alone and he told her I'll give you $100 if you get in my van and his van was parked in the parking lot there," said Lt. Joe Gomez of the Fresno Police Department.

The suspect threatened to hit the woman, but took off driving a few blocks before trying to lure a someone else.

"He walked up to her asked her for her phone number she said no of course and said leave me alone. He then grabbed her around the hips. She fought him off and he ran back to his van," said Lt. Gomez.

The news is reaching women training to fight back against similar attacks.

"I mean that's scary because me being a woman myself I mean I probably don't look like I'm the toughest girl ever, so I mean that could be tried on me at any moment," said Vanessa Durazo, who has been doing self-defense training for the last two years. 

At Missing Link MMA-- Art Hugues teaches Durazo Close Quarters Combat, a hybrid of self-defense techniques.

"it's a really beautiful thing to see because I have these petite women come in here that you wouldn't think would be able to fight back, but they would totally shock you," said Hugues.

Before any students throw a punch they are taught about awareness. 

"When they're walking through the mall parking lot they should be looking between every car as they pass by it and should be looking all around and have their keys in their hand ready to go if they have to use them as a weapon,  said Hugues.

Then he trains them to handle the chaos of an attack with a plan.

"You're not just panicking because panicking puts you in a worse position than anything else. If you just know a couple things it might just scare them off," said Durazo.

The suspect in this case was driving an old large red, or rust colored van. He is a Hispanic man in his 30s, about six feet tall, 220 to 230 pounds. He was last seen wearing gray clothing and a gray beanie with a ball on top. If you have any information please call police. 
In the wake of the attacks Missing Link MMA is planning a free self-defense clinic. For more information visit their website: