proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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Governor Christie Lies to Brett Baier About Gun Control Record :: 11/25/2015

New York – -( On last evening Fox News Special Report (11/24/2015) with Brett Baier , New Jersey Govenor Chris Christie told a “Hillary Clinton” level lie to the host and a nationwide audience about his record on gun control.

Chris Christie

Christie claimed he did not get into politics in the early 1990’s because he was motivated by some Republicans efforts to repeal New Jersey’s absurd, ineffective and pointless “assault weapons” ban, pushed for by the Florio administration a couple of years earlier.

Baier put a quote on the screen, purportedly from Govenor Christie to the notoriously anti-gun Star Ledger newspaper, apparently referencing Christie’s staking out his position during his first run at elected office as a County Freeholder.

Once the quote attributed to Christie was read and displayed, Baeir again asked the govenor about his position. Christie first claimed it wasn’t accurate, basically suggesting the Star Ledger was lying. When pressed by Baier, he then claimed it was “22 years ago” and “I don’t remember”, before launching into a spiel about his so called “pro 2A record“. Rattling off a list of veto’s of Democrat gun control bills, but not offering a single pro gun or pro self defense piece of legislation he could point to. (watch for yourself beginning around time 09:10 towards the end of the video clip below.)

Its incredibly difficult to believe that Govenor Christie doesn’t “remember” his Freeholder Campaign brochure from his first foray into politics considering it has been brought up many times in recent years as damning evidence of his RINO Status. ( See flyer here below. )

While it is true that Christie has steadfastly vetoed every attempt by Democrats to increase their already draconian gun control scheme, its praise of the faintest sort.

Governor Chris Christie Assault Weapons Ban Brochure

Governor Chris Christie’s (standing btm left) 1990’s Assault Weapons Ban Brochure

In March of 2015, Christie directed his acting Attorney General John Hoffman to instruct the state courts that it was the governors position that they should not accept any new appeals of denials of New Jerseys notoriously hard to obtain concealed carry license. Govenor Christie has previously argued on numerous occasions that New Jersey is “unique” and therefore, its residents aren’t entitled to the constitutional rights enjoyed by the residents of 46 other states when it comes to concealed carry.

Then came the horrific June 2015 murder of Carol Bowne, in her own driveway. Committed by her violent ex felon boyfriend, while an active restraining order was in place against him and while Bowne was waiting for the unreasonable and arbitrary delay by the local police, holding up her application to receive a New Jersey Firearms Identification Card and Pistol Purchase Permit (aka: state permission to own and purchase a gun).

Outrage at Bownes murder was swift and fierce, both across New Jersey and across the country. The timing couldn’t have been worse for Governor Christie as the murder took place mere weeks before he would announce his run for president. He had to react, but his reaction, while fierce sounding, was a weak willed half measure at best.

He said all the right things, blamed the democrat controlled legislature, issued an executive order — covering buying, owning and carrying a gun — that shortens the statutory waiting period from 30 to 14 days, but only if deemed possible by police.

As well as directing acting Attorney General Hoffman to add having a domestic violence restraining order in place as a one of the undefined things qualifying as “justifiable need” to obtain a concealed carry permit in an expedited manner.

Additionally, for all his posturing about his hands being tied by an intransigent Democrat controlled, anti self-defense, anti-gun legislature, the fact remains, if he could direct Attorney General Hoffman to add a domestic violence restraining order to the incredibly short list of “justifiable needs” to obtain a carry permit. He could just as easily have directed the Attorney General to add “Self Defense”. Bypassing the opposition legislature entirely.

As Govenor Christie remains mired at the bottom of presidential poll numbers, he’s cynically attempting to re-write his history of inaction on the issue of gun control and self defense. Scrambling to grab any lifeline that might save his political career. Meanwhile, New Jersey citizens remain helpless, defenseless and deprived of their rights in the face of criminal attack or worse. He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.

About Dan Roberts

Dan Roberts is a grassroots supporter of gun rights that has chosen AmmoLand Shooting Sports News as the perfect outlet for his frank, ‘Jersey Attitude’ filled articles on Guns and Gun Owner Rights. As a resident of the oppressive state of New Jersey he is well placed to be able to discuss the abuses of government against our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms as he writes from deep behind NJ’s Anti-Gun iron curtain. Read more from Dan Roberts You can also find him on Facebook: