PA Bill Number: HB887
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

Gun Control or Racism? You decide. :: 03/15/2014
We usually collect important stories about guns, ammo, proposed new laws, lawmakers that believe in your right to Keep and Bear Arms, Bloomberg, his newest front, Moms Demand Action, and the declining numbers in Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
In typical fashion, Moms Demand Action is just another group that wants to disarm you, but of course, it's "for the children". They have lots of emotional guilt to lay on you, but up to now, they are totally bereft of facts.
Firearms Owners Against Crime, on the other hand, has delivered crushing defeats to anyone who has had the foolish notion that they could debate us without facts. Indeed, in some instances groups like CeaseFirePA have told blatant lies in order to advance their thinly veiled agenda-TOTAL DISARMAMENT OF THE PUBLIC, and always by advancing "sensible gun laws".
We thought this through very carefully, and especially after the Governor of Connecticut lit off a firestorm by signing legislation that demands the confiscation of certain modern sporting rifles and magazines, we've come up with a scenario that you likely have not thought of.
For the sake of argument, let's assume that criminals, by nature, don't obey the law. There are 10's of thousands of gun control laws on the books, but they don't seem to stop criminals. Personal crimes in areas where guns are accessible by law abiding citizens continue to fall. Rape, murder, assault are all continuing a downward spiral. And that begs a question. If Bloomberg and his well-funded minions are correct when they say the availability of guns is going to put us back into the Old West, with shootouts and horrific statistics on shootings, why has crime not gone up?
We'll tell you why, and we can back up every word of this treatise with research and facts. Crime, face to face and up close and personal, is down because the bad guys don't know which of the good guys is carrying a gun for self-defense. Similarly, although home invasions seem to be the leading articles in liberal papers and the evening news, they are down as well. The bad guys have no clue who has the shotgun next to the bed. In interview after interview, prison inmates say they are much more fearful of being shot by a citizen than by a cop.
So, here's a thought for you to chew on. The anti-gunners want "sensible" gun laws to reduce the number of guns. They don't really care who has them, because guns are bad, and if you have one, so are you. We're going to pose an important question for you. Some of you may take some time to arrive at an answer, and some of you may immediately form an opinion. Here's our proposal for a sensible gun law.
We know that crime is higher in certain areas of our major cities. In fact, about 50% of crimes occur in less than 18% of the Commonwealth. In a way, that's great, because with our proposed law, we can go after what some like to call "low hanging fruit". We propose to concentrate on areas like Lincoln-Lemington, East Liberty, and similar areas in Philadelphia and Erie and Harrisburg. Our proposed law would make it mandatory for everyone who lives in a high crime area to surrender their guns. After all, CeaseFirePA says less guns, less crimes. If you don't surrender your guns, you go to jail as a felon, just like the "sensible gun law" in Connecticut. The threat of a felony charge will surely make the criminals turn in their guns, too. For the few who do not turn in their guns, the police can round them up as they encounter them. We know, as a law abiding citizen that you'll turn yours in, right?
Some might say that the unintended consequence of taking guns away from honest folks who can't afford to move from drug ridden and unsafe neighborhoods, will be more victims, but CeaseFirePA thinks that a law like this one will reduce guns. So, what say you? Would you feel safer dialing 911, or safer keeping your own gun for self-defense? We'll leave it up to you.
While you are pondering this "sensible" gun law, you might want to look at your history books, and the Jim Crow era just after the Civil War. God forbid that newly freed persons of color would be armed. It's up to you. Let's go back to 1865, while CeaseFirePA and the League of Women Voters are confident you'll feel safer in your house.