proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB837

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...

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Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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Gun Prohibitionists' Intellectual Dishonesty: Advocacy Without Consequences :: 01/06/2015

When the Progressive Era’s Anti-Saloon League pushed forth their prohibitionist agenda, the cry then — as today — was: something MUST be done! A problem was identified. The “problem” of (male) alcoholism in the post-WWI period was many orders of magnitude greater than any present day gun “problem” that could be described.

The scope of drinking-related income diverted to the saloons, wife-beating, child neglect etc., would surely dwarf any criminal issue of today. Societies falling for a puerile, simple answer is nothing new. It’s a story almost as sad and long as history itself. Every dictator and demagogue, every war (present day included) and perhaps every bad policy we can think of — occurs when the public gets the idea that a simple answer is an answer . . .

The success of the Anti-Saloon League (and other similar efforts by orgs like the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and Carry Nation) and various one-time “fringe” groups is mind boggling — and should stand as a reminder of what gun prohibitionists could accomplish.

Not only did the Anti-Saloon League overwhelm the wealth and power of the liquor industry, but the federal government received a substantial amount of its tax revenues [33% pre-income-tax] from liquor sales. Also, many people who drank supported prohibition as a way to attack the perceived drinking issues of other people or classes. Catholics in the north and blacks in the south were targets, with the KKK being a strong supporter of prohibition.

In the run-up to the passage of the Volstead Act, the Anti-Saloon League never mentioned side-effects such as criminal penalties, unforeseen consequences, poisonings, black markets or organized crime that would emerge as a direct consequence of their advocacy. Far from explaining that anyt possible downside could be expected, there were nothing but utopian promises if only demon rum could be excised from society. This is a direct parallel to the modern Gun Prohibitionist movement.

Not only does the modern Gun Prohibitionist movement distance itself from obvious future failures, but also avoids the very mention of draconian (medieval, really) criminal penalties for laws that have just passed which they championed. Prohibition “only” prohibited the manufacturing, sale, transport, import, export or distribution of intoxicating beverages. Drinking itself was never actually prohibited (at the Federal level). Unlike the latter-day War On Drugs and the evolving War On Guns, the target was those involved in commerce, not ordinary citizen end-users.

The utopian promises of the Gun Control Movement are no more realistic than the promises of Rev. Billy Sunday speaking at the moment when the 18th Amendment took effect: “The reign of tears is over. The slums will soon be a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into storehouses and corn-cribs. Men will walk upright now, women will smile, and the children will laugh. Hell will be forever for rent.”

The modern equivalents to the Anti-Saloon League are the “Brady Era” groups which sought to ban (yes ban) handgun ownership in the United States. Add to those groups the ever-growing list of vaguely focused, “Sandy Hook Era” organizations that cropped up whose emphasis is on pictures and videos, not discussion, debate or specifics. While claiming to advocate only “common sense” reform of gun laws, their proposals are simply cover designed to hide their support for draconian treatment of gun owners and mass-criminalization.

These overtly anti-intellectual groups will rarely put forth concrete, on-the-record, legally detailed proposals, even though they are in the “let’s change the gun laws business.” Even the instant-law template (just add tragedy) creators the Law Center To Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV) won’t mention penalties or consequences for breaking the laws they want to see enacted, even though they are lawyers and know very well where this is all going.

As an example, the LCPGV proposes taking the NJ approach, classifying BB guns and airguns identically to firearms. They’re well aware that making a BB gun legally identical to a GLOCK will mean years in prison for thousands of people. But they don’t want you to know that — and they don’t care. So far as every one of these groups is concerned, their slogan should really be, the ends justify the means.

Loretta Lynch questioned over secret deal depriving fraud victims of $40M

More than a year before President Obama nominated federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch to be attorney general, a former federal judge quietly called on Congress to investigate her U.S. attorney's office for trampling on victims' rights.

Paul Cassell, a law professor at the University of Utah, said Ms. Lynch's office, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, never told victims in a major stock fraud case that a culprit had been sentenced — denying them a chance to seek restitution of some $40 million in losses.

Mr. Cassell, in written remarks to a House Judiciary Committee panel in 2013, said if prosecutors were using secretive sentencing procedures to reward criminals for cooperating with them, it could violate the Crime Victims Restitution Act.

"Every day that the office withholds notice from the victims in this case about the continuing proceedings that are occurring in this case is a day in which the office is violating the CVRA," he wrote, urging the subcommittee to conduct its own inquiry into Ms. Lynch's office.

The Judiciary Committee acknowledged in an email to The Washington Times that it never followed up to contact Ms. Lynch's office, but added the panel "has not ruled out sending an inquiry to the U.S. attorney's office regarding its handling of victims' rights."

Ms. Lynch's nomination to be attorney general will soon come before the Senate Judiciary Committee, now controlled by Republicans, and the case could surface as a topic of inquiry.

"I do think it's something that the Senate should be investigating as part of the confirmation process," Mr. Cassell said in an interview.

Meanwhile, a lawyer has filed a Supreme Court petition to force more records in the criminal case to be unsealed, charging that Ms. Lynch's office has failed to explain secret deals it gives cooperators.

"These deals, indisputably in defiance of mandatory federal forfeiture and restitution laws, allow cooperators to keep the proceeds of their crimes in exchange for their cooperation and keep their reputation intact, hidden behind secret dockets," said attorney Frederick Oberlander, who has sued the businessman on behalf of fraud victims.

Brian Fallon, a Justice Department spokesman, said in a statement that the Supreme Court petition "raises no claims of any merit."

"Many of these claims have already been litigated on no fewer than three prior occasions, and each time the courts have rejected them," he said. "One court went so far as to warn the petitioner against any future frivolous findings or else potentially face court-imposed sanctions."

The petition isn't the first time that Mr. Oberlander and his attorney, Richard Lerner, have sought to pry loose sealed records in the long and complicated case of Felix Sater, the businessman at the center of the stock fraud.

Pump and Dump

Sater pleaded guilty in 1998 in a racketeering stock "pump and dump" fraud scheme, but his case remained on a secret docket in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, as he cooperated with the government in other investigations, court records show.

The secrecy surrounding the 1998 criminal case allowed Sater to resume "his old tricks" and defraud new victims of hundreds of millions of dollars, Mr. Oberlander charged in a civil racketeering lawsuit he filed against Sater in recent years. An attorney for Sater disputes that account, saying his client has been a "model citizen."

When he sued, Mr. Oberlander included leaked copies of Sater's pre-sentencing report and a copy cooperation deal for the 1998 case, which were under seal. The disclosure set off a fierce and contentious legal battle between federal prosecutors and Mr. Oberlander and his attorney, Richard Lerner, who both have faced a contempt investigation after the disclosure.

Eventually, more than a decade after his guilty plea, Sater was sentenced and fined $25,000 in a hearing that took place without notice to victims shortly before Ms. Lynch took over the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York, according to records.

In court papers, Mr. Oberlander and Mr. Lerner noted that Sater faced nearly 20 years in prison and a mandatory $40 million in restitution and $80 million forfeiture, but the sentencing judge imposed no restitution or confinement. And victims weren't at the hearing to object because they were never told about the sentencing in the first place, according to the attorneys' Supreme Court petition.

Ms. Lynch wasn't U.S. attorney during the sentencing hearing, but her office has since fought efforts to unseal records in the case.

Mr. Fallon also said many of the key developments in the case "occurred outside of Ms. Lynch's stints as U.S. attorney," first in 1999 and again in 2010. Still, court records show numerous examples of Ms. Lynch's office pushing to keep details about the case from becoming public.

The government's arguments for keeping records sealed — many of them redacted or under seal — have been upheld in rulings by the U.S. District Court in Brooklyn and by the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit despite arguments pushing for more transparency from victims' rights and press groups.

'Most serious matters of national security'

Robert Wolf, an attorney for Sater, said his client provided "extraordinary cooperation" after his 1998 guilty plea, including working on "the most serious matters of national security, battling our greatest enemies at tremendous risk to his own life and for the benefits of all citizens of our country."

In an email, Mr. Wolf called the $25,000 fine Sater was ordered to pay "more than merited" and a "measure of gratitude" for unspecified cooperation that saved "potentially tens of thousands, if not millions, of our citizens' lives."

Neither Sater's lawyer nor the Justice Department would discuss the nature of his cooperation.

Mr. Wolf said Sater has gone on to build a business and has been a "model citizen."

"From job creation to philanthropy, Mr. Sater has been clear of all legal allegations," he said.

Mr. Wolf also discounted what he called "sham concerns" about victims' rights, accusing the attorneys suing Sater of a "legal shakedown" aimed at using the threat of public disclosure to force a lucrative settlement deal.

Mr. Oberlander, however, said in an email that the case provides a troubling example of prosecutors evading federal forfeiture and restitution laws as a reward for cooperation.

"And Ms. Lynch's office refuses to notify crime victims of their restitution rights when restitution and notice to victims are mandatory under federal law," he said.

Mr. Lerner said the Sater case was "no mere aberration," charging that "Ms. Lynch's success as a prosecutor has been dependent upon her office's repudiation of constitutional and statutory law."

The Supreme Court petition filed by Mr. Lerner of behalf of Mr. Oberlander also details the involvement in the Sater case of two other Justice Department officials — Marshall Miller, principal deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division, and Leslie Caldwell, assistant attorney general in the criminal division.

Mr. Miller was the victims' rights coordinator for the federal prosecutor's office in Brooklyn, while Ms. Caldwell, a former prosecutor in the office, later represented Sater at his sentencing.

At the sentencing hearing, Ms. Caldwell said Sater was "really deserving of the full measure of leniency" given the "extraordinary circumstances of his cooperation," according to transcripts.

Outside concerns

While attorneys debate Sater's sentencing deal, two outside groups — the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press and the National Organization for Victim Assistance — have filed briefs in recent years pushing for more transparency in Sater's case and questioning whether the secrecy has limited public oversight and stifled the voice of victims.

In a May letter to judges on the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, attorneys for the Reporters Committee said they first challenged the "super sealing" of the Sater case in 2012.

Some records were later unsealed in March 2013, but the district court left about 25 percent of the records under seal after secret "ex parte" meetings closed to the press, public and the attorneys who were seeking to unseal the documents, according to the committee.

Ms. Lynch's office argued that Sater's safety was one consideration for sealing, but the Reporters Committee said the information about his case already was available and the subject of media reports, which undercut that argument.

"When the press and public have no way of holding courts accountable for giving informants special treatment, secret defendants can abuse the system and endanger the public," Bruce D. Brown, the committee's executive director, wrote in a letter in May.

In 2012, two years into Ms. Lynch's tenure at U.S. attorney, Mr. Cassell filed a separate brief on behalf of the National Organization for Victim Assistance. They argued that Ms. Lynch's office appeared intent on preventing the public from learning anything about how prosecutors treated crime victims in the case.

The victims' rights group said it had asked Ms. Lynch's office whether it followed through on restitution for crime victims as the law requires in the case. The group received no explanation other than a brief email to Mr. Cassell saying the office "complied in all aspects of the law."

"At this point," the attorneys argued, "the government is using the alleged sealing orders it may (or may not) have obtained in this case not as a legitimate law enforcement tool but rather as an excuse for obscuring what happened."

Mr. Cassell a year later asked the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution to inquire into the matter. But that didn't happen.

In a statement, the Judiciary Committee said it incorporated Mr. Cassell's concerns into legislation improving services for crime victims at all federal prosecutors' offices. But the House panel never contacted Ms. Lynch's office directly.

"The committee takes such requests seriously, and the precedent is often to use alternate strategies other than a formal congressional inquiry," the committee said in an email statement — though the committee said it "is also open to examining this issue further and has not ruled out sending an inquiry to the U.S. attorney's office regarding its handling of victims' rights."