proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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Juan Williams of Fox News Gets Hammered After Making This Comment About Military Recruiters :: 07/20/2015

Fox News contributor Juan Williams is taking heat for a remark he made about the Chattanooga shooting.

During a discussion about how we need to arm military recruiters, Williams said:

“I am really baffled by this whole conversation. This is a strip mall. This is not even Fort Hood. This is not even a military base. What we are talking about here is a strip mall with stores, hamburger stands and all that, and I don’t think you just want people walking around everybody with a gun.”

Then, Williams alluded to the idea that people carrying guns in a strip mall could equate to a ‘Wild West’ mentality.

His comment seemed to baffle show guest Mary Katharine Ham. She responded:

“It is a rational completely no-brainer policy to say that military personnel who are working in military matters might carry. So that they might protect themselves because they are targets.

And this is the new world that we live in, where people are soft targets, where strip malls are targets. So it does seem illogical to take the power out of those hands that are trained to protect themselves and others, and frankly regular citizens as well.

It does not make for a ‘wild west’ to have responsible citizens to have means in their hands in case something happens.”

Social media users also weighed in:

Dominick @Diomed33

@BraveConWarrior @TheJuanWilliams I'm frankly baffled at those that choose disarmed our Armed Forces. No need to tow the party line on this

1:59 PM - 18 Jul 2015

Greg Nelson @hope4change2016

Juan Williams' wife robbed in April. Her response, "I wish I had a gun." Juan wants unarmed military members in recruiting centers. Huh?

1:13 PM - 18 Jul 2015

David @AngryDingo

On @TheFive @TheJuanWilliams said about arming recruiters “What do you want? Shooting in parking lots?” No Juan, we want shooting back.

12:52 PM - 18 Jul 2015