PA Bill Number: HB434
Title: Providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.
Description: An Act providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.
Last Action: Referred to CHILDREN AND YOUTH
Last Action Date: Jan 31, 2025
Now We Know How Germany Let It Happen :: 04/03/2020
For as long as I can remember, when freedom-loving Americans would gather in small groups to discuss world affairs, the question would come up, “How did the German people come to allow themselves to embrace totalitarianism the way they did?” Then, after a time of discussion about it, the group would always conclude by saying, “Thank God, this could never happen in America.”
As a small boy, I heard those discussions from my parents and their friends, who were part of “The Greatest Generation.” I heard it from my friends in college. And I heard it all of my adult life in churches, coffee shops and conference rooms all over America: “How could Germany let it happen?” And, “Thank God, it could never happen in America.”
Well, it IS happening in America—and all over the world at the same time. Due to their complete collapse into a state of fear and panic, most Americans seem oblivious to the fact that we are right now—RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE—living in what could easily be the last days of freedom.
It happened in less than 30 days—and it is happening due to mass hyperbole and media manipulation. No, I’m not saying that the coronavirus is not real. Neither am I saying that people have not died from the virus. But I am saying that the fearmongering over the claim that corona has the potential to be a global pandemic akin to the Black Death is pure, unadulterated poppycock.
Here is a list of twelve of the most respected and imminent medical scholars in the world telling us that all of this fearmongering over COVID-19 is much ado about nothing.
The virus models spawning much of this fear and paranoia that are producing all kinds of Martial Law around the world are themselves fraught with inaccuracies.
And in this analytical report, John Rappoport uses quotes from official sources about their own diagnostic tests to prove that the entire coronavirus scare is an “illusion” produced by “fake science.”
Rappoport shows:
*A positive test doesn’t guarantee that the COVID virus is causing infection at all.
*Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.
*The idea of “asymptomatic patients” confirmed by the test is nonsense. And even though a positive test for COVID may not indicate the actual cause of disease, all positive tests must be reported—and they will be counted as “COVID cases.” Regardless.
*All positive tests must be reported to government agencies, and they are counted as COVID cases.
Let this sink in: The corona cold virus has been with us for almost forever. If we ever had the corona cold virus in our past, a PCR test could show us as being corona “positive.” And if a person dies from almost any cause—short of a car wreck or bullet wound—a postmortem test that reflects a positive reading for corona would require (by the demands of government) that the deceased be listed as having died FROM corona. But in many cases (if not most cases), the deceased died WITH corona but not FROM corona.
In other words, these tests and statistics surrounding the coronavirus are wildly speculative and exaggerated. But they succeed in keeping the public in a state of fear and panic.
By the way, did you know that more people in Tennessee committed suicide than died from corona last week?
Make no mistake about it: This is a planned event. The globalists—that the entire evangelical Christian and conservative Republican world kept telling us for the last three years that Donald Trump had on the run—are actually stronger than ever and have chosen this White House and this moment to launch an all-out attack against our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Laws of Nature.
No! Donald Trump was not a man of the people to take down the Deep State; he was always a puppet of the Deep State to take down the rights and freedoms of The People. State governors (Republican and Democrat) are taking their Police State cues from the White House, because they know that as long as Trump endorses the plan, Christians and conservatives will sheepishly go along. I’m telling you straight out: This all-out assault against our freedoms would not and could not be happening if a Democrat was in the White House.
I’ve said it a hundred times: America loses far more freedoms when a Republican is in the White House than when a Democrat is in the White House. We lost far more liberties under G.W. Bush than we did under Bill Clinton, and we have lost far more freedoms under Donald Trump than we did under Barack Obama. And right now it looks like the loss of EVERYTHING we hold dear as a nation will occur under the Republican President Donald Trump.
This is not because Republican presidents are worse than Democrat presidents. It’s because both Republican and Democrat presidents are controlled by the same people, and when Republicans are in office, the real source of resistance—born-again Christians, “patriots” and conservatives within the GOP—becomes sheepish slaves of the Republican president and offers ZERO resistance. No! It’s more than that: They provide enthusiastic support for the Republican president—no matter how draconian his actions prove to be.
In the past 30 days, Americans have lost—or should I say have willingly surrendered:
*The free exercise of religion
*The freedom to peaceably assemble
*The freedom to travel
*The freedom to work
*The freedom to obtain a firearm (if you live in Washington State, New Jersey, New Orleans and other places)
*The right of autonomy over one’s own property
*The right of autonomy over one’s own money (try to withdraw a large sum of money right now and see what happens)
*The right to buy and sell
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. A county in Indiana recently declared books (which includes the Bible) to be “non-essential” goods and outlawed their sale. Checkpoints are going up. National Guard troops are checking temperatures at airports. Local governments are setting up networks for citizens to rat out each other. Medical care is being rationed. The list is endless.
Judge Andrew Napolitano rightly asks, “What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?”
One of my Fox colleagues recently sent me an email attachment of a painting of the framers signing the Constitution of the United States. Except in this version, George Washington — who presided at the Constitutional Convention — looks at James Madison — who was the scrivener at the Convention — and says, “None of this counts if people get sick, right?”
In these days of state governors issuing daily decrees purporting to criminalize the exercise of our personal freedoms, the words put into Washington’s mouth are only mildly amusing. Had Washington actually asked such a question, Madison, of all people, would likely have responded: “No. This document protects our natural rights at all times and under all circumstances.”
Namely, that since our rights come from our humanity, not from the government, foolish people can only sacrifice their own freedoms, not the freedoms of others.
Thus, freedom can only be taken away when the government proves fault at a jury trial. This protection is called procedural due process, and it, too, is guaranteed in the Constitution.
Of what value is a constitutional guarantee if it can be violated when people get sick? If it can, it is not a guarantee; it is a fraud. Stated differently, a constitutional guarantee is only as valuable and reliable as is the fidelity to the Constitution of those in whose hands we have reposed it for safekeeping.
Because the folks in government, with very few exceptions, suffer from what St. Augustine called libido dominandi—the lust to dominate—when they are confronted with the age-old clash of personal liberty versus government force, they will nearly always come down on the side of force.
How do they get away with this? By scaring the daylights out of us. I never thought I’d see this in my lifetime, though our ancestors saw this in every generation. In America today, we have a government of fear. Machiavelli offered that men obey better when they fear you than when they love you. Sadly, he was right, and the government in America knows this.
But Madison knew this as well when he wrote the Constitution. And he knew it four years later when he wrote the Bill of Rights. He intentionally employed language to warn those who lust to dominate that, however they employ governmental powers, the Constitution is “the Supreme Law of the Land” and all government behavior in America is subject to it.
This is not a novel or an arcane argument. This is fundamental American law. Yet, it is being violated right before our eyes by the very human beings we have elected to uphold it. And each of them — every governor interfering with the freedom to make one’s own choices — has taken an express oath to comply with the Constitution.
What is the nature of freedom? It is an unassailable natural claim against all others, including the government. Stated differently, it is your unconditional right to think as you wish, to say what you think, to publish what you say, to associate with whomever wishes to be with you no matter their number, to worship or not, to defend yourself, to own and use property as you see fit, to travel where you wish, to purchase from a willing seller, to be left alone. And to do all this without a government permission slip.
What is the nature of government? It is the negation of freedom. It is a monopoly of force in a designated geographic area. When elected officials fear that their base is slipping, they will feel the need to do something — anything — that will let them claim to be enhancing safety. Trampling liberty works for that odious purpose. Hence a decree commanding obedience, promising safety and threatening punishment.
It was only a few months ago when Christians and conservatives would often use this quote from Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
Hardly any of them are using that quote today. Instead, they are expressing enthusiastic endorsement for the assaults against their liberties—in the name of SAFETY from corona. More than that: They are frothing venom and hatred against anyone who dares to stand up for our constitutional liberties.
These conveniently confused Christians and conservatives are regurgitating the very words and ideas that the Tories expressed toward our American patriot forebears.
Recall that the great champion of liberty, the Rev. James Caldwell of New Jersey, was assassinated by a fellow American loyal to the tyrannous British Crown. These modern Tories would be happy to do the same thing to those preachers standing for freedom right now. I know, because I receive and hear their hate-filled threats almost daily.
Do you not find it interesting that the same Trump-worshipping Christians and conservatives who for the last three years kept telling us that the mainstream media (MSM) was “fake news” are now aggressively attacking anyone who doesn’t buy what the MSM is saying about the coronavirus? Talk about blatant two-facedness!
Make no mistake about it: We are in the beginning of a war against our liberties that will not subside until the American people decide, AGAIN, that essential liberty is more valuable than temporary safety.
As loudly as I know how to say it: FREEDOM IS NOT A NON-ESSENTIAL.
From The Ron Paul Institute For Peace And Prosperity website, Justin Pavoni writes,
There have been 23,000 US deaths so far this year due to flu, 3,000 from coronavirus. Worldwide stats are roughly in parallel. Legitimate population samples and common sense show that the virus has infected way more people than reported by the immoral news organizations that make money off this hysteria. It is highly likely that REAL death rates are closer to .05 percent rather than the oft-emphasized 3 percent.
Social Distancing makes people distrust one another. People that are afraid of each other are easier to control.
[As Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery noted, lockdowns and quarantines in Italy did NOT slow down the spread of the virus but actually caused it to spread much faster.]
I have already seen certain local governments posting websites for all of us to tell on each other for congregating in groups. My wife has had skeptical posts removed from Facebook. Sounds a lot like the secret police to me.
Will they soon be forcibly vaccinating my whole family even though there's a huge chance I'm naturally immune to this virus already? What if I don't want the vaccine? What if I would rather develop a natural immunity? Am I going to be targeted (modern day witch hunt) as a bio terrorist germ spreader if I want to contract the cold and let my body beat it on its own? Of course, since vaccines have all kinds of toxins in them and since they'll also get rushed to market in the hysteria, there's a huge likelihood making me take the vaccine would do more harm than good. Is anyone going to be held responsible for that if it were to happen?
The first amendment to the constitution is supposed to guarantee the right of Americans to peacefully assemble with their fellow man. THAT IS, TO PEACEFULLY PROTEST AS A GROUP. What happens when I get together with > 10 people to protest this insane coronavirus lockdown that does nothing to stop the spread of a disease the government is likely 6 months behind? I would probably spend 6 months in jail and everyone would tell me I'm trying to kill their grandparents. INSANE! There is no provision in the constitution that allows for this fundamental human right to assemble to be ignored during the coronavirus or at any other time.
The government has no money. It has to steal everything it gets and since it's in the red, it has to print the $2 trillion [actually $6 trillion] out of thin air. The one honest guy in the House of Representatives, Thomas Massie, called this a huge wealth transfer from the masses to the rich with $1200 as the cheese in the trap. He is exactly right.
[I urged everyone on my Facebook page to call Mr. Massie and encourage this courageous congressman. Almost everyone in Washington, D.C.—including Donald Trump—is excoriating this good man for his principled stand on the Constitution. Trump is calling for Massie’s expulsion from the Republican Party, and wealthy Zionists are heeding Trump’s call and are amassing money and personal opposition to Massie’s re-election.]
Now they're printing up more money to buy all the big companies. So soon the Fed will own all the businesses because who can compete with a printing press. Who needs a communist revolution when you have central banking?
Welcome to 1984 in the central banking states of America.
What’s going to happen during the next 30 days? An Internet shut down? Cash made illegal? Jail for people who question the media/government spin on the virus? What comes after that? Elections cancelled? Military courts taking over civil courts? An oligarchic politburo installed?
I was talking about the elitists’ plans for an unelected, oligarchic takeover of America via a Continuity of Government (COG) blueprint on my national radio talk show back in the 1990s. Even the CBS TV show Jericho (2006 - 2008) highlighted the existence of COG in its dramatic depiction of a conspiracy between giant corporations and government to destroy America’s constitutional liberties.
Even as we speak, the U.S. military is prepared to implement COG Martial Law in America due to the coronavirus. The point is, all of this has been on the drawing board for decades.
Bill Gates is saying he expects that people will soon receive a “digital certificate” branded into their skin to show that they have been vaccinated. He also said that a “national tracking system” is on its way for Americans. He said that “technology is nothing more than an upgrade on traditional cattle branding.” Obviously, Gates believes we humans are cattle—to be branded with HIS mark.
“It could never happen in America,” you say? A month ago, I seem to remember people saying that same thing about what is happening RIGHT NOW.
So, now we know the answer to the decades-old question, “How did Germany let it happen?” They let it happen the same way WE are letting it happen.
P.S. Here is my message recorded live at Liberty Fellowship last Sunday, March 29, 2020, entitled "The Plague Of His Own Heart".
© Chuck Baldwin
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