proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 22, 2025

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Oklahoma Self-Defense Shooting: SHOCKING: Home Invader Gets Blasted With Shotgun, Then Gets Tangled In Electric Fence During His Escape :: 09/20/2014

A robber near El Reno, Oklahoma, targeted the wrong home to attack. Instead of weakly cowering like an impotent Mom's Demand Attention supporters, Cathy Kouba took action, flanked the surprised burglar by looping around the house, and then unloaded on him:

    Cathy Kouba's home security system alarm jolted her awake Thursday night. She said she realized someone was trying to kick in her back door.

    "I have a daughter that's handicapped and she was asleep on the bottom floor," Kouba said. "And so for the fear of her being hurt, motherly instincts kick in and, you know, I worked hard for what I've got. And you're not going to come and take it away from me."Cathy Kouba considers her Mossberg shotgun to be, "the best Mother's Day Gift Ever."

    Kouba said she grabbed the gun her son gave her for Mother's Day and ran out the front door to confront the intruder out back.

    "[I cocked the gun], saw that the door had broke down, then I saw him hitting over the fence and head to the creek," Kouba said.

    Kouba said she fired and thinks she hit him in his backside. Adding insult to injury, the intruder got tangled in her electric fence before escaping.

Law enforcement found a blood trail that suggests Kouba connected with the burglar, but does not yet have a suspect in custody.

In many jurisdictions shooting a fleeing criminal is considered assault with a deadly weapon and so firing at a fleeing suspect is not encouraged, but the authorities here seem to show very little interest in charging Kouba. The simple fact of the matter is that the odds of a successful prosecution of the mother of a special needs child defending her home is between slim and none, and the prosecutor knows it.

Unfortunately the same response in some parts of the nation—each and every one dark blue politically—would result in her being charged.

Fire only when faced with immediate lethal force, folks.