proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB837

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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OMG! Armed Black Men Defending A White-Owned Business in Ferguson! WIth An AR-15! OMG! :: 12/01/2014

“On Tuesday night, as police and soldiers took up positions in the parking lots of virtually every strip mall and big box store around it, the forecourt of the brightly lit gas station [in Ferguson, Missouri] was busy with customers,” reports. “One, a 6-foot-8-inches man named Derrick Jordan — ‘Stretch,’ as friends call him — whisked an AR-15 assault rifle out from a pickup truck parked near the entrance . . .

Jordan, 37, was one of four black Ferguson residents who spent Tuesday night planted in front of the store, pistols tucked into their waistbands, waiting to ward off looters or catch shoplifters.

Black? BLACK? Black men defended a gas station from looters WITH GUNS? An AR-15? The same gun Adam Lanza used to kill those kids in Newtown? But wait! That’s not the half of it! Turns out . . .

Jordan and the others guarding the gas station are all black. The station’s owner is white.Black-Ferguson-Residents-Protect-White-Owned-Store.png-665x385-620x358

OK, that’s it. I call racism.The fact that the armed men defending Doug Merello’s Conoco station were black employees and supporters, the fact that the station is owned by a white man, has nothing to do with anything.

The riots in Ferguson were not “race riots.” They were simple, stark examples of affirmative shopping and wanton destruction by hundreds of people with no moral compass. Mob violence. No more. No less. The armed men standing against the mob were . . . armed men standing against the mob. Their color is irrelevant.

Highlighting the race of the gas station’s defenders is racist – and the media knows it. Black Ferguson Residents Arm Themselves and Descend Upon White-Owned Business — The Reason Why Is Front-Page Worthy headline promises. And then doesn’t deliver any reason why they published the story (edited out?).

We all know what’s going on here. The media’s using this story to show a lack of racism in the midst of what they sold as a racially-motivated riot. That makes it all better, somehow. A ray of hope and all that. Yes, well, again, the Ferguson riots weren’t about race. And again, playing the race card in its reportage is racist.

At times, Jordan and his friends were joined on Tuesday night by other men from the neighborhood, also armed. None of the men was getting paid to be there. They said they felt they owed it to Merello, who has employed many of them over the years and treats them with respect.

“He’s a nice dude, he’s helped us a lot,” said a 29-year-old who identified himself as R.J. He said he, like the other volunteers, had lived a short distance away from the store for most of his life.

He carried a Taurus 9mm pistol in his sweatpants and drew it out to show another customer, an older man at a pump who was brandishing a MAC-10 machine pistol.

Missouri allows the open carrying of firearms. State lawmakers recently passed a law overriding any local ordinance that banned the open carry of firearms by people who have concealed-weapons permits.

R.J. said on Monday they chased away several groups of teenagers rampaging through the area.

But they have also had a close brush with soldiers from the Missouri National Guard, who mistook them for looters, he said. The guardsmen, rifles raised, had handcuffed one man before Merello came outside the store to explain that the residents were trying to help, not hurt.

Because they were black! The National Guardsmen are racist! OK, I’ve had my fun. Other than saying full-auto machine pistol? I don’t think so. The real story here: armed Americans did what the police and National Guard couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do: protect life and property from lawless marauders, by force of arms.

It’s one of the reasons Americans fight to defend and extend their natural and civil right to keep and bear arms. And will continue to do so as long as they live in a functional Constitutional republic. Regardless of their race, color or creed.