proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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Online database of psychiatric drug-linked shootings :: 08/04/2015

(NaturalNews) To help document the continued increase in violent shootings carried out by individuals whose minds are altered by dangerous psychiatric drugs, we've just launched a new website that lists and describes all the known "psych drug shootings."

The site is called

As Natural News and others have documented time and again, the use of psych drugs (such as antidepressants / SSRIs) has been linked to nearly every mass shooting in America. And the number of suicides linked to these drugs is even worse. According to the Federal Drug Administration's own statistics, 63,000 people in the U.S. have committed suicide while on antidepressant drugs.

It's a biological fact that psychiatric drugs often make many people feel disconnected from reality, allowing them to undertake violent actions they would not normally pursue -- such as shooting their fellow students or turning their vehicles into ramming weapons to commit mass violence. Something "flipped a switch" in their brains, and that something was almost certainly a psychiatric drug.

See recent entries from the new website on:

John Russell Houser – Lafayette movie theater shooting (2015)

Mohammod Abdulazeez – Chattanooga military shooting (2015)

Dylan Roof – Charleston Church shooting (2015)

Feel free to cite this ad-free website as a research source in your own articles.

It's not the guns; it's the mind-altering drugs!

Until we halt the chemical holocaust being perpetrated against our world by the psychiatric drugging industry, we will sadly continue to see more of these violent, drug-induced shootings taking place. Psych drugs cause violence, and even if guns are not available to these deranged individuals, they can use knives, swords, vehicles or even explosives to carry out violence against innocents.

Blaming guns for mass murders is like blaming automobiles for drunk driving. It's the intention of the person that matters, not merely the hardware... and that intention gets distorted through psychiatric drugs that distort brain function and transform normal people into killers.

Sadly, the more psych drugs are prescribed, the more violence we'll see. Meanwhile, Big Pharma pockets billions of dollars in profits from the very same drugs that are causing people to snap and engage in deadly violence.

The link between antidepressants and violence has been known for years by the very people manufacturing, marketing or prescribing the drugs!

Years ago, Natural News reported that Eli Lilly had full knowledge of a 1200% increase in suicide risk for takers of their Prozac drug, the first antidepressant SSRI medication.

Later we also reported the results of a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry showing that teens taking antidepressant drugs are more likely to attempt suicide. We also published a report about the antidepressant drug Paxil doubling the risk of violent behavior. And that's just a small sample of the shameful record of psychiatric drugs linked to violent shootings.

Psych drugs and the agenda to disarm private citizens

Psychiatric drugs are what drive people to precisely the kinds of insane violent acts that support the twisted political agenda of gun monopolization. The more often mass shootings take place, the more often liberal politicians push for disarming private citizens and making sure all guns reside solely in the hands of government agents.

Note carefully that "gun control" efforts do not call for eliminating guns from everyone... only from private citizens. This would create a monopoly of power in the hands of the government itself, and history has shown than absolute power always leads to absolute corruption.

Disarmament of the citizenry has long been the goal of the Obama administration and leftists everywhere. Psychiatric drugs actually help promote this goal by causing more violent shootings, giving politicians one crisis after another that they can exploit to achieve their goal is total disarmament of the enslaved population. But as history has shown, once a population is disarmed and enslaved, a corrupt government can do anything it wants to them, including rounding up of innocent people (Japanese internment camps in World War II), silencing dissenters or even committing genocide (i.e. the Holocaust of the Nazi era, which was only successful because the Jewish citizenry were first disarmed. See Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.)

The mainstream media refuses to tell the truth about all this

To no one's surprise, the mainstream media refuses to tell you the truth about the link between psychiatric drugs and violent killings. Why would they? They depend heavily on Big Pharma for advertising revenue, and don't want to bite the hand that feeds them.

They get many of their "facts" straight from Big Pharma's PR puppets, especially now that they've laid off the majority of their actual journalists. The ownership and management executives in mainstream media have numerous connections to Big Pharma's ownership and management. And of course the mainstream media doesn't link gun violence to psych drugs simply because that would distract from their own narrative that guns alone are to blame for these events.

While no one argues that guns don't belong in the hands of the mentally deranged, what society really needs today is "medication control!"

That's why was created. It's another way to spread the news about the real cause of mass shootings as part of our ultimate goal of putting a stop to this senseless, drug-induced violence.

The PsychDrugShooters database will help inform professional and amateur journalists, concerned citizens, political activists, health care professionals and anyone else who wants easy access to the truth. It features a simple, easy-to-search database, divided into several useful categories:

• family shootings/murders
• female shootings
• Islamic extremism
• military-related violence
• school shootings
• targeted attacks
• workplace shootings

Each entry contains information about each shooter, the details of the crime and the name of the drug (or drugs) involved.

To begin searching, go to now and start learning!

Don't forget Good Gopher as a powerful research tool for the truth

In addition to launching Psych Drug Shooters, we've also recently launched Good Gopher, the world's first search engine that filters out corporate propaganda and government disinfo.

It's refreshing! Try searching for any topic where the truth has been suppressed: Monsanto, fluoride, psychiatric drugs, vaccines and more. You'll find that Good Gopher gives you all the search results that Google and other search engines deliberately censor.

Start searching now at: