proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB837

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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Pew poll confirms amnesty a danger to gun rights :: 12/15/2014

Survey results made public Wednesday by Pew Research Center show public support for protecting gun rights on the rise across all demographics except for two notable categories, “liberal Democrats” and “Hispanics.” Significantly, the latest numbers also show the most dramatic increase in support for gun rights over gun control among African Americans, who registered a 25 percent gain to a majority position of acknowledging guns protect more than they put people at risk.

While the new survey may encourage gun rights activists to make inroads appealing to black voters to elect gun rights-supporting politicians instead of automatically giving power to anti-gun urban Democrats, attitudes expressed by Hispanics show overwhelming rejection of pro-gun political sentiment. With only 25 percent favoring laws protecting the right to own guns, 71 percent want government to “control ownership.”

That tracks with warnings issued by Gun Owners of America, curiously alone among national gun rights advocacy groups. GOA has warned that amnesty for illegal aliens, and a "pathway to citizenship," will provide for millions of new anti-gun voters with the electoral clout to undo all hard-won legislative and judicial gains gun owners have enjoyed in recent years. That in turn has bearing on what Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, the official behind so-called "executive amnesty," told the United Conference of Mayors in January, when he maintained that “the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have ‘earned the right to be citizens.’”

With other gun groups justifying their inaction to take on amnesty under the “single issue” excuse that it's not directly about guns, with establishment Republicans and their Chamber of Commerce patrons favoring labor that’s “cheap” for employers because true costs are borne by all and don't appear on their books, and with Democrats and the mainstream media in lockstep with Barack Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America,” those opposing amnesty are becoming increasingly isolated.

If holdout gun organizations neither make politicians accountable for amnesty support, nor make the developing political gun rights threat known to their members, most gun owners may remain unaware, uninformed and unconvinced until it’s too late for them to seek political solutions. Indications are, such groups would not be motivated to alter a policy of deliberate indifference unless enough members to get their attention demanded it, and backed that up by loudly redirecting support to GOA.

That’s assuming it’s not already too late. Per CNS News, the spending bill passed Thursday by John Boehner “join[ing] forces” with Barack Obama “does not prohibit the president from using appropriated money to implement his plan to legalize illegal aliens, [meaning] the president may move forward--drawing taxed and borrowed money from the Treasury--to carry out this plan.”

All that's left is what Gun Owners of America describes as a "a Hail Mary pass." The group issued an alert Friday urging members to contact their senators "to say NO to the anti-gun funding bill."

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