proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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The Insurrectionist They Would Have Me Be :: 10/29/2015

I have a confession to make.  When I wrote Gun Confiscation Fantasies Are Fast-Tracking The Democrat Party To Destruction, I knew before I  hit “publish” that it would drive the anti-gun left completely around the bend.

In that post—which has been shared more than 11,000 times on Facebook alone—I dared to address “That which must not be mentioned.”

That, of course, is the inherently violent and totalitarian nature of the anti-gun left.

I dared to cite actual examples which shows that their end goal is government violence against American citizens who dare retain their natural right to bear arms.

The final two paragraphs of Ostendarp’s rant seem to sum up the collective id of the radical left in the United States at this moment in time.

I don’t understand your rural traditions or you tribal culture of whatever it is you people call a lifestyle. Civilized people do not own arsenals, ok? Your paranoia is turning you into a bunch of f*cking savages. You are foaming at the mouth, grunting, and jumping up and down. With guns.

Civilized people can’t get on peacefully with good living as long these nuts are out there with guns. Period. All of you need to be forcibly disarmed.

Perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that a flaky and delicate art professor more concerned with feelings than logic would be so un-self-aware, and succumb to the very sort of violent tribal behavior he imagines in others.

Another academic, writing at the perpetually deranged online e-zine Salon, wants gun owners to be shot.

Sadly, they’re only following the lead of their political and cultural masters.

President Barack Obama has stated several times his desire for firearms confiscation. Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton is likewise endorsing the calls of her fellow leftists for the gutting of the Second Amendment.

This vocal, radical fringe of progressives that makes up perhaps one-fifth of the political spectrum in our Republic now dominants the Democrat Party, and they want to use the power of the state to forcibly disarm more than 100 million firearms from between 105-160 million American citizens.

The Founding Fathers knew that would-be tyrants like this would come.

They created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect this nation from them.

Like my compatriots at Hot Air, I think that the Democrat Party is speeding towards yet another crushing electoral defeat by making the destruction of a constitutional right their rallying cry.

I merely hope that we get to the 2016 elections.

The radical left is getting much louder, much more shrill, and much more insistent in their desire to use force to get their way and impose their ideas on the American people.

I dared call out the totalitarianism of the vocal anti-gun minority in this nation.

Predictably, Josh Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)—a group which has encouraged the dangerous practice of abusing the 911 emergency system to “SWAT” gun owners —had a hissy fit in response, and posted it on Arianna Huffington’s blog.

Horwitz and CSGV communications director Ladd Everitt have a long, well-documented (and frankly, amusing) practice of calling anyone who still believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights an “insurrectionist.”

I proudly wear his shrill, toothless epithet as a badge of honor, and yet, I do not feel worthy of the title.

You see, men like Captain Isaac Davis, and Captain John Parker were true insurrectionists.

They saw a tyrannical government that was grossly unjust abusing the people from a far-off capital, and when representatives of that government left Boston and took up arms against their own citizens in a series of  gun control raids on the morning of April 19, 1775, these brave men were among thousands that took the field to strike a blow for liberty.

History well remembers the “shot heard ’round the world” immortalized in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Concord Hymn.

By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept; Alike the conqueror silent sleeps; And Time the ruined bridge has swept Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream, We set to-day a votive stone; That memory may their deed redeem, When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare, To die, and leave their children free, Bid Time and Nature gently spare The shaft we raise to them and thee.

That insurrectionist spirit—what we now call patriotism—is etched deeply in the DNA of this Republic.

The Minute Man, sculpted by Daniel Chester French, is based upon Captain Issac Davis, the first American officer to fall in the service of our liberty at Concord Bridge.


Davis’ likeness now represents one of the nation’s best known organized militias, enshrined in the official seal the U.S. Army National Guard.


Davis and the estimated 14,000 other citizens that took up arms that day and moved towards the sounds of the guns thwarted a gun confiscation raid on Lexington and Concord, and turned a revolution in the hearts of men into a real revolution for human rights which echos and inspires even today.

Josh Horwitz spits out the word “insurrectionist” as if he doesn’t breath the air or walk the earth or espouse his ideas as an American, thanks to the courtesy of insurrectionists who won the very liberty he seeks to strip from others.

I can’t say that I’m familiar with the Turner Diaries, a book that has set Horwitz’s fevered imagination aflame.

I have, however, read Washington’s Crossing and Paul Revere’s Ride from noted historian David Hackett Fischer.

Because of this, I am aware, if only to a small degree, of the brutal sacrifices the “First Americans” made so that we may enjoy the liberties we so often take for granted.

I am not alone.

I’m very fortunate to have met many who still honor the sacrifices of our insurrectionist Founding Fathers, and who intimately understand that when people cede their liberties to government, tyranny and death inevitably follows.

Governments which insisted that citizens must turn in their arms “for the common good” then systematically murdered 262 million people of their own people in the 20th Century alone, a practice known as democide.

I am but one of 100-140 million Americans who know the historical fact that citizens are safer when they are armed to protect themselves from the corrupting nature of a government that has grown drunk on it’s own quest for power, and which seeks to intrude upon every aspect of our lives.

Josh Horwitz and people like him revile the Founding Fathers,  the concepts of personal liberty and personal responsibility, and the idea that a free people should control the government, instead of the government lording over the people.

That is why “insurrectionist” is such a dirty word in his vocabulary.

Brave, honorable, decent citizens unwilling to acquiesce to his confiscatory fantasies frighten him.

It is why he attacked the National Rifle Association, their five million members, and their tens of millions of supporters for simply sharing my article calling out the violent, totalitarian nature of a gun control movement that dreams of forced confiscation.

We will not so easily given up that precious liberty that so many generations fought and died to protect for us, Mr. Horwitz.

We are proudly a nation of insurrectionists, sir.

I’m sorry if that upsets you.