proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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The Liberal Theology of Gun Control :: 12/16/2015

How does a man who entered the White House vowing to re­store science to its proper place tell us that gun con­trol is the an­swer to ter­rorism?

After all, California already has strict gun control, as does France, which just had its sec­ond terrorist massacre this year. Not to mention that the one time when terrorists with assault rifles and body armor were foiled, it was because an off-duty traffic cop in Garland, Texas, was carrying a gun—and used it to shoot the two heavily armed Islamists before they could kill anyone.

Or that "common sense gun control" would have done noth­ing to stop Richard Reid (the unsuccessful shoe-bomber); the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston (pressure cookers) or the 9/11 hijackers (box-cutters). Maybe the president should be de­manding common sense pres­sure-cooker control.

Yet while the critiques of the president's antigun pitch are correct, they are also be­side the point. Because liberal calls for gun control aren't about keeping guns from bad guys. It's what you talk about so you don't have to talk about the reality of Islamist terror. And focusing on the weaponry is part of a liberal argument that dates to the Cold War, when calls for arms control were likewise used to avoid addressing the ugly re­ality of communism.

Understand this, and you understand why Senate Demo­crats reacted to San Bernar­dino by putting forth antigun legislation. Why the New York Times ran a gun control edito­rial on its front page, and the Daily News used its own cover to feature the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre underneath San Bernardino killer Syed Farook—labeling them both terrorists. And why President Obama used Sunday night's address to whine about those resisting his call for gun measures that would not have stopped any of the shooters.

Put simply, today's liberal­ism cannot deal with the real­ity of evil. So liberals inveigh against the instruments the evil use rather than the evil that motivates them.

Not that there aren't mea­sures society can embrace to keep the innocent from being shot and killed. The best exam­ple may be New York City from 2002-13, during Ray Kelly's last stint as police commissioner, when the NYPD was bringing the murder rate to record lows through America's most effec­tive gun-control program: stop-and-frisk.

This was gun control for bad guys, under the theory that when you take guns away from bad people—or at least make them afraid to carry guns on the street—you re­duce shootings. But it was savaged by liberals. Because they don't want just the bad guys' guns. They want yours.

So they demonize guns while fighting approaches that try to identify threats, whether from mentally ill in­dividuals such as Adam Lanza, who went on a murderous rampage at Sandy Hook Ele­mentary School in 2012, or terrorists such as Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik. Surely the key to distinguish­ing between the millions of law-abiding Muslims and those who mean us harm is intelligence.

Guns are what you talk about to avoid having to talk about Islamist terrorism.

Nevertheless, the urge to blame the weapon has deep liberal roots. It was particu­larly pronounced in the latter years of the Cold War when Ronald Reagan was president.

Even as Reagan was apply­ing the pressure that would ul­timately bring down the Berlin Wall in 1989—from arming the Afghan resistance to support­ing Poland's Solidarity move­ment to rebuilding America's defenses—liberals derided him as a warmonger. Two things especially irked them: He'd called the U.S.S.R. the Evil Em­pire, and he was skeptical about arms control for the sake of arms control.

So when the Gipper walked away from the 1986 Reykjavik summit because Mikhail Gor­bachev insisted his price for a nukes deal was the end of missile defense, Reagan was derided as a dunce. But his decision proved one of his fin­est moments: Scarcely a year later the Soviets caved and Mr. Gorbachev signed the In­termediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

Bad regimes are like bad guys in this respect. They'll take a deal they know has no, teeth. But they will accept a genuine arms reduction only when the good guys put them in a position where they have little or no choice.

This helps explain why, for example, Libya's Moammar Gadhafi turned over Ms entire nuclear program to George W. Bush—and why the Iranians happily agreed to a deal with President Obama that puts them on the path to a bomb.

Meanwhile, we've just en­dured what may be the first successful ISIS-inspired attack on the homeland. And like her former boss, Hillary Clinton is demanding the government "take action now" on guns.

Back and forth it goes. In­stead of debating the anti-terror policy of the past seven years—the wisdom of ending the National Security Agency's metadata program, whether ISIS can be knocked out with­out any ground troops, how the lack of nerve on Syria fed this mess, or whether Islamist terror can be defeated so long as our leaders refuse to call it by its rightful name—we're all arguing over gun control.

Then again, if you were Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton, isn't this the debate you'd prefer?

MAIN STREET By William McGurn -- Write to