proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB443

Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.

Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

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Think you know the Castle Doctrine? You best read this. :: 07/05/2013

In our continuing effort to get folks up to speed on what Castle is, and what its not, we submit the following article to you. Warning shots are a bad idea, and as in this case, an anti gun DA can "prove" you could not have been in fear of grave bodily injury or death, or you would not have fired a warning shot.You read, you decide.

There's another reason we offer this article. It appears on the surface to be pro military, and pro Southwest Asia Veteran. We don't think so, and we're growing weary of accounts of Veterans involved in armed encounters, while Chicago hoodlums and miscreants get scant coverage. Running your mouth about "going into combat mode" only serves to feed the ravenous press and the anti-gunners agenda. We think this Vet should have simply said "NO COMMENT" to the news media.

Military Vet Arrested; Guns Confiscated: His Crime - Defending his Home From Burglar

A Military veteran living in Oregon, 36-year-old Corey Thompson, has been arrested and has had his firearms confiscated after defending his home from an intruder.

Medford, Oregon Police arrested Thompson, after he attempted to stop a wanted felon from breaking into his home by firing a warning shot into the ground. The felon, 40-year-old Jonathon Kinsella, had outstanding warrants that included burglary and assault charges.

The wanted felon was trying to break into Thompson's home through a back door. Trying to defend his property, Thompson grabbed his AR-15 rifle and warned the criminal that he was armed. He then yelled to him that he was giving him his one and only warning shot; he then fired one warning shot. The bullet did not strike the suspect or anyone else.

"This is the end result. You break into someone's house, there's consequences," Thompson told KDRV-TV . "When I'm dealt with a stressful situation, being a veteran from Iraq and the Afghanistan war, it's natural. I just jump into combat mode. I told him, 'I'm going to give you a warning shot'."

Despite the fact that Thompson was clearly defending his home from a wanted felon, Medford, Oregon Police arrested the military vet and charged him with Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Menacing and Reckless Endangering. Medford Police Lt. Mike Budreau told KDRV-TV, "There was nothing that the suspect was doing that was aggressive enough to justify the shooting."

The Suspect wasn't doing anything to Justify the Shooting?

I'm sorry, but if someone is breaking into your home, how the hell is that not justification to shoot? Are we now just supposed to sit there and wait, hoping that the criminal isn't going to hurt us in the process of burglarizing our homes? What kind of crazy crap is that?

Thompson had his AR-15 seized, leaving him defenseless against anyone who now wants to come and get revenge. Is this what we pay our police to do, leave innocent Americans defenseless in their own homes?