PA Bill Number: HB274
Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Jan 22, 2025
This is Why I Carry a Handgun :: 09/10/2014
I teach high school English, a profession commonly thought to number among the most touchy-feely. I love books. And if that weren’t bad enough, I’m a professional, classically trained singer, a first tenor. Yes, the highest male voice. One of a few good–and rare–men, sometimes in tights.
I regularly don a tuxedo and sing the works of the masters with a symphony orchestra, and I often get paid for singing. I occasionally wear a Renaissance costume — tights and all — and sing madrigals. I’ve been known to shed a tear at the occasional movie, and even during the many years on the police force in my misspent (relative) youth, people, upon learning my job, would exclaim in surprise: “You don’t look like a cop!” They couldn’t tell me what a cop looked like, but they were pretty sure it wasn’t me . . .
Knowing that background, it’s not hard to understand that people are often surprised to learn that I’m a certified firearm instructor and carry a concealed handgun virtually everywhere. And a spear gun in the shower. OK, so I’m exaggerating a little about the spear gun. Maybe.
This requires explanations, and the occasional trip to the range to introduce a neophyte to the joys and responsibilities of shooting. Those explanations and conversations inspire me to think about why I carry a handgun, and upon occasion, to update and refine those reasons. Occasions like now.
I carry a handgun because:
* I can’t foretell the future. I carry not for the things I can anticipate, but for the things I can’t.
* Evil exists and may confront anyone at any time and any place.
* Self-defense is a God-given, natural, unalienable right.
* There is no gift so precious as God’s gift of life.
* To fail to protect the greatest gift devalues all life.
* My life is worth far more to me, those that love me, and to a just society than the lives of vicious brutes that would take it.
* The lives of the innocent—friend or stranger—are worth far more to me and to a just society than the lives of vicious brutes that would take them.
* Three times in my life I have raised my right hand and sworn a solemn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. I have never betrayed those oaths and never will.
* The Constitution is only paper, a statement of principles and intentions. When the will wavers and when some wish to change, ignore or destroy those principles and intentions for light and transient reasons, only the threat and force of arms will suffice to preserve liberty.
* From time to time, politicians forget their place. The carrying and use of arms by law abiding citizens helps them, gently, to remember.
* A handgun is the most convenient, usual and effective means of self-defense.
* By carrying my handgun, I honor the foresight and wisdom of the Founders in writing the Second Amendment.
* Going armed reinforces and upholds the Social Contract.