proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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Walmart becomes target for gun-grabbers after folding on Confederate flag :: 06/27/2015

It’s not just the Confederate flag that’s under renewed fire, but guns as well.

Now that the politically correct crowd has pressured Walmart and other retailers into pulling the flags and other Confederate imagery from their stores, anti-gun activists are asking that firearms be next in line for removal.

“The debate over the Confederate flag has also raised broader questions about where the line should be drawn for retailers that sell other questionable or offensive products,” CNN’s M.J. Lee wrote before launching into a column about gun-control activists pressuring the retailer to pull back on its support for the Second Amendment.

Interviewing “gun safety advocates” (read: “gun-grabbers”), Lee tried to make the case that Walmart should do more to limit access to firearms.

“I would hope that stores like Walmart would recognize the danger of having these guns displayed right next to an aisle away from microwave popcorn and Xbox games,” said U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who has been a vocal proponent of restricting Second Amendment rights.

Murphy said Walmart’s decision to continue selling guns is dangerous to the public because Walmart employees are irresponsible.

“I’m not terribly confident that a 21-year-old Walmart clerk is going to sell guns responsibly or be able to give customers the kind of advice they need on how to responsibly use that gun,” he told CNN.

Walmart, however, has stood by its decision to make hunting and sporting rifles available to law-abiding customers. In addition to following all federal and state laws concerning gun sales, the company says, it also records each transaction and requires special training before any employee can handle weapons.

For anti-gun advocates trying to capitalize on the emotional response to the Charleston, South Carolina, church shootings, that’s not enough.

Shannon Watts, of Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group “Moms Demand Action,” said Walmart should be more vocal in supporting anti-gun legislation.

“There’s absolutely a role in this country for American businesses and restaurants and retailers to play,” she said.

Mark Kelly, husband of former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords — one of the victims of a 2011 shooting in Tucson, Arizona, that killed six people and severely injured Giffords — said that “it would be great to have Walmart on our side of the debate.”

Walmart CEO Douglas McMillon, however, said this week that the sporting goods department is an “integral part of the company” and that it wouldn’t be changing anytime soon.

Leftists may have successfully curtailed some First Amendment rights by pressuring companies into banning the Confederate flag, but they’ll likely have more of an uphill battle with Second Amendment rights.


Michael Schaus

Michael Schaus is a talk radio host, political humorist, and columnist. Having worked in a wide range of industries (including construction, journalism, and financial services) his perspectives and world views are forged with a deep understanding of what it means to be an American entrepreneur.