PA Bill Number: SB443
Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.
Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

What would Ronnie have had to say? :: 07/27/2013
Ronald J. DeLallo, 52, of Bethel Park, died Monday, May 17, 2004, after a 5 month and seventeen day battle with pancreatic cancer. He was the most opinionated man I ever met, a real conservative, and loud about it, too. Above all, he was and is my brother, and I wonder what Ronnie would have said about:
"Nancy Pelosi invokes the Constitution to justify more gun control"
I'm certain, that after a half hour tirade on the relative merits of Ms. Pelosi, Ronnie would have finally settled in on the absurdity of this woman's statement. I bet his first question would have been, "has she ever read our Constitution?" If he ever would have had a chance to meet Pelosi, Ronnie would have invoked his trademark line when addressing the clueless, and in his mind, the brain dead. I can hear him now, "NO, NO, NO, YOU just don't get it. Think for a minute, will ya?" And then, in his own inimitable way, Ronnie would have taken her to school.
"Ms. Pelosi, do you know why the Founding Fathers found it so incredibly important that every man have the right to bear arms? Of course you don't. Do you know why it is now, and was then, so crucial that they ranked right after the First Amendment. Do you have any idea of what the Third Amendment says?"
Now, I'm taking a great deal of latitude when I assume he would have addressed her as Ms. Pelosi. His greeting to her likely would not be fit for a family publication, but I'm sure "stupid" would have been in there someplace, right along with "do you know who you work for?", or even "do you have a clue what you're doing?" You would have loved the man. I watched him slice liberals wide open with common sense questions that ranged from cheating the unemployment system, to taxes, and how those taxes are used.
So, how was Ronnie on the Second Amendment? His line of work made it necessary to carry large sums of cash to the night deposit 6 days a week. Ronnie was a saloon keeper, and an easy target for robbers and other ne'er do wells. He was never without his S&W 39, a gun that I treasure now, and that rarely leaves the security of my vault. He was brave, and in another venture, he tried making a living with a pizza shop. A young fellow intent on robbery came in one night and stuck a knife in Ronnie's face, and without missing a beat, he picked up the stainless steel blade used to pull pizzas from the oven, choked up on the handle to a comfortable swinging distance, and asked the young fellow if he would rather be decapitated or perforated with that 9mm. We'll never know, as the would be criminal retreated post haste.
Ronnie would never have given a trite response about how "guns don't kill people, people kill people." I heard him opine more than once, when reading about an honest citizen defending himself with a firearm, "the good guy didn't shoot to kill, he shot to live, and it's all the bad guy's fault".
I wish Ronnie were here to take on Nancy Pelosi. It would have been a fair fight, because, as we all know, the only fair fight is the one you win! You can read my bio to get a flavor of where I stand on self-defense, and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, but I'll never match my brother Ronnie's flair for the dramatic, and his absolute killer instinct when he had a liberal on the ropes. I hope, moving forward, that all of you keep my brother in mind when someone who is "brain dead" opens their mouth.
MSgt John DeLallo is a Second Amendment activist from Pennsylvania, a certified instructor, and a life member of Firearms Owners Against Crime www.foacpac.org.
By MSgt John DeLallo, USAF (ret.)