proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB837

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...

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Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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What would you have done? :: 05/11/2015

Better yet, what will you do?  What would you have done had you been at the Cartoon Contest Sunday May 3 in Garland, Texas? Better yet, imagine that you were pulling up to your child's school and you saw these two people in the picture above getting out of a vehicle in the school parking lot?

This could very easily be the most important article you have read in quite some time. It is quite likely some of us will be confronted with a decision of whether to "stand by and do nothing" or take up arms to defend our homeland. If you doubt that possibility, read this:terrorists

We knew it was a matter of when, not if, we'd be hit again by Islamist terrorists on our own soil.

Just last Sunday, two ISIS-sympathizing terrorists, clad in body armor and wielding assault rifles, attacked a Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas. Luckily, they were killed before they could slaughter the people attending the event.

Now U.S. military bases and installations are stepping up security, as FBI Director James Comey is warning that there are "hundreds, maybe thousands" of people across the country who are being recruited by ISIS with orders to attack the U.S. Security at these bases is now at the same threat level as it was during the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

America, you've just been given your wake-up call.

Clearly the Islamist threat is no longer over there. It is now in our own backyard.

It's high time our leaders in Washington stop the bickering and come up with a winning strategy to defeat ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and the rest of the jihadists once and for all. We need a plan, not "winging it."

Let's remember, it took more than 1,000 members of law enforcement to hunt down and capture one 19-year-old terrorist punk after the Boston Marathon bombings. How would we handle a future attack made up of five or 10 terrorists?

We don't have 300 million-plus military and law enforcement officers to protect us. But we do have that many people here on the homefront. There will be a time when Americans will need to fend for themselves.

That's another reason Americans must stay vigilant in protecting the Second Amendment. Our founders created the right to bear arms for a reason.

I recently completed a Pistol Firearms Safety Course. Like learning CPR or first aid, one never knows when this basic survival tool may come in handy.

Let's face the facts that President Obama and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry won't utter: Radical Islamist extremists are waging a holy war against America and western civilization. Denying that stark reality won't stop their march and daily massacres.

Click here to go to the original source.

We're not certain what the future will hold, but this much we do believe in all earnestness: Each of us should consider NOW what we would do if we were confronted with such a situation.

I once was fortunate enough to observe one of Dean Smith's summer camp sessions. He demanded that each player take a basketball with them 24 hours a day for several days. The ball was to remind them what he was ordering them to do. "Think constantly about playing the next game. Imagine every situation you can imagine and know what you would do in that situation. Play the game in your mind. Play each move in your mind. Shoot a hundred free throws in your sleep…" he admonished his players. "You can practice just as good in your bed at night as you can on this court…"

Of course Coach Smith knew how to prepare his players.

The question is: Do we know how to prepare ourselves to face what we may indeed be forced to face?

We have a great deal of confidence and respect for law enforcement, but the chances are far greater that we will not have time to call them than the chances are that they can come to our rescue.

As every Boy Scout has been taught: Be prepared.

If you're not yet convinced, read this: Click here What this man does not admit is that a major change in the threats we face come from the open borders his department is imposing on us.

Click here for another perspective on the same story.

Postscript: We tested this article on a few of our respected readers and confirmed exactly what we expected. Most (all) don't really want to think about this issue. None have a plan you might consider "operational" and really have, as one said, no clue how to go about developing a plan for how they would respond. Perhaps this is something some of our community organizations might consider providing assistance in educating those who do see the need to Be Prepared.

Let us use one example. We recently reviewed some training materials used by the Navy to train SEAL's. One thing that struck us was the admonition that one must be prepared to react instinctively. "You will not have time to plan what you're going to do, in most threat situations, if you want to decide how to respond after the threat presents itself. If you wait more than a few seconds or if you respond too timidly you will probably not only fail to remove the threat, but you will likely complicate the matter. You must quickly put the adversary on the defensive with as much overwhelming force as you can muster and deliver in less than five seconds." That takes training.

The Fort Hood killer killed most of his victims in the first 15 seconds and would have likely killed more than the gun not jammed. The shooter in the movie theater could have been taken out by a well trained and equipped civilian before he wrecked havoc in that theater. On the other hand, the security personnel in Garland Texas responded as they were trained and the only fatalities were the gunmen. No doubt the terrorists were not expecting that.

But the sad reality is that one thing we can plan on is that "the government" is most likely not going to come to our aid soon enough. You're on your own. And know that the call to 911 will most likely be for an ambulance, not protection.