proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 22, 2025

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Wisconsin Self-Defense Shooting - Concealed Carrier Shoots, Kills 1 of 4 Armed Robbers, Sends Other 3 Running :: 09/02/2014

A concealed carrier in Milwaukee, Wisconsin shot and killed one of four attempted armed robbers early yesterday morning.

According to Fox6Now,

Police say around 5:30 a.m., four suspects were attempting to rob a group of victims when one of the victims pulled out a handgun and shot one of the suspects. The suspect who was shot died at the scene  -  and the three other suspects fled.

Milwaukee police believe these suspects may be responsible for several recent robberies.

Police say around 5:30 a.m., four suspects were attempting to rob a group of victims when one of the victims pulled out a handgun and shot one of the suspects. The suspect who was shot died at the scene  -  and the three other suspects fled.

Milwaukee police believe these suspects may be responsible for several recent robberies.

Several arrests have since been made.

"Nothing like that has really happened around here since I've lived here. I mean, little crimes her and there  -  but nothing like that," Ebert said.

Jay Purdy works near where the incident happened. He says what happened doesn't alter the way he feels about what he calls a growing, thriving portion of the city's Fifth Ward.

"It's a good neighborhood. I've never seen anything bad happen down here.  I like bringing my kids down here and I feel safe," Purdy said.

"It could happen anywhere. I wouldn`t just say it was particular to this area. There`s a lot of new businesses that are coming around and, I mean, you see a lot of faces young and old, so I would never never think that a fatal shooting would happen here," Ebert said.

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