proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB887

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...

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Last Action Date: Mar 12, 2025

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'Action hero' Neeson proves to be typical Hollywood hoplophobe :: 09/17/2014

Actor Liam Neeson, who has starred in numerous box office hits where he used guns to save the day, is actually afraid of them, The Independent revealed in a Friday profile.

"I am totally for gun control in the U.S.," the actor, who became a citizen five years ago declared, decrying the number of guns owned in the country that took him in and rewarded him with fame and fortune. "I'll give Britain its dues, when they had the Dunblane massacre in Scotland, within 24 hours the gun laws were changed so you could not have a handgun."If left to new U.S. citizen Neeson, this is what gun owners in his adoptive land would be left with.

Blaming Newtown on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, chiding the NRA for promoting the idea of an armed deterrent to school massacres, and asserting "if the Founding Fathers knew what was happening they would be turning in their graves with embarrassment at how [the Second Amendment] has been interpreted," Neeson is proving himself every bit as uninformed as fellow UK transplant Piers Morgan.

Furthermore, his characterization of the NRA position on school massacres is unfounded, economist and author John Lott noted on his blog.

"Mr. Neeson is of course wrong about what the NRA proposed," Lott noted. "I have proposed allowing staff at school to be armed, but the NRA has wanted to have armed guards."

Lott's not the only one, and several in the gun rights advocacy community have pointed out - and criticized -- NRA's inexcusably bipolar (and bylaws-violating) position on guns in schools.

Neeson joins a long list of Hollywood A-listers who earn stupendous livings portraying cartoonishly heroic characters who use guns to defend against evil, but who reject the right in real life, except when it involves their private security. Besides, with the audiences they draw, it's not like the loss of a paying fan now and again will affect their box office bottom lines.

Neeson's revelation is hardly surprising, particularly noting the way references to arming camp Jews were omitted from “Schindler’s List,” a movie he won the "best actor in a leading role" Oscar for, and considering how the UN "goodwill ambassador" rejects the founding principles of a culture he chose to join, and has instead been entertaining conversion to Islam.

As we see proving itself time and again, for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. And actors are no more the real deal than are stage props, used to help create illusions, but best not examined too closely.

UPDATE: See "A Creep Among the Tombstones." Friends don't let friends enrich enemies.