proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025

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University That Punished Gun-Owning Chinese Immigrant Has Alleged Ties To China :: 10/05/2020

Academia is full of people who think the United States is a totalitarian dictatorship and will tell you so any chance they get. Of course, the fact that they can say it so loudly and not end up in a gulag is a pretty good indicator that they’re wrong, but they persist.


Despite Big Budgets, Police Are Catching Very Few Real Criminals :: 10/03/2020

In Tuesday’s debate, former vice president Joe Biden declared he was opposed to the “defund the police” movement. In a general election, this is not a terribly bold statement on Biden’s part. According to numerous polls, the public has little enthusiasm for sizable cuts to police agencies.


Ginsburg was a liberal politician disguised as a judge :: 10/03/2020

As a Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg failed to distinguish between her previous role as general counsel to the ACLU and her role as a judge.


Slain Parkland Student Urges Gun Control In New Ad :: 10/03/2020

If Joaquin Oliver was alive, he would be getting ready to cast the first vote of his life next month. Instead, Oliver’s parents have created an avatar of their son to promote a pro-gun control message ahead of the November elections.


Small Town Editorial Places Onus On Guns On Wrong Group :: 10/03/2020

Kingsbury, NY isn’t a bustling metropolis. With just over 12,000 people, it usually skates below the national radar. Frankly, it’s too small for most of us to care about.


FBI Uniform Crime Report: Murders Down, Self-Defense Up in 2019 :: 10/02/2020

U.S.A.-( Armed private citizens fatally shot 334 people last year, continuing a gradual upward trend in the United States while the number of justifiable homicides by police declined, and murders also dropped, including those involving firearms, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) for 2019.


Media Smears Guns At Protests, But They Miss Something :: 10/02/2020

I’ve said before that the media isn’t our friend. When it comes to the Second Amendment, it’s best to view the mainstream media and all those who try to emulate it as hostile to our goals.


The Real, Constitutional Alternative To Red Flag Laws :: 10/02/2020

Red flag laws are bogus. The idea of taking guns away from people who haven’t been professionally evaluated solely on the say so of untrained and potentially biased people is an anathema to anyone who claims to value the United States Constitution.


This 2A Referendum Could Have A Big Impact On The U.S Senate :: 10/02/2020

Obviously the big story in the 2020 elections is the presidential race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and with the president testing positive for COVID-19 late Thursday, that’s not going to change anytime soon. There are a number of key elections for Second Amendment supporters beyond the race at the top of the ticket, however, and a Montana ballot referendum could end up having a big impact in a political race that could determine who controls the U.S. Senate.


Rally brings gun rights advocates to Pennsylvania Capitol :: 10/01/2020

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A smaller than usual crowd of a few hundred people rallied for gun rights on the steps of Pennsylvania's Capitol on Tuesday, an annual event that also was attended by a few dozen state lawmakers.


What Happens When A Prison Abolitionist Finds An Intruder In Her Bedroom? :: 10/01/2020

I’ve been writing quite a bit recently about the ideological struggles on the Left between the push for more gun control laws while demanding the defunding of police and even abolishing prisons, because I think this is a fracture point for the Democratic coalition that is only going to grow larger in the months ahead. If Democrats take back the White House and the Senate, they’ll be in a position to enact a sweeping gun control agenda, but every one of their new gun laws will create a new criminal offense that, by the terms of their own legislation, will rely on armed police officers to enforce and prosecutors to take to court. The end result would be more non-violent offenders being put behind bars for something that used to be protected by the Second Amendment. How would the defund police movement react and respond to that scenario?


Why Gun Controllers Refuse To Say When Enough Is Enough :: 10/01/2020

Gun control groups and their buddies who serve as fact checkers love to call out people like us when we say that a group or candidate wants to destroy the Second Amendment. With candidates, they’ll claim the candidate is only campaigning on specific policy proposals and to believe they want anything more is somehow wrong.


With A Biased Media, Don't Give Them An Excuse :: 10/01/2020

We on this side of the gun debate aren’t getting a fair shake from the media. That’s obvious to anyone who cares to look. The “news” is filled with “reporting” about “mostly peaceful protests” as buildings burn behind the reporters. They’re filled with all the anti-gun studies one cares to name, while any study that could be considered pro-gun doesn’t get a mention in most places.


18 of Top 20 cities with Projected Highest Murder Rates Have Democrat Mayors :: 09/30/2020

A New York Times report based on projections for 2020 shows 18 of the top 20 cities for homicides have Democrat mayors.


Media Delusional Over Mob Violence Claims :: 09/30/2020

In case you didn’t know it, the mainstream media wants you to think that President Donald Trump is bad. I’m pretty sure you already knew that, though. I mean, I know you understood what the media wanted you to believe.


The debate? Trump was great, Chris Wallace was a dreadful disgrace :: 09/30/2020

Chris Wallace's overt defense of Joe Biden throughout the debate on Tuesday night was so obvious, so blatant, he should be proscribed from ever "moderating" a debate again.


The FBI Crime Stat that Keeps Wounding Gun Control Lobby :: 09/30/2020

With this week’s release of the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) for 2019, the gun prohibition lobby is once again faced with an uncomfortable truth: Their crusade to ban so-called “assault rifles” doesn’t pass the smell test.


Gun Control Groups All But Acknowledge Their Cause Is Losing :: 09/29/2020

Gun control and the support for it hit something of a zenith in the immediate aftermath of Parkland. However, unlike many times in the past, the furor didn’t die down after a few weeks or months. It looked like gun control was set to become a major battle during the presidential campaigns.


The Left's Unacknowledged Problem With Gun Control :: 09/29/2020

If you’re a regular reader to the site, you know that I’ve been arguing for a while now that the gun control movement cannot comfortably co-exist in a Democratic coalition that is focused on “reimagining policing” and defunding law-enforcement. Well, anti-gun activist David Hogg gave us a perfect demonstration of why that’s the case on Twitter the other day, when he tried to criticize those who would use violence in support of their cause and wound up defending violence against the State, as long as it wasn’t woke white people doing it.


9-Year Old Suspended For BB Gun At Home Not An Isolated Incident :: 09/28/2020

For a couple of days now we’ve been talking about Ka Mauri Harrison, the 4th grader from Harvey, Louisiana who was suspended from his virtual schooling for six days after a teacher spotted him picking up a BB gun from his bedroom floor and putting it away so his younger brother didn’t trip over it. Not only has Harrison received some backing from high profile groups like the NRA, Louisiana’s Attorney General is now investigating to determine if the young man’s rights were violated by the school suspension.


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