PA Bill Number: HB274
Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025
Latest News
Guns Siezed In Virginia's First Red Flag Case :: 08/03/2020
We here at Bearing Arms haven’t been real fans of “red flag” laws. That’s not likely to change, either. While it may have sounded good in the immediate aftermath of Parkland, during the cold light of day, the whole idea falls apart. It’s still taking guns from people who haven’t broken any laws, no matter how you cut it.
SPLC's New Attack on Gun Owners :: 08/02/2020
The nonsense from the Southern Poverty Law Center continues. The SPLC, which doesn’t actually do poverty law because it’s too busy labeling everyone with insufficient melanin in their skin as racist, would like to turn back the clock on Stand Your Ground laws. In a new report, they claim with no real evidence or analysis, that the laws promote killings of blacks by whites.
Armed Robbery Suspects Caught, Had Stolen Police Gun :: 08/01/2020
“If people couldn’t buy guns, criminals wouldn’t be able to get their hands on them!”
Republican Members Object to 1.3 Trillion 2021 Spending Package Passed by the House :: 08/01/2020
The Democrat-controlled House passed, largely along party lines, a $1.3 trillion spending package of six bills for the 2021 fiscal year on Friday.
America's Days of Rage: The Extensive Left-Wing Bombings & Domestic Terrorism of the 1970s :: 07/31/2020
As the summer of 2020 dawned, left-wing radical groups began rioting and taking over parts of America’s cities. While this specific form of left-wing violence is new, left-wing violence itself is far from new in the United States.
CA Man's Gun Siezed Over WrongThought :: 07/31/2020
In George Orwell’s 1984, the world first heard of the concept of “thought crime.” No, Orwell didn’t invent the concept, but he named it. The idea that even thinking incorrect things could, potentially, become a criminal act.
Democrat Campaign Platform Turns 2A Rights Into A Privilege :: 07/31/2020
The 2020 Democratic National Convention is scheduled to take place August 17-20th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but we’re already getting a sneak peek at the party’s platform, including its plank on gun control. The document as written clearly demonstrates a hostility not only towards the Second Amendment itself, but all those Americans who choose to exercise their right to keep and bear arms.
Driver Who Shot Protester In Austin Speaks Through Attorney :: 07/31/2020
The man who shot and killed a protester carrying an AK-47 during a demonstration in downtown Austin last weekend is now telling his side of the story. Austin television station KXAN received an email from attorney Clint Broden on Thursday evening, who says he’s representing Daniel Perry, an Army sergeant on active duty who claims to be the driver of the vehicle that was surrounded by demonstrators.
Anti-Gunners' Proof Good Guys With Guns Are Fiction Misses :: 07/30/2020
For people on the pro-gun side, we often cite the “good guy with a gun” as the ultimate deterrent to mass shootings. If enough people were carrying firearms lawfully, we wouldn’t see so many mass shootings.
Let's make this happen: Gun reform advocates gather at the Pa. Capitol to call for change :: 07/30/2020
Adam Garber said he can still remember exactly where he was when he learned, for the first time, that someone he knew had committed suicide by firearm.
Postponed gun rights rally at Pa. Capitol now rescheduled for September :: 07/30/2020
The annual Rally to Protect Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms at the Pennsylvania Capitol that had been postponed in June has been rescheduled for Sept. 29.
What's to stop the far-left social-media giants from rigging the election with free-speech bans? :: 07/30/2020
Yesterday was one of those watershed moments of history that set out in stark relief why we and the cause of liberty are in such dire straits. You try to remain optimistic in these times. However, one of the dangers of knowing too much about the past is that it’s too easy to see how events will accelerate.
Everytown for Gun Safety's Stunning Hypocrisy :: 07/29/2020
Evergreen State gun rights activists are stunned at what appears to be hypocrisy of anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, which sent out a pair of emails in recent days, one complaining about the National Rifle Association’s ability to raise $1 million in June, and the other reminding recipients about the $60 million it plans to spend to help elect “gun sense candidates.”
Gun Sales and Background Checks: Obama’s Bogus 40 Percent Stat (Repost-1/17/2013) :: 07/29/2020
Of all the gun-control measures touted by President Obama on Wednesday, the one that got top billing was a dramatic tightening of background checks on gun purchasers. Obama himself said the need was urgent because “40 percent of all gun purchases are conducted without a background check.” But before we make the most sweeping changes in federal firearms law since the 1960s, shouldn’t we at least examine the validity of that figure? It’s about as dubious as they come.
The Black NRA: How The NAAGA Is Changing The Gun Conversation In America :: 07/29/2020
The National Rifle Association has traditionally been associated with a certain type of person: rural, male, and definitely white. The National African American Gun Association, or NAAGA, is changing all that, but although they're the largest minority gun group in the world, it's likely that you've never heard of them.
The Latest, Fast-Moving Developments in the 2020 Election Season :: 07/29/2020
I often write about the latest developments in the election area, including court decisions and legislative and regulatory changes. An unprecedented number of lawsuits have been filed by the radical left (at last count over 150 and counting) trying to use the COVID-19 health crisis as an excuse to nullify state requirements like voter ID laws.
Bulgarian Survivor Warns Americans: Socialism 'Is Actually an Anti-Christ System' :: 07/28/2020
WASHINGTON – Surveys show more than half of young Americans would prefer moving to a socialist economy and government. About a third say they'd even opt for communism.
Conservative Justices Declined to Take Up Second Amendment Case after Roberts Signaled He Would Side with Liberals: Report :: 07/28/2020
The conservative wing of the Supreme Court reportedly declined to take up a case dealing with Second Amendment rights after Chief Justice John Roberts indicated that he would vote with the court’s liberal justices.
How Does New York City Get Away With This? :: 07/28/2020
“Under New York law, it is a crime to possess a firearm,” held the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in U.S. v. Sanchez-Villar (2004). This ruling was based on the state’s ban on the possession of an unlicensed handgun. This Court also said that police officers who see a gun are “justified in seizing it because of its ‘immediately apparent’ incriminating character.” This prohibition did not offend the Second Amendment, said this ruling, because “the right to possess a gun is clearly not a fundamental right.”
Judge Orders Police to Hand Over Private Information About Gun Owners :: 07/28/2020
The New York State Supreme Court last week granted a motion ordering the New York City Police Department (NYPD) to turn over the name, zip codes and license category of anyone who was granted a firearm license in 2018.
13576 Total News Items