proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 22, 2025

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Legal News

FPC Tenth Circuit Should Apply Rule of Lenity in Bump Stock Appeal :: 10/14/2020

U.S.A.-( Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and Firearms Policy Foundation (FPF) announced the filing of an important legal brief in Aposhian v. Barr, a bump-stock ban case on appeal to the en banc Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Aposhian brief was authored by FPC Director of Research Joseph Greenlee, and coauthored by George Mocsary, a law professor at the University of Wyoming College of Law, and Erik Jaffe, an expert in appellate and Supreme Court practice focusing on constitutional law from the Washington, D.C. boutique firm Schaerr | Jaffe LLP. The brief is available online at


Urge the Dept of Justice to Change ATF's Arbitrary Ruling of Honey Badger :: 10/06/2020

U.S.A. -( The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) recently informed firearm manufacturer Q, LLC that, in ATF’s view, Q’s “Honey Badger” pistol with stabilizing brace is actually a short-barreled rifle and therefore subject to the National Firearms Act (“NFA”). The NRA strongly disagrees with this arbitrary, inequitable, and incorrect determination by ATF that puts millions of firearms owners in danger of federal prosecution.


California Sues BATFE Over "Ghost Guns" :: 09/30/2020

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has joined with gun control advocates in filing a federal lawsuit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, demanding that the agency begin classifying unfinished frames and receivers as “firearms” under federal law, which would require that they be serialized and that buyers undergo background checks when purchasing them from retailers.


This PA Court Decision Could Gut The 2A :: 09/29/2020

A Pennsylvania appeals court issued a ruling on Monday that, if upheld, could upend the firearms manufacturing industry and allow for a flood of junk lawsuits designed to put gun companies out of business. On today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, Larry Keane, the senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation joins me to talk about the court’s decision and why its inherently flawed analysis should be overturned by the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court.


9th Circuit Panel Hears Challenge To Carry Law :: 09/25/2020

A challenge to Hawaii’s ban on the open carrying of a firearm without a license received another day in court on Thursday, as attorneys for the state and a resident challenging the law squared off in front of an en banc panel of judges on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The case of Young vs. Hawaii is an important case when it comes to the right-to-carry, and a three judge panel on the court of appeals has already ruled that the law violates the constitutional rights of residents by requiring them to demonstrate a “justifiable need” to carry beyond the right of self-defense.


Judge Rules Zoning Rule Doesn't Violate Second Amendment :: 09/25/2020

In this day and age, it seems like everyone is out after the Second Amendment. Local, state, and federal officials all seem to be gunning for our right to keep and bear arms. No pun intended. OK, maybe a little bit intended.


Ninth Circuit Won't Re-Hear Case for Man Involuntarily Committed as a Youth :: 09/23/2020

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals refused on Sept. 10 to rehear a case seeking to restore the Second Amendment rights of Duy Mai, a man who was involuntarily committed as a juvenile in 1999, despite considerable evidence of sound mental health since that time, Washington State’s willingness to restore his rights, and ardent dissents from several of the court’s judges.


Dissent Excoriates Ninth Circuit Refusal of en banc Rehearing of Second Amendment :: 09/18/2020

U.S.A.-( The recent Ninth Circuit Second Amendment case, Mai v. United States,  shows the powerful influence President Trump has had on the largest Circuit Court in the United States.


Judicial Winning: Paul Matey :: 09/18/2020

Paul Matey has worn several hats over the course of a distinguished legal career. After clerking for two federal judges, he worked at Kellogg Hansen, an elite law firm whose impressive alumni include Justice Gorsuch and Judges Andy Oldham and Julius Richardson.


Trump-Appointed Judges Issue Blistering Dissent In 9th Circuit Gun Case :: 09/12/2020

A pair of judges appointed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals absolutely torched a decision by their colleagues to declare that even spending a single day in a mental institutional as the result of an involuntary commitment can leave someone permanently barred from exercising their Second Amendment rights.


Second Amendment Knife Case in Hawaii: Dangerous Opinion :: 09/11/2020

U.S.A.-( U.S.A.-( The Hawai'i Federal District Court has issued an opinion in Teter v. Connors that guts the Second Amendment.


New Hampshire Supreme Court ruling allows state representative to continue fight to carry firearm at Statehouse :: 09/10/2020

(The Center Square) – A Republican state representative recently scored a legal victory in his fight against a ban on firearms at the Statehouse in Concord.


Federal court upholds NJ ban on large-capacity gun magazines :: 09/05/2020

For a second time, a federal appeals court has shot down a New Jersey gun club's attempt to have the state's ban on large-capacity magazines declared unconstitutional. 


Knife Rights: Amicus Brief Filed in Hawaii Butterfly Knife Second Amendment Case :: 09/03/2020

U.S.A.-( While the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted almost all legislative efforts this year, Knife Rights continues its efforts to serve our knife community and Rewrite Knife Law in America™.


First Guilty Plea In California Concealed Carry Bribery Scandal :: 09/01/2020

The first court appearance for five individuals charged in a bribery scheme that sent tens of thousands of dollars into a campaign committee backing the re-election of Santa Clara County, California Sheriff Laurie Smith in exchange for the approval of concealed carry applications took a surprising turn on Monday with one of the defendants entering a guilty plea to the charges in exchange for the promise of a reduction in his sentence.


CA Man Found Factually Innocent Of Violating Mag Ban :: 08/31/2020

For a very tiny window of time in recent history, larger-capacity magazines were perfectly legal in California. It wasn’t long, unfortunately, but it was there. While I expect that time to come again, until it does, it was a beautiful time for Californians who could take advantage of the situation.


Judge Declines to Block California Open-Carry Gun Restrictions :: 08/31/2020

(CN) - Two California men fighting California’s longstanding open-carry gun laws failed in their bid to have the rules preliminarily overturned — though a federal judge did say Monday that they made a good case his Second Amendment rights might be violated.


Democrat Gun Ban In NH State House Will Be Challenged In Court :: 08/28/2020

Good news from the Live Free or Die State, where the New Hampshire Supreme Court on Friday ruled that a state lawmaker hoping to sue over a ban on guns at the State House imposed by Democrat lawmakers can bring a legal challenge against the prohibition.


Phoenix Family Paid After Cops Pointed Guns At Them :: 08/28/2020

While tensions are extremely high and have been for quite some time, especially with regard to police and the black community, it’s important to recognize that no side is pure as snow. Each has bad actors that do things no one should be doing. While we may lack the hard numbers on just what percentage of which group are really bad actors, we know there are some in both.


Anti-Gun Mayors, Everytown Sue ATF Over Ghost Gun Regulations :: 08/26/2020

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has blamed everyone and everything but her own failed leadership for the rise in violent crime. First it was Indiana’s gun laws that were to blame. Then it was Mississippi. Now Lightfoot, along with Everytown for Gun Safety and the mayors of Syracuse, New York and Columbia, South Carolina, are blaming the ATF, alleging that the federal agency isn’t following the law when it comes to regulating so-called ghost guns; homemade firearms that don’t have a serial number or other identifying markers.


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