proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB434

Title: Providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.

Description: An Act providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.

Last Action: Referred to CHILDREN AND YOUTH

Last Action Date: Jan 31, 2025

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Bloomberg Just Gave Gun Owners 60 Million Reasons To Get Involved This Year :: 01/28/2020

Michael Bloomberg has already spent more than $200-million in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, but the former New York mayor and current gun control sugar daddy is also promising to nearly double what the NRA spent in the 2016 election in order to push anti-gun candidates around the country in this election cycle.


Dispatch op-ed documents how our "justice" system puts criminals who :: 01/28/2020

Recently, Columbus Dispatch reporter Theodore Decker informed readers of a problem Buckeye Firearms Association has long-been warning about: criminals who have previously committed crimes with guns are being released back into society, only to strike again in spite of the gun control laws that were passed to "protect" us.


DRGO: Seeing Red in Virginia :: 01/28/2020

I am writing to you to ask that you consider the following information before taking action on any so-called “Red Flag law.” 


Gun Control Advocates And Cherry-Picking Statistics :: 01/28/2020

In the debate over guns and gun rights, statistics are important. People want to know how big the problem is. They want to know if it’s really a problem and how well solutions work, if at all.


Court Decision: DUI's in PA could take away second amendment rights :: 01/27/2020

PLAINS TWP., LUZERNE COUNTY (WOLF) — If you get more than one DUI in Pennsylvania, that could result in not being able buy and own firearms at all.


Pennsylvania: (Manheim Twp.) Gun-shop-free zones proposal nixed :: 01/27/2020

UPDATE: Manheim Township Commissioners voted to not move forward with the request made by Lancaster Country Day — essentially killing it — citing potential conflicts with state and federal law, including the Constitution.


Sanders Staffer Wants an AK-47 (and Matching Tattoo) to Subjugate Those Who Don't Support Bernie :: 01/27/2020

Last week, Project Veritas released a series of undercover videos showing Kyle Jurek, a paid staffer for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa, calling for the creation of gulags and violence against Trump supporters – and by extension gun owners – and some Democrats.


How Red Flag laws open the door to sweeping gun confiscation :: 01/26/2020

Proponents of strict gun-control laws either don’t know or blatantly ignore the fact that criminals who commit crimes with firearms don’t acknowledge or adhere to gun background checks, “red flag” laws, limits on gun magazines or bans on certain types of firearms.


The Racist History of Gun Control :: 01/26/2020

This week’s Second Amendment rally in Richmond, Virginia, was a big disappointment … but not for those in attendance. More than 20,000 protesters marched peacefully in Virginia’s capital city in support of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


Do we have a gun problem, or a government problem? :: 01/25/2020

Following Monday's 22,000-plus strong rally in Richmond, Virginia – which Gov. Northam claimed was "some kind of über-Klan rally of white supremacists," but the only arrest was for an LGBT activist who refused to remove her mask – the state's Democratic lawmakers proceeded to push through a gun-control bill one day later. I don't think Virginia politicians realize what a hornet's nest they're stirring.


Lying Billionaires and Gun Control :: 01/25/2020

I listened to Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s remarks after the attack at the West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas. I paraphrase, but you can check the video of his remarks for yourself *


Trump Administration Set To Ease Gun Export Restrictions :: 01/25/2020

Since the election of President Trump, the firearm industry had been in a tight spot. While they’re undoubtedly better off than if an anti-gun president occupied the Oval Office and heavily restricted the industry, they’re still in a rough patch. They need more buyers and, frankly, the market in the United States kind of is what it is.


Virginia's Proposed Red Flag Law is Not the Best Way to Handle Mental Health Problems :: 01/25/2020

Everyone wants to stop dangerous people from getting guns. To some the obvious solution is Red Flag laws, which take away the guns of people deemed dangerous to themselves or others. Wednesday’s straight party line vote in Virginia Senate shows that these laws are more controversial than normally understood. 


Democrats Seek Civil War, But Will Get Revolution :: 01/24/2020

Democrats conspired with foreign agents, lied, cheated, and denied due process to Donald Trump. If they were willing to do that to a duly elected president in order to obtain power, what should Americans expect them to do to them should they refuse attempts to be disarmed?  


Hawaii legislators consider closing gun control loopholes after officers' deaths :: 01/24/2020

HONOLULU — Hawaii already has some of the nation's strictest gun laws, but the fatal shooting of two Honolulu police officers by a man his lawyer and neighbors believe had psychiatric problems has added new urgency to efforts to close gun control loopholes and bolster mental health care treatment.


The Virginia Model for a Constitutional Confederation of States :: 01/24/2020

Unless you’ve been sequestered on the dark side of the Moon, you’re undoubtedly aware of the massive race riots and murderous gunfights that took place outside Virginia’s state capitol on Monday. At least that’s what the state’s governor, Ralph “Blackface” Northam, and his Leftmedia echo chamber were hoping would happen at Monday’s Second Amendment rally.


Why the leader of a Pa. gun rights group opposes 2A Sanctuary ordinances :: 01/24/2020

Gun rights activists across Pennsylvania are encouraging county and municipal leaders to adopt “Second Amendment Sanctuary” ordinances to prevent local governments from enforcing a broad range of gun restrictions.


Bradford County is a Second Amendment Sanctuary, commissioners say :: 01/23/2020

Commissioners in Bradford County recently passed a resolution declaring their county a “Second Amendment Sanctuary.”


California Case A Prime Example Of Gun Control's Failures :: 01/23/2020

While anti-gunners often decry the lack of gun control, the truth is that guns actually are controlled. They shouldn’t be, in my humble opinion, but they are. They’re just not controlled as much as some would like.


Virginia Dems Kill Bill That Targeted Criminals Who Use Guns :: 01/23/2020

While Virginia Democrats are merrily approving gun control laws aimed at the state’s legal gun owners, they apparently aren’t interested in focusing on violent criminals who use firearms in the commission of a crime.


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