proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB434

Title: Providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.

Description: An Act providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.

Last Action: Referred to CHILDREN AND YOUTH

Last Action Date: Jan 31, 2025

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The Second and Sixth Amendments :: 09/14/2019

The U.S. Supreme Court has held—largely on originalist grounds—that the Sixth Amendment right to jury doesn't apply to "petty" criminal offenses. (The leading case on this is D.C. v. Clawans (1937), but it has been reaffirmed since then.)


Guardian program trains armed teachers to stop an active school shooter :: 09/13/2019

PANAMA CITY, Fla. — “Get down on your knees!” It’s not something a teacher ordinarily would shout during a summer training program, but this is no ordinary program.


Gun owners don't need to break local firearm laws to bring a legal challenge, Commonwealth Court rules :: 09/13/2019

A ruling issued by a state appeals court Thursday will allow gun owners to challenge locally passed firearms laws, regardless of whether they have been prosecuted for violating the ordinances. 


Gun rights activists: Higher court ruling could change DA's argument on private complaints against Peduto, council :: 09/13/2019

Gun rights activists are pointing to a court decision issued Thursday as ammo against the district attorney’s refusal to accept private criminal complaints against Pittsburgh officials for passing local gun laws.


How 10 Pennsylvania municipalities plan to reduce gun violence :: 09/13/2019

Crisis intervention workers, town hall meetings, police overtime costs, and coloring books: These are just some of the ways that 10 municipalities across Pennsylvania plan to reduce gun violence with a combined $2.3 million in grants. 


CEOs Lobby For Universal Background Checks And Red Flag Law :: 09/12/2019

The CEOs of dozens of businesses are demanding the Senate “do something” and approve legislation that would criminalize private transfers of firearms without background checks, as well as a bill that would give federal grant money to states to establish “red flag” laws.


DRGO: Lies, Damned Lies & Politicians :: 09/12/2019

Q: “How do you tell when a politician is lying?”  A: “His lips are moving.”


House panel's votes on gun bills give likely preview of battles to come :: 09/12/2019

WASHINGTON – A House panel worked late into the night in a sometimes heated, sometimes emotional hearing on gun-control bills Tuesday, a potential preview of congressional debates to come in the weeks after a string of mass shootings.


O'Rourke's debate-stage vow: Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15 :: 09/12/2019

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke is pulling out all the stops as his campaign sinks, says Fox Nation host and Fox News contributor Tyrus.


Dana Loesch Dismantles ABC-Washington Post Poll :: 09/11/2019

On Monday, I wrote about a poll from ABC and the Washington Post. I offered some thoughts on the poll, mostly taking the numbers at face value, which I really know better than to do. However, the numbers appeared to be a slight improvement over previous polls, which may have fed into my own confirmation bias. It told me something I sort of liked–it could have been more likable, but I saw it in a “glass half full” kind of way–and failed to delve much deeper.


Is Support For Gun Control Going Up Or Down Or Staying The Same? :: 09/11/2019

Earlier today, Cam wrote about yet another poll regarding the public’s support for gun control. We hear a lot about these polls lately. A lot of people look at those as evidence that the public wants gun control and we simply have to pass it, democracy demands it.


Parkland Father Uncovers What Media Failed To Look For :: 09/11/2019

The Parkland killer was, as we later learned, a seriously messed up person. He was violent and the Broward County Sheriff’s Office was pretty much on a first-name basis with the monster-in-making from all the calls they’d responded to.


State College Borough Council Proposes Gun Legislation :: 09/11/2019

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (WTAJ) — After a string of shootings both nationally, statewide and in State College, one borough council member says they had to do something to try to make a difference.


Trump Meets With Lawmakers, Could Soon Announce Gun Control Plan :: 09/11/2019

President Donald Trump is expected to be briefed on the outlines of various gun control proposals at the White House tomorrow, and could make a public announcement, either in person or on his Twitter feed soon after, according to unnamed White House officials who spoke to NBC News.


Beating the War Drums :: 09/10/2019

A coalition between the Democratic Party and left-wing militants is coming into view, manifesting as a combined arms approach of state and non-state actors working to suppress political dissent. It is paradoxically authoritarian and anti-establishmentarian, using law enforcement bureaus to effect their designs while simultaneously placing officers and agents in harm’s way.


Feds Demand Names of Over 10,000 Users of Gun Scope App from Apple and Google :: 09/10/2019

The Federal Government is using extra-judicial means to obtain information on the owners of firearms with certain scopes. They are attempting to pressure Google and Apple to turn over the names and phone numbers of anyone who has used an app that allows users to more easily calibrate certain rifle scopes.


Mass Shooting Reported in Dordrecht, Netherlands :: 09/10/2019

A mass shooting — reportedly with three dead and more wounded — has been reported in a suburb of the Dutch city of Rotterdam.


Poll: Majority Backs Banning Assault-Style Rifles, Opposes Federal Gun-Confiscation Program :: 09/10/2019

A majority of Americans supports banning the future sale of assault-style rifles but is against a federal gun-confiscation program that would force current owners to forfeit such weapons, according to a new Monmouth University poll.


WaPo's Desperate 'Do Something' Demand Inadvertently Shows Futility of 'Gun Control' :: 09/10/2019

U.S.A. – -( “Do something, Mr. McConnell,” The Washington Post wrings its hands and wails in a virtue-bleating Wednesday editorial. “When the Senate returns from its Labor Day recess, it must act on guns.”


2nd Amendment In Crosshairs As Congress Returns From Recess :: 09/09/2019

Congress returns from its August recess today, and that means that the Senate will be taking up the issue of gun control in the immediate future. Well, maybe. Last week Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he won’t bring a bill to the floor for a full vote unless he knows that the President will sign it. So what is President Trump pushing at the moment? According to Sen. Roy Blount (R-MO), Trump hasn’t committed to any specific piece of legislation… yet.


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