proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB469

Title: Amending the act of August 5, 1977 (P.L.181, No.47), entitled "An act providing for the acceptance by the Governor of jurisdiction relinquished by ...

Description: Amending the act of August 5, 1977 (P.L.181, No.47), entitled "An act providing for the acceptance by the Governor of jurisdiction relinq ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 4, 2025

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Kamala Harris Continues Campaign Pledge To Become Dictator :: 07/04/2019

Sen. Kamala Harris desperately wants to become president. She has a good shot at winning the nomination for the Democratic Party, at the very least. Democrats seem to love what she’s peddling.


Left-Winger At Vox Outraged Over 'Monopoly' Rights Has On Guns :: 07/04/2019

For better or worse, the pro-gun position tends to be more of a right-wing position. When it comes to guns, gun rights, and gun control, you can predict someone’s position in a broad sense based on their party affiliation with a fair degree of accuracy. If you see Republican, you can assume he or she is relatively pro-gun and the opposite if they’re a Democrat.


Rep. Frederica Wilson Makes Comment Illustrating Why We Own Guns :: 07/04/2019

Today is Independence Day, a day when we remember who we are as a nation and what we stand for.


The Myth of Independence Day, by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano :: 07/04/2019

The Declaration of Independence — released on July 4, 1776 — was Thomas Jefferson's masterpiece. Jefferson himself wrote much about it in essays and letters during the 50 years that followed.


Cuomo and Swalwell Intend To Obliterate The Bill Of Rights, Second Amendment First :: 07/03/2019

New York – -( Radical Left elements, with the connivance of the mainstream news media—the Dead Souls existing among us—slowly, methodically, systematically work toward completing their Marxist agenda, notwithstanding the failure to install their candidate, the duplicitous, innately evil Hillary Clinton, in the White House.


MONUMENTAL Determination from ATF - Grant of State Relief Relieves Federal Prohibition Relating to Mental Health Commitments :: 07/03/2019

I am honored to announce, after fighting the U.S. Government over this issue for several years, that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has conceded that a grant of state relief in relation to a prior mental health commitment is sufficient to relieve the individual of any prohibition under federal law.


New and altered laws take effect in Idaho :: 07/03/2019

A law lowering from 21 to 18 the age limit for carrying a concealed handgun within city limits in Idaho without a permit or training went into effect Monday.


Pennsylvania: Wolf says school security bill won't allow teachers to carry guns in the classroom :: 07/03/2019

Gov. Tom Wolf signed legislation Tuesday creating new training requirements for armed school security personnel, despite fears by gun-control activists and his fellow Democrats that it could allow teachers and untrained professionals to carry firearms.


Unsurprisingly, CA's Ammo Background Check System Has Issues :: 07/03/2019

The idea of running a background check for ammo is ridiculous, especially since there’s no way to prevent it from crossing state lines. It’s highly unlikely that anyone outside of the state will refuse to sell to Californians, after all.


Gun-Control is Wrong for This World :: 07/02/2019

Everyone has their own perspective, but some beliefs are more accurate than others. That is certainly true about gun-control. Do we have too little gun-control, or too much? Do we have too few firearms regulations or too many? Our answers say a lot about us, but the facts about gun-control can be confusing.


It's Time to Declare Your Independence from Tyranny, America :: 07/02/2019

It’s time to declare your independence from tyranny, America. For too long now, we have suffered the injustices of a government that has no regard for our rights or our humanity.


Progressives Are Leading America To Her Demise :: 07/02/2019

Several disputed quotes have been attributed to Nikita Khrushchev, the former authoritarian leader of the U.S.S.R. Perhaps the most famous is, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.” As with all historical quotes, the veracity of Khrushchev’s should be taken with a grain of salt. Still, the sentiment is undeniably accurate. And now it seems that the Left is determined to see it through to fruition.


Vox Thinks It's Time To 'Go Big' On Gun Control :: 07/02/2019

Vox is perhaps one of the most liberal publications in the country right now, and that’s saying something. Because of that, most of its writers are likely in something of an ideological bubble. It’s not difficult to have that happen, especially when much of your ideology revolves around shunning people who disagree with you.


WI Incident Proves Difficulties Of Gun Control, Officials Want More Anyway :: 07/02/2019

It seems there was an incident recently in Madison, Wisconsin. A 20-year-old man was shot at an event. Regardless of what the event was, guns were not allowed.


Broward County Sheriff's Office loses accreditation after school massacre, Florida airport shooting: report :: 07/01/2019

The largest sheriff's office in Florida sustained another blow after it was revealed Monday that a state panel last week voted to revoke the law enforcement accreditation of the controversial department in the wake of mishandling two major mass shootings in its jurisdiction.


Journalist's Attack Illustrates Need For Second Amendment :: 07/01/2019

It’s probably not fair to pretend the idea of violence in politics is new. It’s been around for a long time, after all. The idea of “tar and feathering” some people dates back to pre-Revolution times. While many don’t think of it as violence, it truly was as people tended to prefer not to be covered in hot tar.


New Zealand Struggles Enforcing New Gun Control Measures :: 07/01/2019

Many people in the United States have kept an eye on New Zealand. Gun control activists have watched and lamented that the U.S. supposedly can’t respond as aggressively to a mass shooting while pro-gun voices have kept an eye on the nation because we know how well gun control is going to work.


Whataburger Has New Policy That's Affecting Gun Carrying Customers :: 07/01/2019

For years, the name “Whataburger” was about as Texas as the Alamo.  Recently, though, the burger chain was sold to an Illinois owner. In theory, this shouldn’t have changed much. Not really.


When Television News Anchors Become Gun Control Activists :: 07/01/2019

On the subject of gun control, television news shows these days spout nothing more than propaganda. This past Sunday, seven million Americans watched CBS’s "60 Minutes" explain why “AR-15s are the choice of our worst mass murderers.” It was the most-watched television program that day.


Armed teachers in Pa.'s schools? Groups on both sides of the gun debate say Senate bill would allow it :: 06/30/2019

Shira Goodman and Kim Stolfer may not agree on much, but they recently found common ground on a school safety bill now before the state Senate.


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