proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB469

Title: Amending the act of August 5, 1977 (P.L.181, No.47), entitled "An act providing for the acceptance by the Governor of jurisdiction relinquished by ...

Description: Amending the act of August 5, 1977 (P.L.181, No.47), entitled "An act providing for the acceptance by the Governor of jurisdiction relinq ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 4, 2025

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Northam Admits Gun Controls Wouldn't Have Prevented VA Beach Shooting :: 06/25/2019

[VA] Gov. Ralph Northam (D) admitted Friday that the gun controls he introduced after the Virginia Beach shooting would not have necessarily prevented that shooting.


NYU Study Confirms: Anti-Gun Media Is Own Worst Enemy :: 06/25/2019

A stunning new report from researchers at NYU shows “a causal link between print news media coverage of U.S. gun control policy in the wake of mass shooting events and increases in firearm acquisition.”


Oregon 'Militia Threat' has all the Markings of a Smear Job against Gun Owners :: 06/25/2019

U.S.A. – -( “Based on an allegation of ‘militia threats’ Senate President Peter Courtney canceled today’s floor session.” Oregon Firearms Federation informed members in a Saturday alert. “But the good news is that while they are not on the floor they are not allowed to be hunting the Republicans who walked out.”


Politico: Anti-Gunners Expect Greatest Gains if Dem Beats Trump :: 06/25/2019

If a Democrat can defeat President Trump in 2020, Politico thinks it will launch more restrictive gun control.


Unconstitutionally Vague: Gorsuch Sides With Liberals In Striking Down Federal Gun Law :: 06/25/2019

Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch was the first in a string of successful judicial nominations for the Trump White House. Not all of them have been smooth; Justice Kavanaugh’s was one of the most brutal in recent memory. And yet, while the Left views any conservative justice on the Court as a slide toward fascism, some conservative jurists have sided with the liberals in the recent spate of Supreme Court decisions.


Active Shooter Events from 2000 to 2012 :: 06/24/2019

On April 20, 1999, two Columbine High School students killed twelve classmates and a teacher in Littleton, Colorado. The shooters committed suicide before officers entered the school to intervene. Outrage on the part of the public and deep introspection by the police produced massive changes in law enforcement response to ongoing acts of violence.1 Unfortunately, active shooter events (ASEs) have continued to occur.


Giffords back on Capitol Hill to push for vote on background-check bill :: 06/24/2019

WASHINGTON – Former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords joined Democratic congressional leaders Thursday to demand that the Senate allow a vote on a bill that toughens background checks for gun purchasers.


If you want to keep your gun rights, take them seriously :: 06/24/2019

Every time someone is killed with a firearm, one side of the political aisle shouts for gun control and the other side shouts against it.


New Zealand: Gun Owners Outraged NZ Gov. Won't Pay Full Price for Banned Firearms :: 06/24/2019

Gun owners in New Zealand are outraged that the government is doing a forced buyback of “military style” semiautomatic rifles but refusing to pay full price for the firearms.


What's Behind Cory Booker's Dream Scheme? :: 06/24/2019

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey—a man who would very much like to become President Cory Booker of the White House—has announced the most comprehensive gun control package to be forwarded by any presidential candidate in recent memory.


What The Huffington Post Misses In Its Anti-Gun Scare Piece :: 06/24/2019

The Huffington Post had one thing about them which I tend to respect on some level. They don’t pretend to be an unbiased news source. Not really. In fact, everyone knows they’re liberal which means we can generally read any article they post knowing their ideological bias.


Chris Cox Head of NRAILA, Suspended at NRA :: 06/23/2019

U.S.A. -( Large, powerful, political organizations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) are seldom transparent or without internal struggles.


With Anti-Gunners, It's Always About Never About The Facts :: 06/23/2019

Mass shootings are powerful for gun control activists. Very powerful.  Each news report of a mass shooting terrifies the public. It reminds them how unsafe the world is, shattering the illusion that they will be free from violence. Regardless of the astronomical odds of them being involved in such a shooting, the terror it invokes is still very real.


ATF Caught with Pants Down, Scrambling to Find Thousands of Firearms Stolen from Facility :: 06/22/2019

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) found itself in hot water last week when an investigation by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel revealed that thousands of firearms and firearm parts had been stolen from an ATF gun-destruction facility in West Virginia.


Vets Who Use Medical Marijuana Shouldn't Have to Give Up Second Amendment Rights :: 06/22/2019

Despite many states legalizing medical marijuana, the fact that it remains illegal under federal law has forced some U.S. military veterans into a difficult choice. Using the drug to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) could cost them their their constitutional right to bear arms.


Why the Swiss Voted for More Gun Control :: 06/22/2019

On May 19, 2019, Swiss voters approved a new set of gun control restrictions. This newly-approved gun control measure would put Switzerland’s gun control laws in line with European Union standards. Under this new law, military-style, semi-automatic weapons would be heavily restricted, while also tightening up gun registration standards. A few exemptions were made for participants in shooting sports who will still be able to nominally exercise their right to own arms without going through many more hurdles.


Will We Protect Our Children in School? :: 06/22/2019

In the long run, we get the results we plan for. We wear a seatbelt when we drive because we won’t have time to put the seatbelt on the second before an accident. We have insurance when we drive so we can financially and medically recover if someone runs into us. Saying that bad things shouldn’t happen isn’t a workable plan.


Busted for defending your own home :: 06/21/2019

This is probably one of my least favorite subjects to cover, but it’s the sort of thing we need to remain aware of. Questions of self-defense, the castle doctrine and home security come up often enough, and they can impact nearly anyone in the country if your luck runs low. But a story from upstate New York is now making the rounds for an unusual reason.


Note To Anti-Gun Media: 'Victims' Not Above Criticism :: 06/21/2019

I’m not convinced that gun control groups abhor gun-related violence, not by a long shot.


Pittsburgh Bans 'Assault Rifles,' Nearly Has Terrorist Bombing :: 06/21/2019

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto decided that the only possible response to a terrorist attack using an AR-15 in his city was to ban all related weapons. He didn’t care about state preemption laws or anything.


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