proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR21

Title: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...

Description: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 23, 2025

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Conn. Gov. Ned Lamont Drops Kitchen-Sink Gun Control to Cover for Crime Failures :: 02/10/2022

Connecticut’s Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont doesn’t have the celebrity status of some of his gun control governor colleagues like New York’s Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul, New Jersey’s Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy or California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. His recent gun control proposal arguably outdoes them all, though.


Don't buy the hype, 'rogue' prosecutors driving violent crime surge, not guns: Expert :: 02/10/2022

Progressive district attorneys are turning their cities into "hellholes," according to former prosecutor


It's Time for ATF to Decide: Cover for President Biden's Lies or Comply With Federal Law :: 02/10/2022

In late June, Joe Biden announced a new zero-tolerance policy for “rogue gun dealers,” who he claimed were responsible for skyrocketing violent crime rates in major cities historically controlled by Democrats.


Does the United States need stricter gun control laws?: Most Americans say "No" by a 49 percent to 42 percent margin. :: 02/09/2022

Rasmussen Reports has a new survey on support for stricter gun control laws. They interviewed 1,000 Americans from January 30-31, 2022 and the margin of error in the survey was +/-3%. By a 49%-to-42% margin, Americans opposed stricter gun control. This is slightly larger than a recent Quinnipiac University Poll from last November that found Americans oppose stricter gun control laws by a 49% to 45% margin.


Hate Speech: Biden Labels Lawful Gun Owners 'The Resistance' :: 02/09/2022

President Joe Biden traveled to New York City for a media event recently to try and show America he’s doing something about rampant urban crime. Instead, he blamed the Second Amendment and lawful gun owners, said nothing about holding criminals to account and repeated the same tired lies about the firearm industry he keeps at the ready – lies “fact-checked” as being false each time he’s previously recited them.


It’s the Crime, Jen... Naming the Problem is the Beginning :: 02/09/2022

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki should know by now that speaking the truth is much easier than spinning a yarn. Yet, this White House can’t seem to bring themselves to admit crime is a problem.


LA DA wants credit card companies to enforce gun control :: 02/09/2022

The financial industry has seemingly been at war with the gun industry for the last few years. Yet despite that, credit card companies will still process payments for guns or related items. There’s tension there, to be sure, but business is still being conducted.


New Dem talking point: criminal justice reform is needed, except when it comes to guns :: 02/09/2022

Across the country, Democrats are ditching the defund-the-police rhetoric incessantly espoused by the left wing of the party over the past year and a half, because they know what a politically toxic phrase its become among the vast majority of voters. At the same time, the party can’t really afford to alienate the base of supporters who are still committed to “re-imagining policing”.


Bill introduced to side step budgets, fund CDC to conduct anti-gun research :: 02/08/2022

One of the fun myths we keep getting fed is that the gun industry is the only industry that cannot be sued for damages. Those of us who are keenly aware of what the law is and how it reads, knows that’s not true. Firearm manufacturers can’t be sued for the misuse of their products, just as Ford can’t be sued if their vehicle was involved in a drunk driving incident (or Johnnie Walker for that matter). Another fantastic false fact that flies out of the mouths of the anti-freedom caucus members is that the CDC is cut off from funding on studying so-called “gun violence”. This is a little prestidigitation being  played with words, as the facts get shoved up the pinko sleeves’ of our “honest” congresscritters. A newly reintroduced bill seeks to address this “problem”. On February 2, 2022 H.R. 6575: Protecting Americans from Gun Violence Act of 2022 was reintroduced by Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez from New York.


Pro Tip: Don't Take Self-Defense Advice From the L.A. Times :: 02/08/2022

Californians had a decision to make as they endure a two-year span of increased criminal violence, pushes to throttle law enforcement’s ability to protect communities and prosecutors going soft on criminals. They could choose to lawfully purchase a firearm to protect themselves or be a victim. They choose the former.


Stringent Gun Controls Fail as Man Opens Fire, Shooting Two in Washington Grocer :: 02/08/2022

Two people were shot Monday at a Fred Meyer in Richland, Washington, despite the fact that the state has some of the most stringent gun controls in the country.


U.S. Senate Considering Criminal Investigations for Innocent Gun Owners? :: 02/08/2022



Biden calls Glock handgun with 40-round mag a 'weapon of war' in gun control remarks :: 02/07/2022

President Joe Biden referred to the Glock 45 handgun, a popular firearm available in the civilian market, as a "weapon of war" during a recent gun control announcement.


Biden's 'guns first' approach to violent crime ignores basic facts :: 02/07/2022

Over 92% of violent crimes in America do not involve firearms.


Poll: Majority of American Adults Want Stricter Enforcement of Existing Gun Laws :: 02/07/2022

A poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows that 63 percent of American adults believe the country needs stricter enforcement of existing gun laws.


Seattle Mayor slammed by 2A group for lies about preemption law :: 02/07/2022

If you watched today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, you got a peek at the type of anti-gun hysteria that can be weaponized by the gun control lobby if they don’t have to concern themselves about running afoul of state firearms preemption laws. Those laws, which provide a uniform standard of gun laws across a state, prevent localities from adopting their own gun ordinances, which can lead to a patchwork-quilt of local laws that are impossible for gun owners to be aware of and comply with.


A Triple Threat to Freedom of Speech :: 02/06/2022

The United States government, Big Tech and Cancel Culture have combined into a triple threat to the American Constitutional Republic American by laying siege to the Bill of Rights, particularly the right to freedom of speech.  


Chicago-area man charged with 27 straw buys :: 02/06/2022

The state of Illinois has a lot of gun control laws. One of the most onerous, at least in my opinion, is the requirement to have a FOID before purchasing a firearm.


Just how commonly are guns found in unlocked cars? :: 02/06/2022

I’ve written a lot of stories about guns being stolen out of unlocked cars. It’s a pet peeve of mine, really. I mean, guns aren’t inexpensive items. Even the least costly firearms you can buy are over $100. I don’t know about you, but I can’t just throw away hundred-dollar bills like they’re nothing, and leaving any firearm in an unlocked car is a lot like that.


The CNN Sex Party Comes To An End :: 02/06/2022

When you look at the people on CNN the absolute last thing to come to your mind is “sex.” Now that I’ve planted that thought in your head you’ve probably thrown up in your mouth a little bit, sorry about that. But while “CNN” and “sex” are the brushing your teeth and drinking orange juice of cable news, it turns out the network founded by Ted Turner was pretty much an unaccountable key party that appears to have come to an end.


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