proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB538

Title: In sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking education, prevention and response at institutions of higher education and ...

Description: In sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking education, prevention and response at institutions of higher education and .. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 8, 2025

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Latest News

England: London stabbings - Six young men knifed in capital in 90 minutes amid violence surge :: 04/05/2018

Five teenagers and one man have been stabbed in London within the space of 90 minutes amid a surge in knife and gun violence in the capital.


Eric Holder anti-gun Operation Choke Point redux hits New York :: 04/05/2018

Remember when Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s attorney general-slash-political-pitbull, went after gun sellers by going after the banks who did business with them — the old Operation Choke Point moment in the so-called “scandal-free Obama administration” time?


Nick Kristof (of New York Times) Argues with Straw Men about Guns; Straw Men Win :: 04/05/2018

If you can’t win an argument even when you stack the deck in your favor . . .


Tech CEOs Call For Stricter Gun Control Following YouTube Shooting :: 04/05/2018

What happened at YouTube’s headquarters, as bad as it was, could have been a lot worse. As of right now, the only person to die during the attack was the shooter herself. That’s a good thing. It’s a shame others were hurt, but at least they weren’t killed.


With a Second Stroke of a Pen, PA Governor Wolf Ensures that Firearm Rights are Restricted by Renewing Proclamation of State of Emergency :: 04/05/2018

Yesterday, for the second time, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf renewed a proclamation declaring Pennsylvania’s heroin and opioid epidemic a statewide disaster emergency, seemingly triggering the firearm prohibitions found in 18 Pa.C.S. § 6107 during declared emergencies.


YouTube Shooting Witness Wishes for Gun :: 04/05/2018

According to the almighty media, when they speak, you should listen. And the last month they’ve been spewing an inundation of anti-gun rhetoric. They have out-of-touch pundits on discussion boards telling law-abiding Americans why their guns are evil, all while sitting in a secure building equipped with armed guards.


23 Firearms Go Lost or Stolen From ATF Agents :: 04/04/2018

More than 23 firearms issued for agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were either were lost or stolen between 2014 and 2017, a government watchdog reported Monday.


Banning 'Assault Weapons' Makes As Much Sense As Banning Opaque Backpacks :: 04/04/2018

The gun control policies student activists favor are just as dubious as the school security measures they mock.  Cameron Kasky is one of the most prominent student activists calling for gun control in response to the February 14 attack that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.


Do states with stricter gun control laws have fewer gun deaths? No. Do they have fewer homicides and suicides? Definitely not :: 04/04/2018

Do more gun control laws mean fewer firearm deaths?  Gun control advocates typically provide graphs looking across states that show more gun control laws related to fewer firearm deaths, but there are real problems with this approach.  A Boston University School of Public Health project is one of the latest to make the rounds in various news outlets.


New Poll Still Shows Massive Support For Gun Control, But It's Slipping :: 04/04/2018

The public still has a great deal of support for gun control following the Parkland massacre. That’s not surprising. The media has beamed in people like David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Cameron Kasky, and Delaney Tarr to people’s homes to tell them to support it. They’ve made the aftermath of Parkland play out for far longer than it should have.


Common Sense Gun Laws Lack Common Sense :: 04/03/2018

Americans, many quite young, attended anti-gun violence rallies across the country. Many protesters demanded more federal "common-sense" gun control laws. But the push for common-sense gun laws lacks common sense, or at least perspective.


Concealed Carry on Campus Is More Common, and Useful, Than You Thought :: 04/03/2018

Recent tragedies have put a spotlight on the issue of firearms in schools, particularly whether there should be more or fewer armed personnel protecting students in the classroom.


Gun Owners First to Admit Some People Should Not Have Access :: 04/03/2018

Basic readers were used to teach children in the early and mid-19th century.  Since anti-gun leftists use emotion and not logic, in an homage to the “Dick and Jane” books, here is the simplification of the argument against gun control:


Pennsylvania: Pro-gun rally planned to support Rostraver police officer Martin Palla :: 04/03/2018

Brett Seroka doesn't know Rostraver police officer Martin Palla, but he's organizing a pro-gun rally to honor him this month at the Westmoreland County Courthouse.


Taking Aim at Gun Violence, With Personal Deterrence :: 04/03/2018

A month ago on a college campus in Newburgh, N.Y., an unusual group gathered to talk about gun violence: community leaders, social service providers, the police chief, the district attorney, a staff member of the United States attorney’s office — and 11 of the most dangerous individuals in Newburgh.


What Type of Person Wants to Give up Their Own Rights? :: 04/03/2018

After seeing the groups of people marching around different parts of the country, and watching some of the videos of just how uninformed they are on the real facts and issues surrounding firearms, mass murders and violent crime in general, it brought to my mind a question that I just figured out the answer to.


African-American Gun Rights Group Grows In The Age Of Trump :: 04/02/2018

Gun rights groups, including the NRA, have seen a rise in membership since the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., in February. But one group in particular has had a major increase well before that. The National African American Gun Association’s numbers tripled after the inauguration of President Trump.


DRGO: Gun Laws vs. Firearm Suicides :: 04/02/2018

A paper in the January 2018 Journal of Surgical Research attempts to show that the right to keep and bear arms is a cause of suicide.  According to the authors, “Weaker gun state laws are associated with higher rates of suicide secondary to firearms”.


Gun Violence Studies Biased, Used to Force Agenda :: 04/02/2018

One of the common talking points that liberals throw around in the gun debate is that Republicans have banned even studying gun violence. So you get headlines such as “Lift the Federal Ban on Gun Violence Research” (the New Republic), or “Why Gun Violence Research Has Been Shut Down for 20 Years” (the Washington Post’s Wonkblog), or “GOP Chairman: Congress Should Rethink CDC Ban on Gun Violence Research” (The Hill), or “What’s Missing from the Gun Debate. It’s Simple: Science” (an op-ed in Politico).The reality is different, and it illustrates two contending views of how America should be governed.


Irrational Fear of Mass Shootings Can't Justify Unconstitutional Gun Control :: 04/02/2018

Americans are now more likely to be shot to death than to die in a car accident," Margaret Renkl declares in a New York Times op-ed piece calling for more gun control. Since Renkl is talking about mass shootings, which she says "are no longer so unthinkable," the implication is that the risk of being murdered with a gun is on the rise. But that risk is in fact much lower than it was in the 1970s, '80s, or '90s.


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