proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB262

Title: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders.

Description: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Feb 20, 2025

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New "Watchlist" Sends Outspoken Academics into a Tailspin :: 12/10/2016

A new “watchlist” is ruffling feathers in the academic community, with critics calling it “Orwellian,” “grotesque,” “an assault on academic freedom,” and even “the right’s new McCarythyism.”


Harvard academic hints that democracy ends up in autocracy :: 12/09/2016

If Harvard lecturer Yascha Mounk has it right, modern democracies are not the stable entities that those of us who value freedom and human rights would like to believe.  According to research that he did with Roberto Stefan Foa of the University of Melbourne and reported on in The New York Times, there are warning signs in democratic countries such as Britain, Australia, Sweden, and the United States that hint at a risk of ending up in the kind of autocracy on exhibit in Venezuela.


Pro-gun group wants Trump to dump Petraeus as possible secretary of state :: 12/09/2016

Former Central Intelligence (CIA) Director David Petraeus is a bad pick for secretary of state because of his “Clinton-like” disregard for Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights, according to Gun Owners of America.


Rep. Thomas Massie to Chair Revived Second Amendment Caucus in Congress :: 12/09/2016

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) will be chair of a newly relaunched Congressional Second Amendment Caucus. (Earlier versions existed from 2004-08, and 2009-13.)


Washington: Bloomberg-backed gun confiscation initiative goes into effect :: 12/09/2016

A ballot referendum to establish Extreme Risk Protection Orders approved by voters in Washington state after a $4 million campaign by gun control advocates took effect Thursday.


Why The Appointment Of Solicitor General Is Critically Important To Second Amendment Rights :: 12/09/2016

Last week, I mentioned that the pick of Solicitor General would be on par with the pick for Attorney General in its importance. Not many people can name who the Solicitor General is, but keep this fact in mind: Five Solicitor Generals, including current Justice Elena Kagan, have become Supreme Court Justices since the office was established in 1870. Two members of the current Supreme Court, Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts, worked in that office.


Former NSA Director Michael Hayden: Banning Guns 'Might' Be Part of Counterterrorism :: 12/08/2016

He specifically referenced the June 12 Orlando Pulse terror attack and suggested there “might be some guns out there that nobody should be able to buy.”


Making gun carriers a protected class draws fire from business groups :: 12/08/2016

Two top Statehouse heavyweights — gun-rights supporters and business advocates — are battling over a bill that would make concealed-carry permit holders a protected class under employment discrimination.


No More Victims: Young Americans for Liberty Successfully Implements Self-Defense on Capitol University :: 12/08/2016

Last month, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) launched the ‘Your Life Your Right’ national activism campaign to tackle the critical issue of self-defense and violent crimes on college campuses. Due to this campaign, the YAL chapter at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio successfully encouraged the student government to propose legislation to allow for the use of pepper spray and mace on campus.


Obama: Blame Second Amendment, Not Radical Islamic Terror :: 12/08/2016

At one point during the speech, Obama actually warned Americans not criticize Islam for the attacks that Muslims have carried out on our soil–most recently the Ohio State University attack, but also the attacks on the Minnesota mall, Orlando Pulse, San Bernardino County building, Chattanooga military offices, and Fort Hood (2009), to name a few.


American Naivete (Part 1): "If you have nothing to hide. . . ." :: 12/07/2016

In a previous article, “European social democracies and gun control,” I wrote that many Americans are extremely naïve when it comes to trusting the government with their liberties. In fact, there is an interesting dichotomy because citizens mistrust the economic acumen of government and don’t trust it with their wallets, but it is a different story with personal liberty!


Bigotry Against Gun Owners, and why guns are not like cars :: 12/07/2016

Big city socialists are waging a propaganda war against honest gun owners.  One of the myths they frequently roll out is that “We don’t regulate guns.”  The person who makes a statement like that either has never been anywhere near the firearms industry, or they are a paid liar.  I’ve owned both cars and guns, so let’s compare and see if we really regulate guns anywhere like the way we regulate motor vehicles.  Is this responsible regulation, or is it anti-rights bigotry?  I use this humorous comparison to illustrate the serious discrimination faced by firearms owners today.


Majority Rule Equals Tyranny :: 12/07/2016

It is alleged that Hillary Clinton won a popular vote majority. Therefore, if the nation were not burdened with the antiquated Electoral College, anguished and freaked-out Americans whine, she, instead of Donald Trump, would be the next president of the United States. You say, "Hold it. Before you go further, Williams, what do you mean it is alleged that Clinton received most of the popular vote? It's a fact." I say "alleged" because according to Gregg Phillips of True the Vote, an estimated 3 million noncitizens voted. Presumably, those votes went to Clinton.


School 'Gun Violence' PSA Overlooks the Most Obvious Warning Sign :: 12/07/2016

“Do you see the chilling warning signs in this PSA about gun violence?” The Washington Post asks in a headline to a “report” posted as “news” rather than as free advertising for gun-grab group Sandy Hook Promise’s latest video. The slick propaganda piece relies on sleight of mind, keeping viewers’ attention focused on an unfolding “love story” in the foreground while a classmate plans out and ultimately initiates a “school shooting.”


Anti-Gun Hysteria Is Hazardous to Your Health :: 12/06/2016

Despite their avowed faith in science and data, all too many progressives view a gun as a kind of magical, evil object. It’s a metallic voodoo doll that is best not touched, handled, or brought into polite conversation, even when it can save lives.


Anti-Gunners: The Trace sallies into the caliber war with confusing article :: 12/06/2016

The Trace, a magazine that was last year at the instigation of Everytown for Gun Safety and provided start-up money by Michael Bloomberg has wandered into the battlefield that is the caliber debate and promptly managed to find the one cow pie to step in.  An article by Alex Yablon, titled, “America’s Obsession with Powerful Handguns Is Giving Criminals Deadlier Tools,” commits some of the most egregious errors and declarations of cluelessness that I’ve seen in a while.


Concealed carry activists host open carry walk across OSU campus in wake of knife attack :: 12/06/2016

A group of concealed carry activists walked across the Ohio State University campus in Columbia Monday with guns in plain view, one week after a knife attack that injured 11 students.


LA Times: Concealed carry reciprocity 'absurd and dangerous' :: 12/06/2016

The Los Angeles Times editorial board says the Donald Trump backed, NRA push for nationwide concealed carry reciprocity is bad for public safety, calling it “absurd and dangerous” in a piece published Saturday.


6 Little-Known Gun FACTS That Liberals Never Want To Talk About :: 12/05/2016

Seth Connell writes that we can only leave it to the District of Columbia to put violent felons ahead of the safety of law-abiding citizens.


Exclusive: GOP Congressman Preps National Concealed Carry Bill For Next Congress :: 12/05/2016

WASHINGTON — A Republican congressman is prepared to introduce national concealed carry legislation in the next Congress after Donald Trump is sworn in as president.


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