proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB262

Title: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders.

Description: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Feb 20, 2025

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Latest News

More gun laws won't cut violence :: 08/22/2016

In her Aug. 14 article, Stephanie Wang did an outstanding job of highlighting the abysmal failures of our existing gun laws and the absolute necessity of protecting and expanding our gun rights.


Old habits may die hard, but it's time to allow semi-autos :: 08/22/2016

Fellow hunters, we must get our heads out of the sand in Pennsylvania! We need to catch up with the times and become aware of what is being done safely nationally, that has had no adverse consequences for our sport.


Politicians protect rights of accused, not law-abiding gun owners :: 08/22/2016

California legislators are congratulating themselves for legislation to curb police seizures of property from people who haven’t been convicted of crimes – and for a change, their celebration is justified.


German right-wing leader backs citizens' right to arm themselves :: 08/20/2016

BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has spoken out in favor of people arming themselves with guns and self-defense devices following a series of violent attacks last month.


GOA attacks gun-free zones, Everytown fires back :: 08/20/2016

Gun rights advocates and proponents of gun control clashed on Friday over whether so-called “gun-free zones” actually attract mass shooters.


Hillary's Done. . .And She Knows It :: 08/20/2016

It’s remarkable how biased the mainstream media is against Donald Trump. If you listen to the media, all his polls look horrible and his odds of winning are remote. According to the biased liberal media, Team Trump should be in panic mode.


The Washington Post Fails Again :: 08/20/2016

It’s embarrassing how shamelessly the Washington Post is shilling for Hillary Clinton nowadays.


Anti-Gunners: Kim Kardashian Makes Impassioned Twitter Plea for Gun Control :: 08/19/2016

Kim Kardashian has taken to Twitter to make a heartfelt plea for gun control in the wake of the mass shooting that left 50 dead in Orlando, Florida on Sunday morning.


Anti-Gunners: Matt Damon Talks Gun Control - We Need to Evolve :: 08/19/2016

Weeks after the Orlando shooting, Matt Damon is speaking out on gun control.  


Anti-Gunners: Tom Arnold pens letter arguing for gun control after nephew's suicide :: 08/19/2016

Actor Tom Arnold is arguing for gun control in the wake of his nephew's suicide.


Comedian Steven Crowder Looks to Debunk - Common Sense - Gun Control in Undercover Video :: 08/19/2016

Comedian Steven Crowder recently set up a sidewalk display featuring a display table full of firearms and then took a very funny undercover video documenting how your garden-variety citizen reacted to them.


DRGO: Guns and Glory :: 08/19/2016

My name is Justice, and I am the Angel of Implementation.  How can I best describe my job to you?   When the Creator gives an order, I’m the one that gets it done.  Let’s just say that, up here, I’m the “Go To Guy”.


If Donald Trump wins, it will be a pretty dramatic setback :: 08/19/2016

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy does not shy away from the fact that guns on are on the national ballot this November.


John Lott Exposes Critics Lies: Response to Evan DeFilippis and Devin Hughes' newest claims at ThinkProgress :: 08/19/2016

I have responded previously to some of these claims by Evan DeFilippis and Devin Hughes. Their latest attack is over at ThinkProgress, which bills itself as providing a progressive perspective.


New Gun Control Idea: Take Guns from Senior Citizens :: 08/19/2016

John Hopkins University’s Shannon Frattaroli sees danger in gun ownership among senior citizens, and pointed out Thursday that California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) provide a way that families can have guns confiscated from older relatives.


The Second Amendment: How Does It Work? Progressives Have No Idea :: 08/19/2016

I genuinely want to be done with defending the Second Amendment from the regular barrage of its historically illiterate and inept detractors—the people who say this amendment protects only the “right” of the “militia” to own weapons.


The War on Guns, John Lott's Important New Book :: 08/19/2016

John Lott, Jr., a PhD economist who has published scores of peer-reviewed articles in top journals, has written an outstanding and important new book, The War on Guns. It is, I believe, the most important document ever written about guns.


Voter Fraud Is Real. Here Are 4 More Cases. :: 08/19/2016

With this November’s election looming just over the horizon, the topic of voter fraud is popping up much more frequently in our news feeds.


Clinton Supporters Totally Want To Repeal The Second Amendment. . .Because It Was Written A Long Time Ago :: 08/18/2016

Campus Reform is back, with Cabot Phillips asking Clinton supporters whether it’s time to abolish the Second Amendment at a campaign event in Annandale, Virginia. Of course, most of those willing to participate in these interviews were young liberals, who obviously supported the proposal.


DRGO: Disease-Free Zone :: 08/18/2016

I’m so excited—I’m going to live forever.  Today I declared my body a Disease-Free Zone.


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