proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB262

Title: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders.

Description: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Feb 20, 2025

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CPRC - We adjust for population with murder rates. Why not for mass shootings? :: 08/01/2016

Many believe that the United States is unique in terms of mass public shootings. Even after the attacks last November that left 130 dead in Paris, President Obama had the gall to claim, “We are the only advanced country on Earth that sees this kind of mass violence erupt with this kind of frequency.”


For Donald Trump, Victims Lives Matter :: 08/01/2016

For the past year, I wanted anyone but Trump.  After Indiana, I submitted. Cruz was just not appealing enough. Trump resonated with the vast swath of the No Longer Silent Majority.


Germany sees record requests for self-defense weapons amid fears of lone-wolf attacks :: 08/01/2016

Requests in Germany for self-defense weapons permits are hitting record highs in 2016, police data reveals. Firearms ownership experts say people wanting to purchase non-lethal weapons come from all sections of society, “be it workers or professors.”


It's about time for Texas guns on campus law :: 08/01/2016

Monday marks the 50th anniversary of the 1966 sniper shooting that left 14 dead at the University of Texas at Austin.  The killer, a former marine, murdered his wife and mother before going to the UT campus and shootings his victims from the clock tower.


Most Nevada sheriffs against gun background check initiative :: 08/01/2016

LAS VEGAS (AP) - Sheriffs in most Nevada counties have come out against a background check initiative that gun control advocates are supporting on the ballot this November, but the top cop in the largest police agency in the state says he'll sit this one out.


Protect our economic and personal freedoms :: 08/01/2016

From ballooning national debt and spending on the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid entitlement programs to the thousands of regulations imposed each year to efforts to strip Americans’ gun rights to enhanced spying on American citizens through the National Security Agency and others, government continues to grow and become more intrusive in our lives.


Socialist Lies Leave Our Children at Risk in School :: 08/01/2016

What does President Obama do? The President’s children are protected by many men with guns. Our First Lady, Michelle Obama, said the same thing at this years national Democrat nominating convention. She said, “Big men with guns take my children to school.” What is good for the Obama family is also good for us and our children. Strangely, some of the speakers at the recent Democrat nominating convention disagreed with our president. Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy said our children should be left unprotected.


So Conservatives, What Have We Learned From This Trump Thing? :: 08/01/2016

The primaries are over and Trump is the nominee, and instead of whining about it like a Millennial faced with having to get a job we need to step back and ask ourselves if we have learned anything from this bizarre turn of events. The GOP – our GOP – has nominated someone who is not a traditional conservative. He’s not even an untraditional conservative. Hell, there’s probably not even a “c” or a “v” in whatever he is. So we can either try to figure out what happened or keep rending our clothes and gnashing our teeth about how our own voter base took one look at us and rejected us like any sober, sighted guy in a bar at 7 p.m. would reject Lena Dunham.


This Unlikely Group Is Surprisingly Pro-Gun :: 08/01/2016

Home defense is one of the most common reasons for buying a gun. Home invasions are rare, but if you do become the victim of one a firearm is a powerful equalizer. Used properly it can cancel out superior numbers or greater physical strength, and let you handle an assault that, unarmed, you’d have been overwhelmed by.


Do Democrats want to disarm minorities? :: 07/31/2016

On Tuesday night, the mother of Trayvon Martin praised Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia for having “the courage to lead the fight for common-sense gun legislation.”  Numerous other speakers also raised the gun control issue at the DNC, too.  But Wednesday night was clearly “gun night.”


Shots Fired :: 07/31/2016

When the subject is guns, politics trumps history.  Pamela Haag calls gun makers “merchants of death." And America's love affair with guns, she says, didn't really start until the late 1800s, when the "merchants of death" convinced Americans that they wanted guns. She describes how gun makers were innovators in advertising, using promotional materials to lure Americans into buying firearms, even deploying skilled marksmen and trick-shot artists to show off the guns.


The latest gun owners are the new silent majority :: 07/31/2016

Gretchen Lager's fondest childhood memories involved shooting bullets at tin cans and balloons along the Slippery Rock Creek in western Pennsylvania - but one day in 1995, guns became a far more menacing presence in her life.


Are We All The Militia? :: 07/30/2016

The Second Amendment stirs more vitriolic debate than any other amendment.


Concealed Carry Permits Reach All-Time High :: 07/30/2016

There are over 14.5 million Americans that have a concealed carry permit. That’s an all-time high, according to John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center. It’s an increase of 1.73 million this year alone, breaking the previous record of 1.69 million last year. Overall, Lott says there’s been a 215 percent increase in concealed carry permits holders since 2007. 


Defending against terroristic mass murder :: 07/30/2016

My friend Rich Grassi is a retired cop, a masterful instructor, and one of the best writers in the tactical field today. He recently wrote that it would be wise to carry a gun all the time, given the spate of terroristic mass murders in this country and elsewhere. Someone wrote back that the likelihood of being able to stop such a thing was less than that of winning the lottery.


How Much More do They Expect us to Compromise on Gun Rights? :: 07/30/2016

I always hear gun control proponents ask, “Why won’t the pro-gunners compromise? Why won’t they give into something?” Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how long it takes to get a suppresser for my gun, so that if God forbid there’s ever a home invasion and I have to shoot the intruder I don’t blow my eardrums out?


On Guns, The Contrast Between Party Platforms Is Stark :: 07/30/2016

With both the Republican National Convention (RNC) and the Democratic National Convention (DNC) now behind us, the gap between the Democratic and Republican party line on guns has become even more stark. A brief comparison of the party platforms illustrates the divide.


This Concealed Carrier Saved An Officer Under Attack :: 07/30/2016

An concealed carrier in Ohio has been presented with the Citizen’s Award of Valor for stepping in with a drawn handgun to stop a meth abuser who was fighting a Mount Vernon officer for control of the officer’s gun.


Citing Dallas attack, Texas police seek to restrict open carry :: 07/29/2016

With the ability to openly carry handguns taking effect this year, some in the law enforcement community are asking lawmakers to take a harder look at the practice after a deadly shooting.


Clinton's speech to DNC shows eagerness to amend Constitution :: 07/29/2016

Hillary Clinton has now accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination to run as their candidate for president.  In her speech on Thursday, she laid out her case for our votes, balancing her time giving anecdotes about her own life with explanations of how she isn’t Donald Trump.


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