proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB262

Title: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders.

Description: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Feb 20, 2025

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Latest News

Poll: Support surges for stricter gun laws :: 06/30/2016

More than half of registered voters support stricter gun laws in the United States, according to the latest results of a nationwide Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday that also found strong levels of support for background checks and for preventing people on government watch lists from purchasing guns.


You Stopped Mass Murder in May :: 06/30/2016

It took the Orlando Police three hours to stop a mass murderer in a gay nightclub.   Armed citizens like you responded in seconds.  This happens not once, but time after time, and month after month.  Again, you stopped mass murder in May of 2016.  Similar reports from earlier months are listed here.


Anti-Gunners: PA Congressman Doyle Leads Local Rally For Congressional Action On Gun Violence :: 06/29/2016

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — If Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan refuses to schedule an up-or-down vote on “No Fly No Buy” for terrorists and universal background checks for gun purchases, another sit-in like that last week in the House is likely.


Fast and Furious: More Bodies From Eric Holder? Phoenix Gun Tied To Paris Terror Attacks :: 06/29/2016

Judicial Watch has confirmed that one of the AK-pattern rifles used in the November 2015 Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and wounded 368 came from Phoenix, home of Eric Holder’s weapon smuggling plot known as Operation Fast and Furious.


Hollywoods Bad History With Guns :: 06/29/2016

Hollywood has long misrepresented guns and gun owners in their films. With the very vocal anti-Second Amendment attitude — stemming mainly from Hollywood and the mainstream media and heating up in recent years — don’t expect those misrepresentations to change anytime soon.


MSNBC Online Poll: Concealed Carry Wins 449K to 19K :: 06/29/2016

An MSBNC online poll asking if “people should be allowed to carry guns in public” found that 449K respondents said “yes,” with only 19K respondents saying “no.”


New Rapid Mass Murder Research :: 06/29/2016

Cleveland-area police trainer Ron Borsch has been a friend of mine for many years.  Ron has studied the “active killer” phenomena in greater depth than anyone I know.  He recently published his latest statistical analysis of such events.


N.J. gun rights leader questions Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman about her sons gun crimes :: 06/29/2016

TRENTON >> A North Jersey gun rights advocate questioned Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman about her two sons’ armed robbery convictions during a gun violence prevention event in Trenton.


That day I became a Democratic stooge :: 06/29/2016

WASHINGTON – The House Democrats' anti-gun sit-in last week included one of the more embarrassing moments of my journalism career.


The Case for More Concealed Handguns :: 06/29/2016

In a new Gallup poll released, a nearly two-to-one margin of Americans (64 to 34 percent) think that increasing the number of people carrying concealed handguns will help prevent terrorism. Even 45 percent of Democrats agree.


Depending on Federal Judges to Protect Your Gun Rights Is a Bad Plan :: 06/28/2016

Defenders of the Second Amendment often use federal lawsuits in an attempt to protect their right to keep and bear arms.


DRGO: Organized Medicine Continues to Scorn Gun Owners :: 06/28/2016

I’m a longtime member of the American Medical Association and of my specialty organization, the American Psychiatric Association.  Without their activism, the medical profession would long ago have been reduced to an over-regulated trade, patient rights would be much less respected, and diagnosis and treatment guidelines would be less well validated.


Law Professor Demands Repeal Of Outdated Second Amendment, Makes Very Weak Case :: 06/28/2016

The massacre in Orlando has prompted many demands for still more laws intended to prevent deranged killers like Omar Mateen from getting their hands on firearms. It has also occasioned more radical ideas, including the repeal of the Second Amendment.


Orlando Police Held Positions As Islamic Terrorist Reloaded And Victims Bled Out :: 06/28/2016

Authorities are finally releasing some documents regarding the deadliest domestic Islamic terrorist attack since 9/11, and what we’re seeing of in the timeline is heartbreaking, suggesting both poor police training and leadership.


Rep. Gohmert: Orlando is to guns as Boston was to pressure cookers :: 06/28/2016

During a recent rant about the behavior exhibited by House Democrats, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), indicated their energy, which has been focused on gun control, is in all the wrong places.


That Democrat Gun-Control Sit-In? Now Here's What Nancy Pelosi Wants You and Your Family to Do :: 06/28/2016

On the heels of the House Democrats’ highly-publicized gun-control sit-in, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has announced a plan to stage a “national day of action” against gun violence — featuring “family sit-ins.”


UPDATED: Want a Gun-Free Zone? Tennessee Says That's on You - LITERALLY :: 06/28/2016

Heading into law this Friday is Tennessee’s Senate Bill 1736, which will put into action something gun owners have been encouraging for years.


944 law enforcement guns lost since 2010 in CA :: 06/27/2016

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) -- An alarming new investigation found that nearly 1,000 guns that belonged to law enforcement in California went missing, with many still unaccounted for. And in the worst case scenarios, those guns are used in crimes.


Americans divided on gun legislation, but favor assault weapons ban - sort of :: 06/27/2016

Views on gun rights are split down the middle for Americans, but more lean in favor of an assault weapons ban than in opposition of one, a poll by The Wall Street Journal and NBC News finds.


Charlie Daniels shares his feelings on God, gun control :: 06/27/2016

If you ask Charlie Daniels a question, expect an answer.


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