proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB745

Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for residents.

Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for residents.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 27, 2025

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Latest News

Students debate concealed carry on campus :: 01/15/2016

Despite the 50-degree weather, nearly 100 students and faculty milled about the Marshall Student Center Amphitheatre on Wednesday night waiting for the debate to begin.


California moves to criminalize cops leaving guns unsecured in cars :: 01/14/2016

Following two high-profile murders with guns stolen from law enforcement vehicles, a state lawmaker is seeking to have them secured under threat of a $1,000 fine.


Chicago's Bloody Start To 2016: More Than 100 People Shot In Ten Days :: 01/14/2016

I wrote a while back about bloody weekends becoming the new normal for Chicago. It seems like weekend after weekend, especially ones including holidays, the Windy City becomes the gun violence-riddled dystopia President Obama and other anti-gunners harp about whenever they politicize a mass shooting to push for more restrictions on our constitutional rights.


DRGO: Executive Action, Gun Control and Mental Illness: Too Little is Still Too Much :: 01/14/2016

President Obama is now using executive actions to fill in certain “gun safety” gaps in our present hodgepodge of laws and regulations. One might wonder whether he is motivated not only by the possibility of “saving just one life” but also by the fact that most of the nation disagrees with him about the need for further gun control and about his right to rule by fiat.


NRA's Wayne LaPierre Challenges Barack Obama To Televised Debate :: 01/14/2016

Wayne LaPierre says that President Obama has chosen to attack what he misunderstands most about America—the Second Amendment, gun owners and the NRA.


Open Carry Tactics May Be Backfiring Onto Concealed Carriers In Texas :: 01/14/2016

We tried to tell open carry advocates in Texas that their tactics of open carrying long guns into restaurants, stores, and other establishments were causing problems, not winning converts.


O'Reilly 'Reasonable' Gun Law Bluster Doesn't Factor in Principled Defiance :: 01/14/2016

USA –  -( Adhering to a pattern he routinely employs to make it look like his opinions occupy a sensible middle ground, Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly lulled some viewers into believing his “The Truth About Guns in America Talking Points Memo” on Obama’s executive actions on guns offered solutions both sides could accept.


PA Senate Hearing on AG Kane was Theatre of the Absurd :: 01/14/2016

Under the Pennsylvania Constitution, the Governor can request the removal of certain “civil officials” outside of the impeachment process. After the suspension of Kane’s law license, and refusal to resign, a Special Committee on Senate Address was convened to determine if Kane should remain in office without her law license.


Self-Defense Weapons Sales in Austria Jump 350 Percent - Firearms Dealers Say They Know Why :: 01/14/2016

The number of self-defense weapons sales in Austria has skyrocketed in recent months — and firearms dealers say they know why.


We Are All Veterans Now :: 01/14/2016

President Obama spoke to the nation about guns last week.  At first the president said he didn’t want to take guns from honest citizens, and then he said he did.  This isn’t an abstract theory of gun confiscation; this is what we see Obama practice every day.  This is what Obama has done before and what he will do again.  I was first aware of Obama disarming honest citizens when it happened to military veterans.  We are all veterans now.


10 Myths About Guns :: 01/13/2016

This week, President Barack Obama announced executive actions related to guns. Here are 10 common myths about firearms. 


Andrew Napolitano Warns of Little-Known 'Danger' of Executive Action Versus Executive Order :: 01/13/2016

Though the terms “executive order” and “executive action” often seem to be interchangeable, in Judge Andrew Napolitano’s eyes, there is a certain “danger” that comes with executive action.


A New Year and a New Fight for Constitutional/Permitless Carry in New Hampshire :: 01/13/2016

Last week, House Bill 582 passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives with a 206-146 vote.  HB 582 will now go to the Senate for further consideration.


Bernie Sanders Wants to Ban Guns "Used to Kill People, Exclusively" :: 01/13/2016

Bernie Sanders has been taking fire from the left by Hillary and her ilk as “soft” on the issue of gun control. Sanders, a Senator from rural Vermont, has tried push back against this assault while maintaining a cordial tone and level of understanding with the gun-owners back in his home state and across the nation.


DRGO: Obama's CNN Town Hall Disgrace :: 01/13/2016

It was hard to stomach the entire one hour and eleven minutes of President Obama’s choreographed propaganda session “Guns in America” on CNN last Thursday night.


Georgia Democrats Introduce 'Assault Weapon' Confiscation Bill :: 01/13/2016

On January 11, Democrats in Georgia’s state house introduced a bill that bans “assault weapons” and opens the door for the “seizure” of such weapons, along with accessories like “high capacity” magazines.


GOOD NEWS! Hillary Sews Up Support Of Gun Control Radicals :: 01/13/2016

Hillary Clinton has sowed up vital endorsements from the mother of a drug-abusing gun trafficker killed while attempting to beat a neighborhood watch volunteer to death, a former congresswoman and her AR-15 straw-purchasing retired astronaut husband, and last but not least, the remains of a formerly-powerful gun control group that is now barely relevant on the national stage.


Hollywood stars follow Obama's gun control script, tweeting White House talking points on cue :: 01/13/2016

LOS ANGELES –  Hollywood stars make their living delivering lines written by others, and on the subject of gun control many are quoting a script written by an unlikely source – the White House.


Louisiana Legislature To Consider 'Permitless' (Constitutional) Conceal Carry :: 01/13/2016

Flying in the face of President Obama’s recent executive action on gun control, one Louisiana legislator thinks citizens of our state should be free to open or conceal carry…without a permit.


News Station Puts Concealed Carry Permit Holders to the Test in Realistic 'Good Guys' vs. 'Bad Guys' Scenarios :: 01/13/2016

Active shooter situations are usually quick and surprising — so just how prepared are concealed carry holders?


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