proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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West Virginia to see second chance at constitutional carry :: 12/20/2015

After Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin vetoed a measure in March to allow concealed carry of firearms in the state without a permit, another proposal is being warmed up.


2012 Terror Plot Shows Necessity of Citizens Carrying Guns Daily :: 12/19/2015

On December 17 the Los Angeles Times provided details of a 2012 terror plot based on court documents. The plot was not carried out, but the details of it show that an armed citizenry could have thwarted it in its tracks.


A Court Of Law That Rejects U.S. Supreme Court Precedent Undermines The Rule Of Law :: 12/19/2015

New York, NY  -( State governments and local governments that enact or establish antigun laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations must comply with the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings in District of Columbia vs. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008) and McDonald vs. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010).


Anti-Gunners: Does Catholic Faith Dictate a Position on Gun Control? :: 12/19/2015

STRATFORD, Conn. — Many in the congregation applauded when Father Tom Lynch completed his Sunday homily in which he said that all semi-automatic rifles, commonly described as assault weapons, should be banned, and that the Second Amendment is not divinely inspired.


Kurt Russell just dropped Second Amendment TRUTH BOMB on liberal ladies of 'The View' :: 12/19/2015

Actor Kurt Russell doubled down on his recent comments where he said people who think gun control would prevent terrorism were “insane.”


Media Bias: They do want to take your guns; Seattle Times editorial proves it :: 12/19/2015

UPDATED - Today’s editorial page in the Seattle Times effectively puts the lie to any claim from the gun prohibition lobby – for which an alarming number of newspaper editorial boards now serve as cheerleaders – that “nobody wants to take your guns” by demanding that the state ban “assault-style weapons” and magazines that hold more than ten cartridges.


Obama Has This BIG Plan To Start Off The New Year, Many Americans Will Be Furious :: 12/19/2015

President Obama is expected to issue a executive order decreeing new gun control measures early in the new year.


Steven Seagal named head of California Rifle and Pistol Association :: 12/19/2015

The well-known martial artist and film star was recently named the director of the National Rifle Association’s affiliate in California and pledges to fight back for gun rights.


Talking Points For The 30-Round-Magazine Debate :: 12/19/2015

Depriving the public of gear as a way to stop murderers is misguided, puts you at risk and at its core, is a thinly disguised effort to get to zero-round magazines—in the false and dangerous belief that disarming innocent people will finally disarm criminals.


Yes, This is a Clue We Have New Gun Owners :: 12/19/2015

Some California gun shops told me gun sales were up by over 400 percent the last several weeks.  Other shops described a change in the type of customers entering their stores.  An unusual number were new customers.  They estimated 30 to 40 percent of their customers were first time gun buyers.  These new gun buyers were also different in another important way.  They did not want to buy their gun and put it on a shelf “just in case”.  These recent gun buyers immediately asked about firearms training.  I imagine, but could not confirm, that gun shops with a shooting range and classrooms saw a larger surge in sales compared to the shops who did not.


Arm yourself, America :: 12/18/2015

There have been three major “lone wolf” Islamic terror attacks inside the United States since last year.


Congressional Republicans Just Rebuked the State Department's Fight Against 3D Printed Guns :: 12/18/2015

Republican members of Congress have taken aim at the Obama administration with their latest move involving a highly-contentious fight between gun rights advocates and the State Department.


Democrats Propose Federal Gun "Buyback" Bill . . .With Only $360 Million? :: 12/18/2015

The Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act, which was reintroduced this week by Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-N.J. above), is the latest attempt by Democrats to address gun violence,” reports. “The bill has 22 co-sponsors.” The lunacy of this proposal is staggering.


DHS Official: Using Terror Watch Lists To Infringe On Second Amendment Rights Would Not Be Appropriate :: 12/18/2015

As we’ve seen after the horrific San Bernardino shootings earlier this month, President Obama and the Democrats want to integrate terrorism watch lists into our national background check system for gun purchases, despite the glaring lack of due process inherent within these webs of secret government lists; lists that would strip Americans of their constitutional rights on the mere suspicion of being terrorists.


Media Bias: CNN Reporters Come Out for Gun Control :: 12/18/2015

You know that a reporter supports gun control when he or she says that government officials who don’t stamp their feet for gun control lack “courage.” It’s not just because some reporters flatter themselves by thinking that they occupy the moral and intellectual high ground on every issue under the sun.


RUBIO: Second Amendment right to bear arms grows more important :: 12/18/2015

Since our nation’s founding, all 44 of our presidents have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Most have understood that this means the entire Constitution, not just the parts they like.


The ACLU Finally Supports Real Liberties :: 12/18/2015

It wasn’t until last week that I realized the ACLU opposed gun control. The co-chair of the Colorado ACLU announced his support for use of guns in self-defense on Facebook.


The Truth About European Gun Laws :: 12/18/2015

Gun control advocates like to compare the United States with Europe. They claim Europe’s low homicide rates are due to  their “tough” restrictions on gun ownership, use and carry. They ignore historical context. In fact, the laws restricting gun rights were implemented between World War One and World War Two. According to Don Kates . . .


Wall Street's Big Guns: Why Cerberus Sticks With Its Firearms :: 12/18/2015

Way up in a New York high-rise, inside the headquarters of Cerberus Capital Management, Stephen A. Feinberg had reached a sobering conclusion: The guns had to go.


Brevard County Sheriff: 'The Only Thing That Stops a Bad Guy with a Gun Is a Good Guy with a Gun' :: 12/17/2015

Sheriff Wayne Ivey of Brevard County, Florida addressed the San Bernardino terrorist attack in a Facebook video saying that world leaders need to “stop worrying about being politically correct” and asserting that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”


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