proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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My Fellow Liberals, Don't Support Obama's Terror Watch List Gun Ban :: 12/07/2015

The president is pushing for a law to stop people on terror watch lists from purchasing firearms. But these lists should give us pause—especially if they deprive people of rights.


NJ2AS UNDERCOVER Video Investigation Exposes Corruption & Discrimination in NJ :: 12/07/2015

New Jersey –  -( I took on the role as the president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) with the expectation I will be promoting the free exercise of the Second Amendment in New Jersey; I never in my wildest dreams expected to uncover and expose such levels of discrimination and corruption that you will only read about in history books.


NYT: Americans With Assault Rifles Should 'Give Them Up For The Good Of Their Fellow Citizens' :: 12/07/2015

Well, it seems the media’s horrific campaign of inaccuracy hasn’t stopped. According to Reuters, for the first time in nearly a century, The New York Times editorial board took their plea for gun bans to the front page on Saturday, calling our nation’s inaction on gun control a “moral outrage and a national disgrace.”


One San Bernardino Witness to Shooting Was Armed :: 12/07/2015

An eyewitness to the mass shooting that occurred at the Inland Regional Center reported that he stayed put in his business and protected his employees and others in the area. This is a fantastic example of the reality of being responsible in an active shooter situation and it echoes a recent statement by another concealed carrier on the campus where the Oregon shooting took place. Observe, assess for threats, and otherwise stay put . . .


Rubio and Bush reject calls to bar people on 'no-fly' list from buying guns :: 12/07/2015

Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush on Sunday rejected calls to ban people on the national “no-fly” list from buying guns.


Sen. Chuck Schumer to push new vote on bill to stop terror suspects from buying guns in wake of San Bernardino shooting :: 12/07/2015

Sen. Chuck Schumer said he'll push for a new vote this week on a bill to stop terror suspects from buying guns.


The LA Times Threatens Americans With Gun Confiscation :: 12/07/2015

Now that The New York Times has broken cover and called for gun owners to “give up” so-called assault weapons “for the good of the country,” the rest of the assault media is coming out of the confiscation closet. The LA Times Capitol Journal features an article entitled Lax gun policies are hitting America where it hurts. Reporter George Skelton [above] has penned a post that’s boilerplate pro-gun control. Until he drops this . . .


Three U.S. Islands with Strict Gun Control and their Murder Rates :: 12/07/2015

Arizona – -( Strict controls on the ownership and use of guns have been enacted in a number of polities in the United States.   One of the supposed purposes of such laws is to reduce the murder rate.  Murder rates in the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) consist of murder and non-negligent manslaughter.


ATF Says Weapons Used in San Bernardino Shooting Were Illegal in California :: 12/06/2015

More information about the San Bernardino massacre is trickling out as federal officials investigate details surrounding the attack on a county employee Christmas party.  Many people, including myself, were curious about the firearms used since California has notoriously strict gun regulations. Reports of "automatic weapons" and even "semi-automatic assault-style weapons" seemed to be disconnected from California's almost uniform prohibition on such firearms.


Fox News Reporter Corners WH Spokesman With Perfect Question That Exposes Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda :: 12/06/2015

There’s one thing that gun owners and gun enthusiasts know about California gun laws: California has some of the strongest gun laws, gun regulations and gun prohibitions of any state in the union.


Murders are at a record low and falling in the U.S. :: 12/06/2015

The New York Times front-page editorial asserts a "gun epidemic," which is an odd phrase, unless you think guns themselves — not deaths or shootings — are an evil.


NRA Comes Out Swinging Against NY Times' Demand for Gun Confiscation :: 12/06/2015

Well that certainly didn’t take long. Following the shooting in Newtown, the NRA stayed on the sidelines for almost a week, trying to allow the families time to grieve and heal before they were thrust into a fight over gun control.


President Obama Chastises Congress for Gun Control Failures, Makes No Executive Actions :: 12/06/2015

In a speech tonight made in the Oval Office, President Obama once again proved that he does not have the backbone to move on gun control without the backing of Congress, and chose instead to chastise their lack of action rather than pursuing executive actions himself.


7 Reasons You Should Buy a Gun After San Bernardino :: 12/05/2015

You should buy a gun. You should learn how to use it. You should buy sufficient ammunition. You should get a license to carry, if you can.


Gun control is not the answer :: 12/05/2015

Even before the bodies were cold in the San Bernardino mass shooting, President Obama called for more gun control. He urged Congress to pass a law banning firearms purchases for people on the Transportation Security Administration’s unaccountable, unconstitutional no-fly list.


Guns: What Does the Bible Really Say? :: 12/05/2015

Rev. Gary Hall once called on lawmakers in Washington to stop fearing the gun lobby and fulfill their "moral duty" to restrict guns: "Everyone in this city seems to live in terror of the gun lobby," Hall said. "But I believe that the gun lobby is no match for the cross lobby."


Jeb Bush Says He Is Okay Taking Away Guns Without Due Process :: 12/05/2015

Jeb Bush is going to need to walk this back further than he tried on live television. He was sitting in the center seat on Special Report with Bret Baier and came out in favor of denying people the right to buy guys if they are on the no fly list.


Mother Jones: Left Claims '355 Mass Shootings' In 2015, Actual Number is 4 :: 12/05/2015

On December 3, Mother Jones editor Mark Follman addressed the left’s exaggerated claims of “355 mass shootings” this year and pointed out the actual number is about four.


New York Times Declares War On America's Gun Owners :: 12/05/2015

No one who’s been paying attention will be surprised to learn that the editorial board of the New York Times is calling for confiscation of “weapons of war,” guns that are “barely modified and deliberately marketed as tools of macho vigilantism and even insurrection.”


Police in Chicago Give Hero his Gun Back :: 12/05/2015

On April 17th, John Hendricks reacted quickly and accurately to stop a mass shooting, likely saving numerous lives. Hendricks was exercising his Constitutional rights in Chicago, a town where they had been suppressed for generations. He was taking a break from accepting Uber fares when he saw a man rack a slide on a pistol across the street . . .


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