proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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Stevie Wonder no longer standing his ground :: 11/07/2015

Stevie Wonder is scheduled to appear at Thompson Bowling Arena November 10. The news of his concert may have come as a surprise to those who heard his promise to not perform in Florida, here in Tennessee, or anywhere there is a "stand-your-ground" law.


Against Suicide, Not Guns :: 11/06/2015

One of my older patients killed herself a few months ago.  She had disabling chronic depression and other psychiatric issues, had abused medications and had overdosed dangerously several times, and felt unfulfilled and stressed at home.


Anti-Gunners: GOP Retains VA Senate, Yet Gabby Giffords' Gun Control Group Claims Victory :: 11/06/2015

On November 3, voters kept the Virginia Senate in the hands of pro-gun Republicans, yet Gabby Giffords’ gun control group–Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS)–claimed victory because a Democrat they supported won a seat vacated by a Democrat.


Armed Citizens and the 1966 University of Texas Sniper Attack :: 11/06/2015

The August 1, 1966, sniper attack at the University of Texas at Austin bears little resemblance to more-recent campus shooting sprees (e.g., Virginia Tech and Umpqua Community College). Rather than walking from classroom to classroom, executing victims, the shooter used a scoped rifle to pick off victims from an elevated position. Police officers on the ground quickly realized that their handguns were of little use against a sniper barricaded in a tower . . .


Defending self-defense on campus :: 11/06/2015

The Gorillas for Concealed Carry club braved the pouring rain and cold weather to host an information booth on the south side of the student center on Friday, Oct. 30. 


Do You Patronize Businesses That Undermine Your Freedoms and Values? :: 11/06/2015

When my husband and I arrived at the door of a local restaurant that came highly recommended to us, we couldn’t believe our eyes.


Law Groups Debate Gun Control :: 11/06/2015

Two Harvard Law School organizations debated gun rights and regulations at a Colloquium on Gun Control this Thursday night. The Federalist Society, a conservative, moderate, and libertarian group, argued for the preeminence of the Second Amendment in granting citizens the right to bear arms, while the American Constitution Society, a progressive organization, contended that guns’ detriments outweigh their benefits.


Sheriffs fire back at bullet-capacity limit :: 11/06/2015

A Los Angeles ordinance signed into law by Mayor Eric Garcetti in August and which bans the mere possession of firearm magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds does not sit well with county sheriffs across the state.


Study On Florida's Stand Your Ground Laws Turns Out To Be 70% Fake :: 11/06/2015

Occasional Bearing Arms contributor Andrew Branca, author of The Law Of Self Defense, has caught a quintet of either corrupt or incompetent sociologists attempting to pull a fast one:


The Real Issues You Won't Hear from the 2016 Presidential Candidates This Election Year :: 11/06/2015

“Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates.”—Gore Vidal


Anti-Gunners Got Hammered in Yesterday's Elections :: 11/05/2015

“As the dust of yesterday’s settle, it’s abundantly clear that [Bloomberg] has nothing to show for his effort except defeat.” — Bob Owens,, November 4, 2015


Ben Carson 'Sees Positives And Negatives' In Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' Law :: 11/05/2015

NAPLES, FLORIDA — Current GOP frontrunner Dr. Ben Carson has described himself as “extremely pro-Second Amendment,” posting on Facebook just last month that he believes gun control policies are more “devastating” than a “body with bullet holes.”


Impact of Pa. Supreme Court election will be 'felt for the next 20 years' :: 11/05/2015

Tuesday's election of three Democrats to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court could have far-reaching impacts on state policy, politics and campaign fundraising.


Killers prefer to attack in places where people don't carry guns :: 11/05/2015

Not able to rely on the facts, CeaseFirePA Executive Director Shira Goodman resorts to personal attacks against me (“Don’t Buy into the Fallacies Peddled by the Gun Lobby,” Nov. 1). She claims that I am a “paid spokesman for the gun lobby” and I “represent gun manufacturers.” But she provides no evidence for these outlandish assertions.


Korwin: The Left Can't Pass Any "Common-Sense" Gun-Control Laws Because They Aren't Proposing Any :: 11/05/2015

The rallying cry for gun controllers these days is, “We need to pass ‘commonsense gun safety laws,’ like a universal background check.”


Maybe pushing gun control not so smart after all :: 11/05/2015

The Washington Post yesterday seemed to acknowledge that pushing gun control — at least in two Virginia races decided Tuesday that left Democrats supported by Gov. Terry McAuliffe — “may have backfired by producing a pro-Republican backlash,” something that should sound an alarm for the Hillary Clinton campaign.


Students robbed at gunpoint, pepper sprayed outside library :: 11/05/2015

ATLANTA -- Students are on edge about two separate attacks on a public street within the Clark Atlanta University campus. Both victims were pepper sprayed and one was robbed at gun point.


The Great Gun Control Con :: 11/05/2015

Gun-ban advocates don’t want you to know that gun violence is falling The pendulum of politics swings widely. We see that today as candidates for the Democratic Party nomination for president clamor for more restrictions on lawful gun owners.


UC-Merced Mass Stabbing Victim Now Wants Concealed Carry :: 11/05/2015

A contract worker named Byron Price opened the door to step into a University of California-Merced classroom yesterday after hearing a commotion, thinking that he was stepping in to help stop a fist-fight.


Weeks After Mass Shooting, Oregon County Votes To Nullify Gun Control Laws :: 11/05/2015

If the sheriff of Coos County, Oregon thinks any state or federal gun control law violates his 2nd Amendment right, he doesn’t have to enforce it, according to an ordinance passed this week by county voters.


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