proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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Latest News

Court upholds post-Newtown gun laws in Conn., N.Y. :: 10/19/2015

A federal appeals court Monday upheld the sweeping gun control laws passed by the New York and Connecticut legislatures in response to the mass murders of 26 children and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.


David Anderson: The U.S. Doesn't Need More Gun Control :: 10/19/2015

A few months ago I posted this piece reflecting on a visit I made to the site of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. It generated a fair amount of comment from readers who didn't agree with my suggestion that tightening "gun control" legislation might help to reduce the number of similar shootings in the U.S.


If President Obama orders registration of guns, I will disregard it - Indiana sheriff :: 10/19/2015

An Indiana sheriff has vowed that in case President Barack Obama orders a registration of firearms, he will not comply.


Lib writer: Before you can own a gun, you should have to pass this simple test :: 10/19/2015

News flash for D. Watkins, author of "The Beast Side: Living and Dying While Black in America" and columnist at Chris Rock is a comedian. True, he practices the style of comedy known as observational humor, but his goal is nevertheless to make people laugh.


Look for the right solution to curb violent crime :: 10/19/2015

The media and your social media feed seems convincing: America is awash in unprecedented, senseless gun violence. But did you know that the rate of reported gun homicides in the U.S. has actually plummeted by about half since 1993?


Most Americans want stricter gun sales laws, like handguns :: 10/19/2015

More than half of Americans said they want stricter laws regulating gun sales, according to a survey released by Gallup on Monday.


This Insane Argument Is Why Democrats Think They Can Gut Gun Rights :: 10/19/2015

Poor Adam Winkler. The UCLA Law Professor and author of “Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America” has put forth an argument which asserts changing demographic trends in the United States assures that gun control is a winning proposition for politicians.


Why we Don't Trust the Government with Guns :: 10/19/2015

Critics say gun owners are antagonistic towards the Obama Administration.  I’d agree, and gun owners have good cause.   The Obama administration lied to the American people again and again as Obama weaponized every aspect of government to suit his political ends.


Guns Down Under, etc. :: 10/18/2015

In response to a petition that he not infringe upon Second Amendment rights, the White House replied, “President Obama strongly believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms.” Gun rights advocates have long suspected the president’s position to be one of political convenience.


The "Epidemic Of Gun Violence" Lie :: 10/18/2015

Murder with a firearm is at its lower point in 45 years.


ATF Entrapment II: Chicago Gun Dealer Edition :: 10/17/2015

I’ve railed against “stings” many times in these electronic pages. It’s lazy, inherently corrupt police work that puts the government on a slippery slope to tyranny (creating criminals to control the populace).


Democratic Party Candidates Brazenly Attack Second Amendment During Debate :: 10/17/2015

New York, N.Y. –-( While it may seem a waste of words even to discuss the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential candidates’ positions on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, some elucidation is in order.


False East/West Paradigm And The End Of Freedom :: 10/17/2015

People are desperate for leaders and heroes. This is an undeniable condition of human life and of human civilization. Some historians and social observers, however, seem to think it is enough to simply point out this condition and pretend as if they have made some grand declaration; as if they have come to the root of the problem of mankind. In their laziness, they have mistaken a symptom for the cause.


FBI: As Gun Sales Soared, Violent Crime Fell. Again. :: 10/17/2015

A new FBI report shows that while FBI NICS background checks (a proxy for gun sales) have soared nearly 82-percent over the past 15 years, violent crime has plummeted over 18-percent.


Please Regulate Guns Like Cars! :: 10/17/2015

There is a popular idea that we should regulate firearms the way we regulate automobiles.  Really?  Let’s see where that road leads.  I wrote this for fun, but I was amazed at the ways we infringe on the right to bear arms.  Tell me what you think if we regulated firearms the way we regulate cars.


Pro-gunners outraged over Common Core gun policy lesson :: 10/17/2015

Controversy over Common Core is nothing new, but gun rights advocates are speaking out against an educator study guide called “The Battle Over Gun Control,” accusing the guide as being politically-driven and one-sided.


Black Ink Is Spilling From The Atlantic :: 10/16/2015

Did you know that your right to bear arms is racist? That seems to be the message that the editors of Atlantic magazine want you to take away from an article published in late September, “The Slave-State Origins of Modern Gun Rights.”


California ballot measure seeks to tighten strict gun laws :: 10/16/2015

SACRAMENTO — The lieutenant governor of the state with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation announced a voter initiative Thursday aiming to create even greater restrictions, including making California the only state to require on-the-spot background checks for ammunition sales.


Come And Take Them, Adolf Hipster :: 10/16/2015

As Jenn Jacques noted here several days ago, anti-gun leftists from the White House on down are attempting to exploit the Umpqua Community College mass murder to call for dramatic restrictions on the Second Amendment rights of Americans. Some are even screaming for outright repeal.


Every Picture Tells A Story, Part Three :: 10/16/2015

Four years ago Rob Vance and I collaborated on a post showing the progress of concealed carry from 1986 through 2011. The post was anchored by a graphic that showed the growth in shall-issue carry and constitutional carry as a percentage of the United State population.


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