proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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Lynch: 'No one is safe' from gun violence :: 09/03/2015

Prompted by several recent high-profile shootings this year, which included the deaths of two TV journalists in Virginia and four police officers in Texas and Illinois, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Wednesday condemned the violence and said she and the Justice Department will work to end it.


Does Social Media Increase the Likelihood of Shootings? [VIDEO] :: 09/02/2015

“Police in Sacramento are calling a video that depicts a man firing a gun from a moving car disturbing,” reports. I’d say “helpful.” To wit: “Those in the video were ultimately identified by police as Damon Batson, 28, and Carlos Gonzalez, 25.


Duke Researcher Shows Cars are Riskier Than Guns :: 09/02/2015

Don’t make a silly and controversial memes, like this one. If you do, it might spur people to dig into your claims, and them show you to be a complete and utter fool:


Fatal Firearm Accidents vs Private Gun Ownership 1965 - 2013 :: 09/02/2015

The number of fatal firearm accidents, or unintentional firearm fatalities, have been falling for more than 50 years.  At the same time, the number of firearms in the United States has been steadily rising.


Gun control groups accused of 'swatting' open-carry permit holders, putting lives at risk :: 09/02/2015

Second Amendment groups are accusing the gun control lobby of putting law-abiding owners of firearms in danger by urging people to call the police on anyone carrying a gun in public.


Impose the Same Gun Control on Iran that You Would on the US :: 09/02/2015

It seems that we hear every week, more and more, about one senseless public shooting after another. After each incident, advocates on both side of the firearms issue come out, guns blazing, trying to frame the incident in a way that supports their views on the Second Amendment.


Is mental health to blame for gun violence? :: 09/02/2015

On Wednesday, Aug. 26, a television reporter and cameraman were fatally shot while live on the air in Moneta, Virginia. The gunman, a former employee of the news station, later shot himself and died from his injuries. The gunman's mental health has been called into question since the shooting, as he had a troubling behavioral and employment history.


Jeb Bush: Federal Government Should Not Be Involved in Gun Laws :: 09/02/2015

On September 1 GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush told students at Miami’s La Progressiva Presbyterian that gun control laws should be handled on a state-by-state basis rather than through the federal government.


Joe the Plumber to Father of Murdered Reporter: Don't Restrict My Right to Protect My Daughter :: 09/02/2015

Joe Wurzelbacher (a.k.a., “Joe the Plumber” at writes:


Oklahoma Self-Defense: First Time Shooter Drives off Three Invaders :: 09/02/2015

Carmen Smith had never shot a gun before. The Tulsa, Oklahoma woman used her recently acquired firearm to drive off three home invaders. She did not hit any of the criminals, but the shots were enough to send them fleeing from the house.From . . .


Salon: America Has Reached the 'Gun Control Tipping Point' :: 09/02/2015

On August 30, Salon suggested society may have reached a tipping point, where Americans are unable–or unwilling–to think of supporting any new gun control proposed by “extremes.”


Father of Murder Victim Will Campaign For Gun Control, After He Buys One :: 09/01/2015

The father of the young female reporter killed by a black gay former colleague obsessed with serial killers and imagined racial slights has announced that he is going to make gun control the focus of his life’s work… right after he buys one.


Hillary Clinton is the new standard-bearer for gun control. So let's look at her record. :: 09/01/2015

After Charleston, after Lafayette and after Wednesday's horrific shooting on Roanoke, Va., gun-control advocates increasingly appear to have just one prominent politician actively promising to advocate for them.


Questions anti-gunners won't answer in war of words against 2A :: 09/01/2015

The war of words over the right to keep and bear arms is heating up today, in the pages of the Seattle Times with anti-gun columnist Jerry Large on one side and Kurt Schlicter at on the other, while over the weekend came allusions to Australia-type gun confiscation and a swipe at media and politicians who stir up trouble.


Rasmussen: 68% of Likely Voters Stand with Donald Trump on WDBJ Shooting :: 09/01/2015

Following Donald Trump’s statements that the August 26 shootings of a WDBJ-TV reporter and cameraman were indicative of mental problems rather than a gun problem, “68 percent” of likely voters told Rasmussen they agree with Trump’s assessment.


Should journalists be more activist on guns? Of course not. :: 09/01/2015

Here's longtime CBS News anchor Dan Rather writing on Wednesday about journalists' role in the wake of the latest incident of high-profile gun violence in Roanoke, Va.:


Weird Science :: 09/01/2015

As gun owners see all too often, a favored tactic of the gun control crowd is to provide “scientific evidence” that supports their political agenda to continually undermine the Second Amendment.


Why Utah Is The Only State Trying To Track And Limit SWAT-Style Tactics :: 09/01/2015

The phrase "police militarization" conjures up an image of cops wrapped in Kevlar, barging into homes with semi-automatic weapons. But familiar as that image is, we don't know how common it is. There are simply no good statistics on police tactical operations in America. The federal government doesn't keep track, and neither do the states — with one exception: Utah.


Admission: Background checks couldn't prevent WDBJ tragedy :: 08/31/2015

In what some might consider a stunning bit of candor, spokespersons for two gun control groups reportedly acknowledged to the Roanoke Times yesterday that background checks would not have prevented Wednesday’s carefully planned on-air slayings of two broadcast journalists in Virginia.


An Open Rant Aimed at Those Who Would Repeal the Second Amendment :: 08/31/2015

Talk is cheap, but persuading Americans to surrender their rights will be expensive, difficult, and time-consuming.


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